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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. You should very carefully test an upgrade to 4.5 on a separate test copy of your 4.4 community. There are many significant changes in 4.4 to 4.5 and if you use any third-party plugins, themes, applications, translations, etc., things may no longer work, or require reengineering. Going from 4.4 to 4.6 will be at least as painful as 4.4 to 4.5, likely worse. It will include all of the changes from 4.4 to 4.5 and whatever else has been done since then. Best practice would be to backup your database and file storage before any upgrade, maintain a testing environment, and validate that the upgrade works as expected in test, that your dependencies work as expected, and that any add-ons you have in 4.4 upgrade correctly, and are functioning in 4.5. If you'd like to do all that in an upgrade from 4.4 to 4.6, the same recommended practices would apply.
  2. But! You can offer certain customers a 6% coupon code for their valued membership!
  3. This would change the engine to MyISAM, not InnoDB, and would not address the row format that the message displays. I would not recommend going to MyISAM from InnoDB to make this message go away. You run a much higher risk of data loss and corruption with MyISAM over InnoDB.
  4. Noticed you mentioned PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full#accepting-payments See the section on No Surcharges.
  5. I've had a lot of conversations with different entities who dislike payment processor fees, and who inevitably come up with the idea of charging a premium for using a certain method of payment. While I'm sure there are processors where this is not the case, many have terms in their agreements that in order to use them you need to charge the same as payment via another method. As @Jordan Invision pointed out, you might consider repricing your offerings to factor in this cost as a function of conducting business, though it's understandable that you may not be able to do so for competitive reasons. Review your agreements carefully to make sure that you won't run afoul of your payments processor in charging a fee for this that would not apply to those paying by some other means.
  6. Confuse? I reside at the intersection of both. I would totally activate the running away question mark feature on april 1st. 😄
  7. About 73% of what I say is smatterings of nonsense, mixed with a pinch of glerp. 😄
  8. And a question mark in a circle that moves around the page, runs away from your cursor, and if clicked, takes you to a random web site. Plz.
  9. Vaporware until released, and then patched, and maybe patched two more times. Instead, #46:
  10. You may want to consider making these discrete fields that are then combined on display via a template modification in the manner you'd like. So, a date field, a category field perhaps that's a selectable list including "RR." That way, in two years when you decide a better format may be a more appropriate "title," you can simply change the output formatting on your template to reorder or append the additional fields that now are important to you.
  11. Search for cAuthorPane_badge in templates and add whatever logic you'd like for whatever condition you'd like.
  12. Can you provide a screenshot showing what you'd like to do? There are icons per usergroup that you can set out of the box, but these aren't badges. You do this in the group settings: Are you wanting to add a badge (the little blue circle that appears here in the bottom of a member's avatar) to all members (those that aren't "new" or moderators)?
  13. Bob is giving some poor advice. Don't perform schema changing SQL operations via phpMyAdmin. phpMyAdmin can be a useful tool to do some basic row level inquiries/modifications if needed and basic exploration. You should get into the habit of using a proper client on the database server itself for significant write and change commands. Changing the underlying engine of a table is a significant change. Connecting via terminal and using the mysql command would be a far better approach. Command line documentation: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/mysql.html If your host doesn't give you the option to make the row format dynamic (you may be on an older version of MySQL, and/or your database may be using the original Antelope file format and not Barracuda, the newer InnoDB file format required for dynamic row format), and you're not having issues, then you should be okay for now. It's a recommendation but not a requirement. The steps required to do all this are going to require reading up on the documentation and better understanding your specific hosting environment. Take a look at what version of MySQL you're running, the schema properties of your database, and how the database engine is configured.
  14. That screenshot looks like @bfarber is trying to summon something.
  15. What do you mean by "new" icons? Do you mean badges for groups other than moderators/administrators and new members? If so, that would require a template/css customization.
  16. The only other badge is for new members (registered within the last 30 days). /* Change the icon for new members */ .cAuthorPane_badge--new::before { content: "\f2c2"; }
  17. Yes, archiving content (via the archiving function in the ACP) removes them from the built-in site search. If the content is reachable by web spiders (i.e. viewable to guests), you'll still have that content indexed in public search engines, like Google. We don't use clubs this way, but we did convert with blogs that were so numerous that IPS was unprepared to deal with it from the ACP. I'd certainly recommend testing your conversion and seeing what happens when the content is moved over from your existing community.
  18. You may want to connect with @Morrigan, who runs a similar community.
  19. You can adjust it via custom CSS. /* Change the icon for moderators */ .cAuthorPane_badge--moderator::before { content: "\f2c2"; } Use the unicode value of the fontawesome 4 icon you'd like to replace it with. I used id-card as an example above. Alright, Ryan. Time to arm wrestle.
  20. It depends on your web browser, however the concept would be to send requests to example.com/ to the single file of your choosing, and anything else to the IPS handler. This may help get you in the right direction for apache: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/rewrite/intro.html
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