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6 minutes ago, opentype said:

Probably. But it’s a different situation. Pages articles have a dedicated image field, so there is a little reason not to use it. Not just for SuperGrid – it’s also the sharer image for Facebook, Twitter and so on. 

I know, but it is very diffucult to explain to my members what this field is all about. And I can't add detailed description as the record field is the same for all databases. I guess I can add additional upload field with better description, but I will have to manually modify all templates then :) My success rate so far is that about 50% of the users bother to upload record image. 

Anyway, it is not super critical, but please consider it if isn't difficult to implement.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, opentype said:

There is a setting “show Avatar” in the settings plugin. 

Thank you! I only just discovered the plugin options (or how to get to them) just now (I'm new to IPS4).

Another question for you, and apologies if this isn't something you can help with, but I'm wondering if it can be changed through the Pages Supergrid template.

On IPB 3.4, it used to be that when you upload an article/record image, it would upload the image with its full dimensions to your server, then downscale for the thumbnail as it appears in the article/record. This doesn't seem to be the case in IPS4 as whatever the restrictions are on record images' thumbnails size, that's what you get (it saves the image directly as the thumbnail size specifications instead of uploading the source image's true dimensions). I thought changing the max image dimensions would change this, but it doesn't seem to (like shown below).


My question is, is there a way using the template to have the record image thumbnail appear at its own certain dimensions in the actual record/article but also have the record image on the frontpage listing be shown at its larger, true dimensions (if the source image is larger than the thumbnail) instead of enlarging the thumbnail (which makes it look blurry)?

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5 hours ago, Jason C said:

My question is, is there a way using the template to have the record image thumbnail appear at its own certain dimensions in the actual record/article but also have the record image on the frontpage listing be shown at its larger, true dimensions (if the source image is larger than the thumbnail) instead of enlarging the thumbnail (which makes it look blurry)?

Sure. SuperGrid can use the thumbnail image for listing views and the full size image for when you open the record. You just need to make sure that your thumbnail image setting is large enough, so the images won’t look blurry.

(And unfortunately, changing the setting won’t affect old images. You would have to upload them again after increasing the values.)

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14 hours ago, opentype said:

Sure. SuperGrid can use the thumbnail image for listing views and the full size image for when you open the record. You just need to make sure that your thumbnail image setting is large enough, so the images won’t look blurry.

(And unfortunately, changing the setting won’t affect old images. You would have to upload them again after increasing the values.)

Figured it out, thanks!

Once I set both values (thumbnail and max dimesnions) to unlimited, it did what I wanted. It appears the template (especially Invision Power's default article template) limits the max dimensions of the image anyhow, so I can upload larger pics for the frontpage listing with ease now. :)

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4 hours ago, Iwooo said:

How can I add text visible only on main page and category view but not on record view?  

Turn off “Show in display template” in the field’s settings. 

2 hours ago, Unlucky said:

Feature Request for a new addition to the super range

Can you do one for clubs?

I think about it. Not sure there is much demand at this point, but it’s certainly doable. 

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Oh, I see what you mean. Sorry, I was explaining what opentype had written to you without actually paying attention to what your request was.

What you'll need to do is edit a template, found under Pages > Templates.

I think you'll need to edit Supergrid Categorylisting > index and Supergrid Frontpage > index. Here's what that the first looks like:

<!-- edited out the code following opentype's subsequent post -->

Add your HTML to that in an appropriate place, depending on where you want it to appear on the page, such as

<h1 class='ipsType_pageTitle'>{$database->_title} – {lang="content_categories_title"}</h1><!-- This bit was already in the template -->
<p class='something'>Whatever you wanted your text to be</p><!-- You've added this bit -->

And then do something similar with Supergrid Frontpage > index.

Edited by Meddysong
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@Iwooo: Feel free to open a new topic for community support regarding Pages customizations. These type of requests are not part of the official support though and therefore shouldn’t clutter up the support topic.  

And in general: no one should post the code from my templates publicly here. After all, that’s the commercial good I am selling. Thanks for understanding. 

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