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Next Unread Topic

Square Wheels

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1 minute ago, Nathan Explosion said:

It was removed in IPS 4.4.x

That wrong because that image is in 4.4.x and checked 4.3.x code with 4.4.x code and there.

	{{if $nextUnread !== NULL}}
		<div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsType_right ipsPager_next'>
			<a href="{$nextUnread->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'getNewComment' ) )}" title='{{if $topic->isQuestion()}}{lang="view_next_unread_question_title"}{{else}}{lang="view_next_unread_title"}{{endif}}'>
				<span class="ipsPager_type">{{if $topic->isQuestion()}}{lang="view_next_unread_question"}{{else}}{lang="view_next_unread"}{{endif}}</span>
				<span class="ipsPager_title ipsType_light ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line">{$nextUnread->mapped('title')}</span>

This from default 4.4.x as see display only if user not viewed the topic before.

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10 minutes ago, newbie LAC said:


4.4.1 vs 4.3.6


As you can see you do know nothing about next unread topic

Yes code copied is from 4.3.6 but the image from 4.4.1 so i do know what talking about ! and if read the template correctly would see what been removed and added. 

{{if $nextUnread !== NULL}}
		<div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsType_right ipsPager_next'>
			<a href="{$nextUnread->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'getNewComment' ) )}" title='{{if $topic->isQuestion()}}{lang="view_next_unread_question_title"}{{else}}{lang="view_next_unread_title"}{{endif}}'>
				<span class="ipsPager_type">{{if $topic->isQuestion()}}{lang="view_next_unread_question"}{{else}}{lang="view_next_unread"}{{endif}}</span>
				<span class="ipsPager_title ipsType_light ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line">{$nextUnread->mapped('title')}</span>

	{{if $nextUnread !== NULL}}
		<div class='ipsGrid_span6 ipsType_right ipsPager_next ipsPager_noDesc'>
			<a href="{$topic->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'nextUnread' ) )}" title='{{if $topic->isQuestion()}}{lang="view_next_unread_question_title"}{{else}}{lang="view_next_unread_title"}{{endif}}'>
				<span class="ipsPager_type">{{if $topic->isQuestion()}}{lang="view_next_unread_question"}{{else}}{lang="view_next_unread"}{{endif}}</span>

so let review the facts it works in 4.4.x 

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3 hours ago, Square Wheels said:

How much would it be?  Also, I suspect you could put it in the marketplace and sell a few more too.

It would be $60-$120 as a custom plugin, but I could provide a discount if I post it on the marketplace to.

You can message me here if you're interested and I'd be happy to work with you!

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  • 2 months later...

@Lindy, I can't tell you how much this has ruined my browsing experience.  I have no idea what the next post will be, I click Next Unread Topic, then look in my browser tab hoping I can decipher what the topic title is, if not from the browser tab, then from the last post or two that is visible, or maybe I need to scroll all the way to the top to see.  It really is a terrible experience.  Also, this does not apply to mobile as there is no browser tab, just lots of guessing.

I heard this was done for big boards.  What qualifies as a big board?  Number of online users?  Total number of posts?  I have one site with more than 3/4 a million posts.  It's no faster now that this really useful option has been removed.

If you'd consider adding it back, I'd be grateful.  Even as an option.

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  • Management

I'm confused as to how this is such a game changer... there was no way to advance to the next NEXT unread topic before (skip one you didn't like), so what did you do when you could see the title but didn't want to click? I'm not trying to get smart with you; I'm genuinely trying to understand the impact. Unless the title determined whether or not you'd ever click the next unread link again, I can't understand why this would have so much influence. 

We did test a few other methods to make this more efficient and considered leveraging the search index, but ultimately, the title never existed before it was introduced at some point in v4 and it has a notable effect on performance. The reward vs impact just wasn't there. 

In regards to a customization - an author can certainly create a plugin for you, however, we do not allow things in the marketplace that remove things we purposely removed. 

I'm sorry I don't have better news for you. 😞 

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@Lindy, I open my site by going to the default "Unread Content" link.

From there I can clearly see the title of the first topic, I click the icon next to it and go to the first unread post - perfect.

Then at the bottom right I see "NEXT UNREAD TOPIC", but I have no idea what that topic might be.  Maybe it's how to make pasta, maybe it's engine temperatures.  The first post I see says "I worry when the temp hits 180 degrees".  From just that should I reply, "you really should wait until the water boils" - for pasta, or "that's actually a little on the low side, you might need a new thermostat" - for an engine temp?  Clearly I am neither a chef nor a mechanic, nor very good at making up examples.  :)

My option is, and the one I often chose, to not bother replying because it can be a huge pain to scroll up if there are a lot of posts.

The site gets dozens of responses to posts every day and I try to at least read them to keep control of the site.

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6 minutes ago, Square Wheels said:

@Lindy, I open my site by going to the default "Unread Content" link.

From there I can clearly see the title of the first topic, I click the icon next to it and go to the first unread post - perfect.

Then at the bottom right I see "NEXT UNREAD TOPIC", but I have no idea what that topic might be. 

Personally, I think that what activity feeds are perfect for. You see ALL recent posts at once and you can decide what to click on from there. “Power users” might open links in new tabs on desktop to keep the overview open. Others might just use the back button to change between entry and overview. It’s not what you are used to, but it should work reasonably well. 

The next unread also doesn’t really work as soon you have more than one app which uses it. 

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