Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,503 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Now that version 3.0.2 is released with the Spam Monitoring Service, and CCS and IP.Subscriptions final are just around the corner, I'm guessing that you already got some resources to put for the sake of the next major IP.Board release (3.1). So here are my top suggestions for the next major IP.Board release (Sorted by my own priority. Ease of implementing is considered as well): 1. Improve multi-language support (also for RTL languages!!) Since these 2 features are already implemented in the beta stage I put them as a top priority features request: 2. Bring back the recently activity feature (from beta). 3. Bring back the AJAX search (from beta). 4. Better addo-on…
Last reply by MedfordForum, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I am Invision user for now 6 year; I baught IP.Board perpetual license thinking that perpetual means like other software no extra payement after first one and my first surprise was to see that perpetual means you have the usage of the software for perpetual time not the upgrade nor the support...and you have to pay each year 30$... then I earn, IP.content,, IP.downloads and here you have to pay 90$ for one year support... ok not that expensive? 120$ each year...for company surely not but for artists... and where is the commercial advantage for fidelity? Could be a good idea no to make an "upgrade package", let say for 4 support license you got …
Last reply by sunrisecc, -
- 2 replies
Improve the "Manage ACP Restrictions" For the system settings, and what modules a restricted member can go to..
Last reply by Warzone, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Not that many of my users even understand how to edit the bbcode that's thrown into the quotes -- but it seems to me, in a post edit, if you delete the bbcode for an image, that deletes the image from the post. You have to scroll down (hate that scrolling) and delete the image via the Attachments function. It's not working via bbcode edit now, any chance it could?
Last reply by crabpaws, -
- 10 replies
We have this dropdown at the top right of the site when logged it... notifications. Is this not worthless? Why do we need to know of these system notifications? You got a private message, someone friended, you, etc. WHO CARES? Instead, show the actually MESSAGE right there in the dropdown! I feel this is a redundant feature. It's actually funny how easy this is to find while private messages are a pain to find. Every time I (as admin) friend someone, I get a message that they have started a convo with me. No they haven't! Please clean this mess up.... it's borderline ridiculous. :o
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I was making changes to a default language pack copy but they were not getting to the interface. AndyF gave me this advice in Go back to the Language Manager, and hover over the pack to see the URL. Get the ID out of the end of the url, such as &id=X Go to the Support tab > SQL Toolbox and scroll down to the end, the "manual query" window and run this: UPDATE members SET language = X Replace X with the correct ID for the pack, take care to not get this wrong as odd things can happen if you choose a lang ID that does not exist. …
Last reply by AndyF, -
- 9 replies
I saw a feature on other boards where users could use a spoiler tag so the info in the tag would not show up unless the readers click the "Show Spoiler" button. This is a feature we could use if possible :)
Last reply by THE__DRIFTER, -
- 10 replies
I read the announcement about some of the changes coming in 3.2. The one I am most interested in is ipv6. I have all my sites running on ipv6. Of course after the main page everything else is ipv4. Can you expand on how you are going to implement this? Will we add our ipv6 domain and all requests to will stay on the ipv6 network?
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, Please tell me in 3.2, will fix the problem with the tabs in the user profile?
Last reply by Olivier Turbis, -
- 2 replies
I haven't read anywhere yet but maybe its been addressed. I would think that it would be easy enough to add in the ACP the ability to make birth dates mandatory or not when a new user signs up.
Last reply by SCE_Ghost, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, Invision -- Is the 3.2. feature set frozen? Can you give us a list of features that will be addressed? Are you now collecting these suggestions for future versions?
Last reply by crabpaws, -
- 15 replies
Maybe Im not seeing it.. but is there some option to view all posts/images/blogs/downloads etc that need to be approved? I set the blogs to needing approval before post, but I can't find where to view the blogs needing approval. This is also a problem with the downloads too. It would be really nice to get a notification when I need to approve something, or at the very least a place to check all things needing approval in one place.
Last reply by Arampus, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm pretty excited about all the new stuff in IP.board 3.2. However, I read [url=" blog post a few months ago, and would like more information. Specifically, the post said: Is there any more specific info on this? I have a custom skin for my IP.board forums. It's mostly just custom colors with no layout or functionality changes. (IP.Content, however, is heavily custom-written) Thanks! Jason [*]Will I have to re-do my custom skin for IP.board? [*]Will these changes in IP.Board 3.2 affect my IP.Content skin? [*]How do I determine if my skin will be crushed by an upgrade?
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Since storage for pms is perforce limited, users have to periodically clean out pms. Suggest adding option for download or e-mail of a batch of pms to the drop-down: E-mailing conversations one by one is not sufficient for pm box clean-out. (For end-users, I do prefer the label on the Go button to With Selected, which is not as clear.) Thanks.
Last reply by crabpaws, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
OK. So there has been a recent debate about IPB error message screen just about [url=". I do agree that the error screen need a little bit of redesigning to make it clearer for members. So let me start with why I think IPS should redesign the error screen: 1- because it's just confusing and uninformative " alt="" class="ipsImage" width="1000" height="281"> The title of the error screen and the first line of it don't tell you much. It's just saying: An error occured! well thanks very much! but what is the error? what have I done wrong? the second line would make you even more confused: Sorry, an error occurred....(I know you just said that)...If you are unsure on ho…
Last reply by crabpaws, -
- 1 reply
Some suggestions for you to consider: 1) New Post Indicators A graphical representation of how many new topics/replies there are on the forum index. I've installed it on my sites and it's VERY popular with the members. 2) ACP ability to control the sidebars. Either left, right, both or none. 3) More control over the sidebar, make it so blocks can be easily placed (IP.Content blocks for example) without having to hack the skin or use a 3rd party mod for custom sidebars. 4) Ability to control the navigation menus at the top, and add an extra top nav bar (like you have here), again, with modding or hacking skins. There really should be greater control over your o…
Last reply by Jinkler, -
- 0 replies
this is something I could use, has anyone done this?
Last reply by Dmacleo, -
- 1 reply
Created a demo account to give Nexus a shot, and noticed this: Should be "reCAPTCHA". Loving Nexus, though.
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
For example: ACP > Forums > Manage Forums > Category and Forum Overview The forum list appears to be in a table column with fixed width. If you're like me, with lots of windows open at once, you may not have maximized your browser window. This necessitates horizontal scrolling to get to the checkbox or all-important little circular button on the right. There's no reason for all that empty horizontal space between the forum Please make this and similar areas variable width. It will reduce scrolling and RSI. Thanks.
Last reply by crabpaws, -
- 6 replies
Have been trying to find some info on how the report centre works. Form what I can gather, a member reports, then the staff use the RC to discuss any actions that would need to be taken. However, members can't see what actions were taken (which of course is a good thing) Is it possible to add something that allows the member of staff who closes a report to send a quick message to the member to let him know the outcome of the report. Mainly because as it is now, if a member reported a post, but 2 days later it is still there (even though staff found it ok) he may think we are not doing our jobs. So the ability to let him know via a quick message would be ideal IMO. C…
Last reply by dean84, -
- 1 reply
Per the IPS response to ticket #732674 I would like to request optional functionality for IP.Board to enable reCaptcha on login. This would be something that could be enabled to prevent or block login attacks from bots for a period of time until other permanent and less user intensive methods can be implemented. Would like this to be a simple toggle. Users would need to enter reCaptcha and their password to login. Thanks.
Last reply by Gary N, -
- 3 replies
Hello Dear Guys , I Have Tried Already Many Times Report Some Forums at But Always Needs Reference Number * And i Always Dont Receive It On My Email My Only Method for Report The Nulled Forum Software Link Is Here. Sorry For This MissTake , And Sorry If Its Wrong Place. But i dont Got any Alternative To Report This Forums , i Already Tryied Report On His Host And The Host Replyied Me The Link For Report IPS Nulled Softwares! Here Go Domain Name - <site url removed> Software - InvisionPowerBoard 3.1.2 Nulled Software. Thanks For Patientie! Regards Pedro Vilaça
Last reply by PdrXStaar, -
- 0 replies
I didn't see the option to make prefixes mandatory per forum. Please add this functionality. The vB forum I am going to convert when 3.2 comes out has mandatory pre-defined prefixes in certain forums. Thanks
Last reply by chilihead, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Great "Who's Online" display, showing what people are doing, is accessible from the IP Portal but nowhere else. Suggest it at least be accessible from the Members list page, or be incorporated into the Members list via an easy filter (*not* that awfully complicated Advanced Filters, a widget only a techie could love). (BTW this was a feature of the oldest Unix bbss.)
Last reply by crabpaws, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Suggestion: In the UCP, users can't tell they need to click on "with selected" to perform an operation. First of all, it needs to look more like a button to cue that it can be clicked. Second, verbiage "with selected" is confusing. Recommend "Unsubcribe from checked" etc. be wording in the menu and the button be relabeled "Go." In other words, move the verbiage regarding the specific action into the drop-down and clarify the button. It may be you have a better solution in 3.2. At any rate, please address stuff like this.
Last reply by crabpaws,