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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. You will need to remove the permission from guests after clicking the padlock by unchecking the appropriate checkbox.
  2. This is a setting where you define the reactions in the ACP. You can attribute what point effect a given reaction has, and whether that point effect is positive, negative, or neutral. So, in your community it appears that only the thumbs up adds any points, and the rest are neutral. See:
  3. Are you refering to the leaderboard feature?
  4. From the development of an application or plugin perspective? I don't see why not.
  5. Oh it's possible, but when you get it wrong, whoooooboy. You'd need to update every instance where the ID is stored, and spend a lot of time developing migration scripts for this task. I'd encourage you to not go down this path. The closest thing to a supportable method may be to use the converter scripts to import your content from your existing community into another.
  6. This looks interesting, but it may be more useful to do the same thing as ban--move the user into a separately specified usergroup, which would then not have permission to post in a particular forum or forums, or other permission based content areas.
  7. You can edit the footer template of your theme. Do a search for "privacy" and then add your link similarly.
  8. This is a good idea, Pavel. We've considered something similar ourselves. There are certain areas of our community that members have a hard time controlling themselves in, while they can be model netizens elsewhere. It would be a nice feature to be able to restrict members from a particular forum, and integration with the warning system would be nice. Perhaps Adriano would consider supporting the moderated or restricted statuses as well in his plugin.
  9. Yes, you can remove these for your CEO. It's quite simple. You have two options: As others have pointed out, purchase branding removal from IPS and your theme developer Or for a more inexpensive alternative that addresses the core of the issue for your audience of one, consider: The first option is likely the best alternative for your corporate overlords, especially if you have the type of CEO that likes to scroll up and down repeatedly while looking at their web site. Option 2 doesn't work well with "scrollers." You may need to have conversations about how software licensing works, and note this as a lesson-learned if you quoted the price of an IPS license to your employer early on and did not factor in branding removals in your budget. Your CEO is letting you know what the priorities are, and your job is to consider those priorities as you move forward. This is now a line item you should address with each and every future purchase. Some third-party add-ons also do this branding stuff. Do your homework before saying "Oh, it's only $"
  10. Here's some fun, on just how complex a problem this is to solve: https://mathiasbynens.be/demo/url-regex Also, see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/161738/what-is-the-best-regular-expression-to-check-if-a-string-is-a-valid-url
  11. Yes, you can do this by altering the configuration of CKEditor. As @Nathan Explosion pointed out, defining what the rules are to do so become the challenge. Consider someone that misses a space between two sentences: Would "there.Question" be converted to a link? Why? Why not? How about "everyone...how"? You'd need to develop a regular expression to capture all your use cases and ignore what are probably not okay. In the days where there were a limited number of TLDs, it would have been easier, but now there are hundreds. Using the autolink plugin, you can define a custom link regex for both links and e-mail addresses. The default ones depend on http(s) or ftp as a prefix. You're interested in CKEDITOR.config.autolink_urlRegex. /** * Regex used by the [Auto Link](https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/autolink) plugin to match URL adresses. * * @cfg {RegExp} [autolink_urlRegex] * @since 4.11.0 * @member CKEDITOR.config */ CKEDITOR.config.autolink_urlRegex = /^(https?|ftp):\/\/(-\.)?([^\s\/?\.#]+\.?)+(\/[^\s]*)?[^\s\.,]$/i; // Regex by Imme Emosol.
  12. This looks like we could handle it with a simple plugin. Would such a plugin be okay to release on the Marketplace?
  13. For us, it's usually the member's avatar or profile image, (inappropriate image, or some sort of spam embedded) and/or free-text profile fields ("Selling only the finest watches in <locale> that ward off COVID and increase the length of your nose. Click here!") entered in to something that's intended to be for some other information. Happy to supply the link to thousands of profiles like this on our community. Here's a taste of some on this community that have registered in the past six months: https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/609528-11bet-win-web-cá-độ/ https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/612298-123moviesputlockercto/ https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/610983-a-mobile-maintenance/ https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/611039-adult4pass/ https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/609909-ibackpage/ Just do a member search for "Visitors" registered within the time period of your choosing and have a look. We have the same style of registrations. I suppose these could be potential clients, but my guess is that they're doing the same thing here they're doing on our site--registering to get their information into profile fields in an attempt at SEM nonsense. On our site, they are 100% not legitimate as we do not sell a product we'd be marketing to a company.
  14. Joel's solution would work for one user at a time. If you wanted to reset all subscriptions for all users en masse, that's not an out of the box feature and would be something you'd need to do via SQL.
  15. This seems to have been missed in the back and forth. You should really not use MyISAM. That is not an appropriate solution for this recommendation. Instead, as @bfarber pointed out, ignore the recommendation or change to dynamic row format with InnoDB. https://mariadb.com/kb/en/choosing-the-right-storage-engine/
  16. Profile information that is spammy or offensive. Imagine a new member registering and entering in something completely inappropriate in a free-text field. They never post, but maybe it's a link to something not okay for the community, or contains wildly offensive remarks about another member, or a group of people, etc. etc. We've seen it all. Absolutely should have a "report this member" option on the profile.
  17. One gotcha, is that you need to make sure that your backups have the correct collation set so that emoji characters are not lost upon restore. This got us first time around.
  18. In either case, create a support request in the client area. If you are a Community in the Cloud customer, then IPS will get you sorted. Otherwise, you may need to work with your hosting provider to determine how to allocate more resources during peak usage times.
  19. The sorting on the table that appears in the ModCP and in ACP, is all sorts of jacked up. Nothing makes sense and going through pages of duplicates to find if a person is impossible at the number of entries we see. It appears to be sorting by Member ID rather than display name when sorting the member column. It would be nice to expose the alts at the member profile level, in both ACP and front end site, so you could look from the person rather than seeing if they have a match in the table.
  20. It's a good question, and I've asked it myself when the change appeared with 4.5. My guess is that it boils down to people who lose their way, purchase resources, and then redistribute those resources to others to make them widely available or resell them elsewhere.
  21. I think we're quite off topic from your original question, which has been thoroughly answered: There is no mechanism (by design), in 4.5, in which you can extract purchases from Marketplace and then install them elsewhere without using Marketplace. This is not a function of planned obsolescence, but rather an effort to streamline the experience of purchasing and installing addons for those community administrators that cannot or do not wish to manage code, and to make lives easier from a customer support standpoint. Does this tradeoff come with the issues you've mentioned and more? Yes. Is this good for all communities? Absolutely not. You can tie an internet accessible "test install" license to Marketplace and your production URL to Marketplace and install and upgrade purchases from there, or install things you or others make via the manual upload option. If being able to download and upload code outside of the Marketplace is important to you, for whatever reason, don't buy things from Marketplace. Write and maintain the code yourself, or work with developers directly and off the Marketplace. Pay attention to license terms. Just because you can technically do something doesn't mean it's okay to do so. Just because you have a copy of software in your possession does not mean you can install it wherever and however often you'd like to. You purchase a license to use the software; you do not own it. As a matter of best practices, I'd highly discourage running any code that is no longer maintained for security updates. There have been major security issues in every product you've mentioned, and many of them are end of life and no longer being maintained. Good luck!
  22. This appears to be the same issue as your advertisement background issue.
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