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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. How are you troubleshooting today? What's the way you're looking to improve?
  2. Is this a CIC install, or are you self-hosted?
  3. I thought I saw some regressions when doing code compares between 4.6.8 and the first 4.6.9 beta. While you're revisiting your build, there may be something to that.
  4. Do you use elasticsearch? Have you checked its logs?
  5. I will try and replicate. Unfortunately, I've been busy on a project and haven't had as much time to engage here. I will install AdBlock Plus again and see if it continues both with and without. Though looking back at what I posted before, I was able to reproduce on mobile Chrome, which has no plugins (no AdBlock plus). I think the key is being on the site when someone replies.
  6. I don't have an ad blocker installed. Reply away and let's see if we can reproduce with the instructions I had up here.
  7. This is not your hosting company. This is intentional behavior when you have sendgrid tracking turned on and you have added a branded URL. That's what is changing the address. When the recipient clicks the link, sendgrid tracks the clickthrough and redirects. See: https://docs.sendgrid.com/ui/account-and-settings/how-to-set-up-link-branding
  8. CoffeeCake

    SEO Suite

    Have you considered robots.txt and excluding /profile*?
  9. Can confirm, on latest Windows 10 build and latest Chrome build. Edit: Appears to be an issue with Emoji font render in general. See: https://emojipedia.org/smiling-face-with-tear/
  10. It seems to be the issue that e-mail from your domain has been reported as spam. Have you setup DMARC and taken a look at Google's postmaster tool linked earlier in the thread? This is not a universal issue affecting anyone using Google Workspace, yet one where email from your domain is flagged as spam for some reason. Moving providers may not have the outcome you are expecting. Google Workspace isn't going to be on a blocklist. I think you need to focus on resolving the root of the issue. For AWS, the service you want is SES: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/send-email-smtp.html I would highly discourage using your web server as the final MTA.
  11. CoffeeCake

    SEO Suite

    This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but you can set it so that profiles are only accessible by logged in members under permissions in System.
  12. Fantastic. Please paste e-mail headers from a message that was flagged as spam (you can replace the domain wherever it appears with example.com or similar).
  13. A wizard notifying of new features and allowing the administrator to jump to the relevant areas to enable/disable/configure things upon upgrade (like an onboarding) would be welcome.
  14. Check SPF & DKIM records for the domain of your e-mail account. For example, if you are sending e-mail from forum@markround.com, then look at your DNS SPF and DKIM records for markround.com. Make sure they validate. If you are sending email from forum@gmail.com, you don't control those SPF/DKIM records and I'd highly discourage doing this. Use a proper SMTP server. Paste the headers from one of these e-mails that are getting flagged as spam and we should have the answer right there.
  15. Trying to understand what the issue is here--are you using a Google Workspace (previously GSuite) to send e-mails from your forum, or an actual consumer @gmail.com account? This is likely not an IPS issue, but rather one of: Your SPF/DKIM records are not correct The account you are using to send e-mail from has been flagged enough times by recipients that it is considered by the email providers to be spam
  16. Hold up. It's still horrifically slow on your infrastructure. There is a penalty to all of your customers from the latency, shifting, and time to paint. This needs to be a very high priority, and is an item which requires consideration and planning over a stretch of time. When did/will you start that 6-12 month epic? Occam's razor and all would suggest that planning and consideration may not be organizational or leadership strong suits (as opposed to the notion that there exists meticulous planning practices behind the scenes and the screw it we'll do it live approach what could possibly go wrong on the public facing side of things). Investments in human capital with strengths in these areas may be a good idea.
  17. I am concerned that you might think that the feedback is "send an e-mail a few hours before changing the look of your web site (and oh-by-the-way-side-note-pricing-models-for-existing-clients-go-into-effect-immediately-with-no-significant-advance-notice)." The feedback is that you should have provided notice on revised pricing models, inclusive of what those revised prices would be months before implementing those changes so that organizations could make appropriate changes in their expected operational expenses. Speaking for our organization, there's no issue with the changes other than you didn't give any notice to revise our operational forecasts and planning, and our renewal is also in November. Thankfully, we have the ability to reallocate funds unexpectedly, yet not all of your customers are in that position, and it's rather poor form for what we consider a partner in our organization's ongoing success. I receive an e-mail from a streaming video service that their monthly price will go up one dollar with more than a month's notice. It's just inexcusable to have tied this all into throwing a new shade of paint on your sales site.
  18. I don't understand this at all. What do you mean there was no great way to communicate this? From: IPS Community To: CoffeeCake <coffeecake@mmmcoffee.cake> Date: September 1, 2021 9:00 am Subject: Upcoming changes to your subscription Dear community administrator, Effective December 1, 2021, we will be making the following adjustments.... <insert changes here>
  19. Are you self-hosted? Have you looked at your server disk space?
  20. Bottom line: You didn't communicate these changes effectively at all, and you didn't learn from the last time(s) you didn't communicate effectively. What will the next surprise be that you don't communicate effectively to your customers be?
  21. This is surprising news, as someone who has also been in contact with them. Can you elaborate?
  22. Seems useful for any implementation of an activity stream. Create opportunities to engage with the content where ever it is visible. Excellent call out. At the very least, put a reply button, yet opening an editor right on the stream would be ideal that then took you to the new reply at wherever the context was (i.e. your reply's position in the thread). Not only when fixes go live, but what issues exist. We need to know: That IPS is aware of an issue that happens in <x> circumstances That an administrator can take <y> action to workaround the issue until a fix is in place (disable a thing, not use a thing, configure a thing a certain way, etc.) That the issue is being addressed by the IPS team That a resolution to the issue is expected/will be available/is now available with <z> release/patch As an example, we are testing an upgrade to PHP8. You announced that something involving PHP8 has been resolved, which then informed me of items 1, 2 (don't use PHP8 yet), and 3. I don't know 4. Being able to go to a "status page" of known issues (i.e. bug tracker, but not like the bug tracker that gets turned on in beta releases), and see what known issues exist, if there are any workarounds, and when a fix might be put in place (think knowledge base), would help drive self-service engagement with support issues and help people like me know what issues are already known and when to expect a resolution (or how I can work around it).
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