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Members Shop ( Support Topic )


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8 minutes ago, Unlucky said:

Does the refund include a refund for the copyright removal plugin?

If not we want you to fix the issue we have proved on a different site as per our post above.

Please confirm.

Thank you.

Yes you will get a refund on it all, Money is not my master and also please do not install my products on multiple sites as you are licensed for it on only 1, same as most other developers stuff on here

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12 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:

Money is not my master and also please do not install my products on multiple sites

I didn't - I uninstalled it from the first site with the problem and then installed it on a completely different domain.

Then proved the same issue with the points not showing correctly to prove that the issue was isolated to your software.

I will await this refund.

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1 minute ago, Thomas Due Halfdaner said:

I have sent you a PM...

Another problem I found... If i click admin ->  Members Shop -> bonus points ->  Enable For New Registrations -> enable it.. -> Click save -> its still disabled when i come back..

I have already replied mate ?

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21 hours ago, Unlucky said:

I will await this refund.

The refund has been processed, I still you have uninstalled it from your walkingfootball.com website but you still have it installed on the walkingsports.com so if you can uninstall it now please ( Like you said you had done when you requested a refund ) and in the nicest way can you please refrain from buying anything else from me in the future

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1 hour ago, TheJackal84 said:

The refund has been processed, I still you have uninstalled it from your walkingfootball.com website but you still have it installed on the walkingsports.com so if you can uninstall it now please ( Like you said you had done when you requested a refund ) and in the nicest way can you please refrain from buying anything else from me in the future 

I have just come in to work and it is the first thing I have done as soon as I saw the refund confirmation emails.

In the nicest way possible we are more than happy not to purchase anything from you again because in all the years we have dealt with this software and dozens of application developers, you are the first one to have refused to invesitgate and fix an issue even when the problem was presented to you in a clear and concise way.

Good day to you.

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Updated to 1.0.6

New Features

  • You can now rename the points!!! ( FINALLY FINISHED IT ) :D
  • Added a new donation link to the users users drop down menu allowing members to donate their points to any user by typing their name
  • Redesigned the ACP menu for the shop and added tabs so it is not just one long list of settings
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39 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:
  • You can now rename the points!!! ( FINALLY FINISHED IT ) :D
  • Added a new donation link to the users users drop down menu allowing members to donate their points to any user by typing their name
  • Redesigned the ACP menu for the shop and added tabs so it is not just one long list of settings

You are AWESOME! Thanks so very much for this! ?

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Looks like a minor bug at least for me. When i go in to a Member's Record from within the ACP and then try to edit the Bank Balance (I reduced it by one) and hit SAVE, I get an error. It zeros out the on-hand balance and doesn't make the change in the Bank Balance. When I exit out and come back in the original on-hand and bank balance return. I've tried this twice with two different accounts. see pic


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21 minutes ago, JTHastings said:

Looks like a minor bug at least for me. When i go in to a Member's Record from within the ACP and then try to edit the Bank Balance (I reduced it by one) and hit SAVE, I get an error. It zeros out the on-hand balance and doesn't make the change in the Bank Balance. When I exit out and come back in the original on-hand and bank balance return. I've tried this twice with two different accounts. see pic

OK I see it, it's not saving ( I think it's because of the language strings ), If you refresh the page it will show their original amount they don't actually change, I will get a update out ASAP though with a fix for it

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Hi, lots of members have pointed this out and I can't seem to find it in your source code

<li class="ipsNavBar_active" data-active="" id="elNavSecondary_61" data-role="navBarItem" data-navapp="membersshop" data-navext="statistics">
<li class="ipsNavBar_active" data-active="" id="elNavSecondary_60" data-role="navBarItem" data-navapp="membersshop" data-navext="statistics">
<li class="ipsNavBar_active" data-active="" id="elNavSecondary_59" data-role="navBarItem" data-navapp="membersshop" data-navext="statistics">

Each menu item has the ipsNavBar_active class and so they're all highlighted, no matter which menu item you're in. Is this an easy fix?



Is there a way to darken the Background? 


Edited by The Asian
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11 minutes ago, The Asian said:

Hi, lots of members have pointed this out and I can't seem to find it in your source code

Each menu item has the ipsNavBar_active class and so they're all highlighted, no matter which menu item you're in. Is this an easy fix?



Is there a way to darken the Background? 


I will look into that and see what it could be, And also I am working on being able to colour pick the graph backgrounds but it is not that easy to do, the actual background is very easy but it is the text inside what is the problem, They don't actually have a font-color they use a thing called fill and it is not that easy to override, But it is one of the things on the top of my list to work on

Edited by TheJackal84
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Updated to 1.0.7

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug when saving the members points profiles on the ACP
  • Fixed the bug on the navigation menu
22 hours ago, Cyrem said:

Nice update!

I assume though it's not 4.3 compatible yet...


(and the statistics page explodes)

the only problem on 4.3 I have came across is the carousel grid bits, IPS have changed the way it works ( I think to be better for touch screens seeing as now you can drag them left/right with your fingers ), everythng else seems to be working as it should, But until 4.3 final is out there won't be a 4.3 update to my apps / plugins as my main dev site is always going to be the latest supported IPS release and no beta's

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New Upload Installed, when editing "In Bank" value it saves fine however it zeros out the "On Hand" points and won't let me edit that number and save it.


Also, if I edit JUST the "On Hand" points it again zeros it out in the ACP Profile page.

Edited by JTHastings
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5 minutes ago, JTHastings said:

New Upload Installed, when editing "In Bank" value it saves fine however it zeros out the "On Hand" points and won't let me edit that number and save it.

Also, if I edit JUST the "On Hand" points it again zeros it out in the ACP Profile page.

My fault, it was the evox_points re-download it

Just noticed there is now a Compatibility check on the downloads ? updated the info to say 4.2 ( For now anyway )

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