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4,426 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
I put a guest signup widget on my forums. I entered text in it so it looks nice. After that I put this widget on several parts of the site like for example forums, downloads and videos. Today by accident I removed the widget from the "forums". The widget is still present with Downlaods and Videos. But when I wanted to put back the block in Forums the title and text etc. was all gone, empty. So I thought I could copy of the text from the widget in the one present in the Downloads section. Unfortunately it's gone there too, als in videos. All content of the guest sigup widget is gone. I had a look in the database backup I made, and there the text is pr…
Last reply by Black Tiger, -
- 4 replies
I'm wondering if anyone can point me to the the right direction of using doing this. I want to use a copy of my live db and use it on my test site but I cant figure out how to make it work. This is what I've tried so far: Do a fresh new install on a new DB - everything works with no data. Copy the live db to my new test db - I see data but all messed up I then Copy the files from the live site to the new test site - images are there now but the styling is all messed up. I reinstalled the theme - site looks exactly like the live site BUT I cant do anything I cant login as a user, view a topic. I keep getting this error for every single thing…
Last reply by United We Stand, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I need some help and any and all information is VERRY HELPFUL.. I have an active account through invision community and i was wondering how do i make a LANDING PAGE (aka HOME) I was on RuneServer and seen someone had posted a Landing Page Template that you can download and EDIT but the thing is.... now that i have it downloaded i have NO IDEA on how to use it. Where to put code or whatever it is i have to do.. **im currently on my fiances account... please add me on Discord if you would like to further discuss this topic...** MsBeautiful#4752
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 5 replies
Is there any way to make the cover photo bigger? More like Facebook's size. At the moment its really small in height and a lot of people are having trouble getting an image to fit
Last reply by Joel R, -
- 2 replies
I have been trying to embed a youtube video into a post but it does not work as expected. I start a new topic, type a title in for it, paste the youtube URL in and press enter - the video shows in the edit panel (I can play it if I want) and below the edit panel I get a message saying If I click the source button on the toolbar I can see the iframe code as expected. However, when I press the submit topic button the topic title is now blank but the video still shows in the edit panel And at the bottom of the edit panel, I get this message It will not post as the topic title gets erased every time. If I choose the option to Display as a lin…
Last reply by Bulletbrain, -
- 7 replies
I am working on a forums and i was wondering if anyone knew how i could edit the Forum Group Titles? I have an example listed below
Last reply by Bulletbrain, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
A hopefully quick question: when opening lightbox, users are being sent back to the top of the page, often losing the spot they were at in the gallery. Is there a way to open lightbox without this Jump to Top? Thanks!
Last reply by AlexWright, -
- 3 replies
In the member group settings does Maximum Storage apply to files submitted to the Downloads app or only attachments in forums? I would like to limit the amount of Files people can upload to the Downloads App if they are in a certain member group
Last reply by Stephen Bruce, -
- 15 replies
I think this will not be easy to grasp what I'm trying to find out but please bear with me. Since 3.4 days I had an idea about sort of integrating Comments written under Pages' articles and certain Topics within the forum. I never got to it however since 4.4 came out I need to revisit this and find out if its even possible. So... For example. I have a gaming community and each game has its discussion topic. As more and more news popup regarding an upcoming game - they are simply posted into the same topic by various members and it all just goes into this one topic in the forum. As an admin I'm not entirely happy about that because no exposure of it would happens…
Last reply by Maxxius, -
- 0 replies
I have just set up an RSS blog import and it all seems to work pretty well! Even embeded pictures in the post get transfered. The only issue i have, is that the featured image does not get assigned. I am importing from wordpress that also has a featured image but this does not seem to get assigned to the featured image of the IPS blog. Is there any way to fix this?
Last reply by Steph Jensen, -
- 5 replies
Are there any permission settings in club forums and downloads like there are in normal forums and downloads? I want to make it so in a paid club the members can view the forums and get the downloads but not add their own topics and files etc. This would be useful for an e-course for example Also the privacy options seem very limited - why is there no option for people to pay and then get straight in without waiting to be approved?
Last reply by Black Tiger, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Seems there is no easy custom task system build in IPS. Pity. We have a forum part for testing purposes. We would like to remove threads/postings from there every xx time, for example at the start of every new day (00.00 hours) or something like that. Or more customisable. I'm no dev, had a look at development mode, but don't understand any of this. Is what I would like to do possible some way?
Last reply by Black Tiger, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
- 261 views One of my site has issues with IPS 4.4.3 so I don't want to update my another site with 4.4.3. But this stupid message just doesn't away. It's really annoying! Anyone knows how can I remove the annoying message on top?
Last reply by AlexJ, -
- 1 reply
I'm new to IPS, and ironically the back end makes a lot more sense to me than the front end. How do you add blocks to the home page to show something besides the forum categories? And where do you position them as it's not exactly clear where they go?
Last reply by Daniel F, -
- 0 replies
I edited the little message to show guests about my terms. It was working fine but after saving now my terms popup and are dismissed instantly. Nothing clicked, just automatically going away. Too fast to read. This happening to anyone? EDIT: Strange.. now it's working correctly again. This was happening on all browsers. Maybe there is a background task that needs to run before it works correctly. Thank you anyway.
Last reply by SJ77, -
- 6 replies
Hi, Since my domain provider doesn't allow my to change the DNS (contacted them but they don't respond because Italy), I'm trying to use a redirect. I've used both a redirect from my domain and from free domain but I get the same error Denied Connession from [invision url]. Can you help me? Thanks a lot in advance, best.
Last reply by Guglielmo De Gregori, -
- 3 replies
Hello guys, I remember back in 3.4 days it was not possible to select an already uploaded file to a new article during its creation process. Has this changed since then? If not - are there any mods that accomplish that? If not why IPS is making us waste our disk space and time making us reupload same images over and over again when writing articles about the same topic? Thank you
Last reply by Maxxius, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone know or have experience if this can be done? Thanks!
Last reply by AlexWright, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
How can I set the "Remember me" checkbox to OFF by default in the Login form? Most of our forum users are complaining that it's a serious security issue and definitely should be OFF by default.
Last reply by Maya Andersen, -
- 3 replies
I'm feeling a tad dense since I can't seem to figure this out, but... Which permission controls whether the user sees the 'Insert other media' button?
Last reply by Hexsplosions, -
- 3 replies
is there a way to set these do that comments don’t count towards post counts? thanks
Last reply by Wren, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I would like to center image header on tablets. the following code only works for mobile devices not the responsive tablet theme... @media (max-width: 767px){ #elLogo{ display: block; text-align: center; } } Anyone know what I’m missing or how to centre the header for tablets?
Last reply by FASEOFMARS, -
- 0 replies
Seems the renewal message has the same bug as the upgrade message has or had on the forums. If you click the "Not now" button and then set the "Hide renewal reminder" and click "No thanks", then the first time the message bar will disappear until the next page visit or if you switch to another post or section or whatever. Then the message is back and you can do what you want, but it will not go away. At least not when you do this when visiting the forums. When done visiting the admincp it works and the notice is gone. However, it's annoying for admins which are not able to visit the admincp.
Last reply by Black Tiger, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
How can I get my video to fit the block instead of being too small and aligned to the left? I have just copied and pasted the embed code from Vimeo
Last reply by Stephen Bruce, -
- 3 replies
I want people to have to register before they can upload files to the Downloads app. I've checked the permissions and downloads settings on 'guests' and I have the permissions set so they can't upload but when I've tested it they can still upload and it says they can make an account later 'You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account.' Anyone know how to fix this please?
Last reply by Adriano Faria,