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4,432 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi there, We're using pages to post a couple of articles a day on different topics. Is there any way for a user to automatically or through choice select to receive notifications when any article is published within a pages database? Many thanks
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 5 replies
Hi All, New user here, I've dug through the forums and I can't find any way to do this. We have a new community and were setting it up to use the Pages and Articles to create a How-To section. This should be forward facing and we want anyone browsing the web to be able to see all the articles. But the attachments to the articles should only be available to members (or specific groups). I can't find a way to do this. I'm sure I'm missing something. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Bryon_S, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I am looking to use the invision community site as an OpenID provider for Epic Online Services but cannot find how to configure it in Invision Community. Is this not supported ? Am I misunderstanding something ? See the information they require here : Best, Max
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I searched and found something named Announcement Block. However, reading through them I'm not sure it's the same thing. So I'll ask. I visited two sites so far who coincidentally are using IPS. Each one of them had an Announcement Banner right at the top of the site. I love that and was wondering how they did that. I went into our ACP and could not find anything even in the Advertisement area. Unless I missed it of course. Anyway, just asking to see if that Announcement Banner is something that is available on IPS. Thanks as always, Ivan
Last reply by Morrigan, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi I don’t remember this being such a problem. But lately it’s been really annoying me that I can’t click the pancake stack until after the scroll bar goes away. I am on mobile iOS. Can anything be done about this? To be fair I think my clumsy thumb just can’t avoid clicking the scroll bar instead of the pancake stack but it feels buggy. Even though it’s probably a fat finger issue
Last reply by Dean_, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hello all, I have a question regarding usergroup permissions, specifically for moderators and supermoderators. I would like these usergroups to be able to soft delete posts and not hard delete information off the server when they are removing topics and posts. Can someone tell me if information is soft deleted or not when they have the permissions to delete in the group permissions? Also, under mod/supermoderator permissions there is an option that says 'Can Manage All Deleted Content'. What exactly does this mean, does this mean that if something has been soft deleted, they would be able to hard delete it? Any advice for setting up mod and super…
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 3 replies
I'm thinking of adding Pages to my forum, but I don't want the Pages installation to become the 'home page', I'd want the forum to be the home page with Pages as an additional section. If I purchase and install Pages, will that automatically become the Home Page or would I have the option of designating that?
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi all, Does anyone know if there is a way to set up the file downloads to be hosted elsewhere rather than through the server? For example, if a user wants to sell photography presets, can we host the files on Amazon cloud and have the download be delivered from there rather than directly through our server?
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 0 replies
I was thinking of using only social log-in handlers for my community when it launches (Facebook, Twitter, Google). I was wondering if this is something you would all recommend or be against for your own community if you were to start it today? Why or Why Not? I was thinking of doing this since those big companies have more robust security vs what I can provide so if somebody were to circumvent the new account registrations through proxy's for my community, they wouldn't be able to do the same with those three. Also, I was thinking of using it cause its 1 less login username/pw to remember in this world of dozens of username/pw.
Last reply by AA15, -
- 1 follower
- 34 replies
I really hope someone here can help me with code edits or plugin (happy to pay) to show going number in Calendar side bar widget. @newbie LAC please help. Current Style Something/Anything like this (example)
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 4 replies
Hello! I need to remove the comment tab header (1 Comment etc) from my database record's template and leave only the comment body. I want my comment to be only the part in the blue box. I tried checking in my templates but I couldn't find the right one, which one do I have to edit? Thanks 🙂
Last reply by Matteo Russo, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Good evening, Could you help me find the Cookies Notice application, as suggested by the uploaded image? Thanks in advance, Regards, Claude
Last reply by Claude, -
- 2 replies
I know IPS4.5 addresses issues with ph version 7.4....but don't know if there are hangups with software using earlier versions of php.... We provide PHP object library (single file PapApi.class.php) that simplifies making the requests to the Post Affiliate Pro API and processing the responses. PapApi.class.php is part of every Post Affiliate Pro (since version distribution and can be found in api folder in your installation files or you can download it in Merchant panel > Tools > Integration > API Integration. Always use the PapApi.class.php from you current version of Post Affiliate Pro to ensure compatibility. To be able to use this c…
Last reply by David Stringer, -
- 13 replies
Hello guys, I created a new database for Ranking some products and I used custom fields for the criteria. The custom field is a number and I want all of them to be listed using this value, so in the database page I set to order the items by that custom field and it should be like: 2002,1816,240,142 etc. But doesn't work, it mix up, if I change the order from ascendig to descening things doesn't change, it mix them again. As you can see I set Sort by the custom field I want but yet, nothing worked 😮 Maybe I am missing something? 😕
Last reply by Matteo Russo, -
- 3 replies
Hi all! We'd like to add the Grid View of recent "Blog" entries as a placeable Pages block. Was hoping the following would work, but all I'm getting is "No Story Entries Yet" (We've renamed the module Stories, and use it for user-written Literature). Any help would be amazing, thanks! We're on the latest 4.4.10. {expression="\IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge(\IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js('front_browse.js', 'story'))"} <section class='ipsType_normal ipsSpacer_both cBlog_grid' data-controller='blog.front.browse.grid'> {{if \count($entries)}} {{$count = 0;}} {{if $pagination['page'] == 1}} <div class='cBlog_grid_row cBl…
Last reply by opentype, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I know you can sell trophies (whether via plug-in or core app...I don't remember yet, still getting my bearings). But is it possible for my members to sell the trophies for actual cash to me? If this has to be done manually, fine...but if I could automate the process...that would be excellent. It is one of the core things I need to do within my site.
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi, Getting beat up about a few things. Wondering if anyone has some clever solves.
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I have my new forum installed on an subdomain which is secured through my host with a Lets encrypt cert however if I load my forums using https: they load but the minute i login on switch pages it reverts to http I have not had this issue with other web platforms such as wordpress not sure if there is a setting i need to change or what but its rather annoying any help would be appreciated Site in question: it loads but ends up reverting as mentioned above
Last reply by Andrew J, -
Download Logs
by Nym- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi there I have a questions that was asked of me by my community and because i could not find the answer i though i would ask it here 🙂 My community has a lot of downloaded content and i was asked if the "Number of Downloads on a file represent the same user Downloading it multiple times?" There doesn't seem to be any way to check this in the AdminCP and if there is ways to configure the Download Log as to what its recording. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated 🙂
Last reply by Nym, -
Store things
by kmk- 2 followers
- 5 replies
1. The notification is show the correct amount so late. There are 3 items, but noticed with 1. After a several actions more appeared the correct items number. 2. How I can set by default this option?
Last reply by kmk, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
How to have a different homepage for guest user with small message and registration field only. And standard homepage or custom pages page for logged in user to show all post and activities. Pretty much same like FB, LinkedIn, Insta etc. that without logging in, guest wont see anything.
Last reply by Adlago, -
- 1 reply
How can search be set to bring back content ONLY with multiple tags? By this I mean, lets say I have 50 images tagged "Italian food" and 25 images tagged "american food". Of those, 3 are tagged "Italian food" AND "american food". When searching, what settings do I need to update so search brings back those 3 tagged "Italian food" AND "american food" rather than bringing back all the images tagged with just one of those two tags (in this case it would be a total of 72 results)?
Last reply by BomAle, -
- 1 reply
Is there an easy way of hiding the 'Support' tab? Also, is there a simple way to rename the 'store'?
Last reply by Meddysong, -
- 6 replies
Hey there, I need to remove the breadcrumb only on a specific custom page which is not the forum but one created by me with Pages. Is this possible? Thanks 🙂
Last reply by Matteo Russo, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Might be a dumb question, but I couldn't find an answer and/or solution. We're using the "Popular now" block on the forum index page, Which is super cool and awesome and really does help grow user interactions on interesting threads. The problem is that clicking the thread title takes the user to the FIRST post in the thread (or seeing the last post in the pop-up window). I would think that the preferred behavior - since there is now circle or star logo next to the topic title - would be that clicking the title would take the user to the first UNREAD post. But it doesn't. I installed the "Topic title to first unread" plugin, But it only applies to the topic…
Last reply by Pavel Chernitsky,