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Matteo Russo

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  1. Hello guys, I created a new custom block and I need to truncate the record title becasue it's too long. I noticed that for truncating the content it works like that: The title tho I have this code {$record->_title} and I don't know whic variant should I use. Anyone can help me? Thanks 🙂
  2. I had the problem when I used the format "number", that's why I found it strange. Logically also to me seemed the right solution for this kind of field. I fixed it using the field "Text" like I said here. ⬇️
  3. Thanks! Worked, but thinking I'd like to remove also the container (padding, border etc) 🙂
  4. Hello! I need to remove the comment tab header (1 Comment etc) from my database record's template and leave only the comment body. I want my comment to be only the part in the blue box. I tried checking in my templates but I couldn't find the right one, which one do I have to edit? Thanks 🙂
  5. Yes! 😉 They told me they're gonna have a discussion on this. Let's see
  6. I even tried formatting the number differently (001, 01, 0.1 etc) when I did set the custom field as "Number". Yet nothing to do, the only way to order it like that, was using my "method" and the Text Field.
  7. EDIT I found a solution for now: I created a new TEXT field and I insert the value like that: X0001816 or X0000016. Always starting the number from right and keeping the exact number of digits (8) and adding a letter (X) to the begin of the value.
  8. Okay got it thanks, they agreed with you also in the suport ticket so I think I must find another way to make it 😄 Thank you anyway guys!
  9. Hi, I changed the settings from the Options tab but nothing happened, still the same 😮 Order is still mixed
  10. Hello guys, I created a new database for Ranking some products and I used custom fields for the criteria. The custom field is a number and I want all of them to be listed using this value, so in the database page I set to order the items by that custom field and it should be like: 2002,1816,240,142 etc. But doesn't work, it mix up, if I change the order from ascendig to descening things doesn't change, it mix them again. As you can see I set Sort by the custom field I want but yet, nothing worked 😮 Maybe I am missing something? 😕
  11. Amazing! Thank you so much 😄 Worked now. This will be also usefull for other little adjustments 😛
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