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  1. I'm seeing the same thing with Chrome. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Found the issue - Joy Rex was right - it was that the domain wasn't registered with LiveChat. Our MAIN domain is, but the specific subdomain wasn't. Thanks Joy
  3. We aren't getting any errors. It just doesn't seem to execute.
  4. I'm trying to get a LiveChat widget/popup working on my Invision site. We have it working on our normal company website, but the java snippet provided by LiveChat doesn't seem to work. There documentation says to paste it right before </body> so I tried this in globalTemplate and it does not work. I tried it also right before </head> as per some suggestions for Java scripts here in the forum. It just doesn't seem to do anything. Am I missing something? Is there something I need to enable? The code provided is: <!-- Start of LiveChat (www.livechatinc.com) code --><script> window.__lc = window.__lc || {}; window.__lc.license = XXXXXXX; ;(function(n,t,c){function i(n){return e._h?e._h.apply(null,n):e._q.push(n)}var e={_q:[],_h:null,_v:"2.0",on:function(){i(["on",c.call(arguments)])},once:function(){i(["once",c.call(arguments)])},off:function(){i(["off",c.call(arguments)])},get:function(){if(!e._h)throw new Error("[LiveChatWidget] You can't use getters before load.");return i(["get",c.call(arguments)])},call:function(){i(["call",c.call(arguments)])},init:function(){var n=t.createElement("script");n.async=!0,n.type="text/javascript",n.src="https://cdn.livechatinc.com/tracking.js",t.head.appendChild(n)}};!n.__lc.asyncInit&&e.init(),n.LiveChatWidget=n.LiveChatWidget||e}(window,document,[].slice))</script><noscript><a href="https://www.livechatinc.com/chat-with/XXXXXXX/" rel="nofollow">Chat with us</a>, powered by <a href="https://www.livechatinc.com/?welcome" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">LiveChat</a></noscript><!-- End of LiveChat code --> XXXXXX is where our license code goes....I took it out to post here. Any help is appreciated.
  5. Could anybody help me figure out how to do this for Downloads categories?
  6. I know a mod was made to add Icons to Pages. I also saw a post about using CSS to do this, but has anyone added Icons to their Downloads Categories in a cleaner way than CSS? Or at least provide better detail on how to do it with CSS? Thank you.
  7. Thank you bfarber, but the downloads section doesn't work well for what we are trying to do. We looked at it, but it just wouldn't organize our data well.
  8. I'm looking for a customization that would allow us to track downloads of files from our forums. Ideally the ability to generate either an email with each download or a summary email each day as well as a log file would be what we want. The idea is to not only know how many times a particular file is downloaded, but also by who and when. We are using this forums as a help tool for our customers, so being able to know who downloaded the files will help us better serve them. Thanks in advance.
  9. I looked around but couldn't find out how to do this or if it was possible. Currently, I can see the number of downloads of a particular file, but I'm looking to know who downloaded and when - so basically a log. Ideally some notifications around downloads would be good as well. Does this feature exist? Thank you, Bryon
  10. At this point, we've changed directions. We decided that Forums actually has all the permissions we need, and although it's not quite as nice as Pages/Articles, it looks like it will accomplish everything we need. I appreciate the feedback and support.
  11. Joel R and opentype. I tried adding a field to my database. That almost does what I want, but not quite. It allows me to hide the attachments via permissions, but not prevent download. Ideally this would be something where the user can see them, but not download until they are logged in. Also, the display format isn't nearly as nice when using the upload field. It just gives a list as opposed to when in the article itself. I'm sure there's some PHP or something that could fix that, but I just don't know how to do it.If I switch to using Downloads, I'd really like to have the look and feel much more like what I can get with Pages and Articles. I'd much prefer to use Pages and Database, I found that I can get to Home>Downloads>Categories to get a somewhat similar view but is there a way to make this the default page under Downloads? Also, Even though I have "View Files" checked off in Downloads for guests, they are still only able to see Categories and not the files in them. So question #1 - is this possible? Show Files, but prevent download in Articles/Pages? And Question #2 - Why can't I see files as a guest even though that permission is checked? And Question #3 - Why am I seeing strange large numeric values in front of my files when I use this new field in Articles/Pages? Thank you very much for your help.
  12. Hi All, New user here, I've dug through the forums and I can't find any way to do this. We have a new community and were setting it up to use the Pages and Articles to create a How-To section. This should be forward facing and we want anyone browsing the web to be able to see all the articles. But the attachments to the articles should only be available to members (or specific groups). I can't find a way to do this. I'm sure I'm missing something. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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