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Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. You may want to audit whatever modifications you've made, as the behaviors you're seeing in your community suggest something's behaving very badly. Are these all Marketplace things or do you have custom development?
  2. Chrome works just fine with the stock theme at saving and autofilling passwords, through the latest version of 4.5. You might try this to see what the issue might be with your site (you may have told Chrome not to save passwords on your domain): https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/7665664#zippy=%2Cchrome-doesnt-suggest-your-saved-passwords
  3. I somehow didn't see the last two replies. My bad. Communication to end-users is a needed improvement for future changes, and the rollout for the 4.5 Marketplace was not handled as well as it could have been. I think my previous comments on this change are clear in showing how disappointed we were with the sudden, surprising change at the time. In retrospect, it seems IPS did a good job communicating the change to contributors, yet not to standard self-hosted license holders. I'm hopeful that they've learned from this miscalculation and will be more forthcoming with future impacting changes. I don't have multiple IPS licenses, so I am not familiar with how the installation of a resource across multiple installs in 4.5 Marketplace is handled. From @Stuart Silvester's earlier reply, it seems that contributors have the ability to set terms that may allow for the use of a single purchase on multiple IPS installs. At least as things stand right now, it seems that there's no change in the choice contributors have.
  4. Yes. This is what some communities need. This is not what 4.5 Marketplace is. Whether or not it's enforced is irrelevant. 4.5 Marketplace is addressing this problem. If you have 30 IPS installs and you want to install a $10 modification on all of them, and the developer expects you to purchase for each install, you should expect to pay $300 via Marketplace or work with the developer outside of Marketplace to make other arrangements that include terms you'd like. If you want to keep it in its raw format outside of your filesystem backups, work with the developer outside of Marketplace to make other arrangements to obtain those files. If you're upset you can't install a thing on multiple sites after only paying once because it's bad for your business to pay for multiple licenses and you can't easily upload it across installations, that model sounds rather unfair to the contributors.
  5. Sure, you could use a bit of php to randomly select from an array of background-image:url or javascript.
  6. Just because you can download something and put it somewhere else, doesn't mean you're entitled to use it as you see fit. I would expect to purchase modifications on a per-site basis, just as IPS licenses things, and it sounds like that was the assumption from 4.4 and earlier. The license terms addendum was added as a part of 4.5, it seems, and there may be some developers out there who are okay with you using their stuff on multiple sites with a single purchase. I'd guess that's not the norm though.
  7. You can probably handle this with template conditionals if it's an immediate issue for your site. Surround the entire login form with a condition that checks if the member is logged in and show them a message that they're already logged in, with a link to log out if they'd like.
  8. It sounds like something is corrupted somehow. I would redownload all of the files from the client area and reupload everything, ensuring that your FTP program is transmitting via binary instead of ASCII text.
  9. You should not use phpMyAdmin for operations like this as a best practice. Instead, use an SSH connection and perform the operations directly on your server.
  10. Well, in earlier versions of IPB, they were likely MyISAM. In a new install today, they're all InnoDB. I'm assuming you're running 4.5. If so, you should move to InnoDB to prevent corruption issues.
  11. You likely need to repair your database and should consider converting to InnoDB.
  12. Based on your screenshot, it looks like it's a bunch of temporary e-mail addresses. You might want to look into something like these applications:
  13. Not familiar with WHM, however if you can edit your php.ini, that's where you'd add the disabled_functions line. https://docs.cpanel.net/knowledge-base/security/how-to-edit-your-php-ini-file/ This appears to be related to what you're trying to do, and it sounds similar to what you've tried. Are you using php-fpm? If so, you'll need to restart the php-fpm service.
  14. That is pretty cray. Why is that a thing? Does something rely on that file?
  15. Have you checked your PHP error logging and logs to see if it's a timeout error? It sounds like a timeout error.
  16. Interesting idea, but what of the member who to circumvent this replies a first time... waits a bit, replies a second time, and then marks that second post as a solution to achieve the same goal (attention seeking behavior)? I can see a case for thread author not being able to provide their own solution (require the solution be from a member other than the thread author), yet I'd suggest that this would be a moderation/policy issue. I'm not sure I can think of a technical solution that isn't abusable.
  17. There is no way within the interface to do so, yet we've needed to do this as we transition a Marketplace install to something we'll develop in perpetuity going forward. In one example, a developer created something that was about 95% of what we needed, but did not want to make some modifications that we needed for our community. We worked with the developer to obtain the files needed to continue that development ourselves, and then transitioned the application to a custom application from Marketplace application to retain the existing data. This is so dangerous an activity that providing instructions on how to do so is probably not a wise thing to do. Yet, if you are in a position where are developing for your install, and have access to IPS source, you can take a look at how this determination is made (Marketplace vs. custom app) and determine if that's a path you'd like to go down, fully understanding that you are destroying the warranty sticker right off the box and that there's likely no going back. A better approach may be to develop your thing and build a process that migrates the data from your Marketplace install as a part of the installation routine.
  18. Some of us certainly do, though I'd extend that to be a copy upon which we can continue to maintain and develop, so typically with the /dev folder unless we're headed down a path of reverse engineering. And we're not interested in pirating anything. In fact, we'd pay more to have the ability to do so, because of our organization's priorities and technical maturity. We've been doing this longer than IPS has existed, and we intend to continue to do so long into the future. Marketplace is simply an easy button that works for communities that don't have the same concerns and practices that we do. For us, if we add something to our ecosystem, we need to be able to continue to guarantee that it will work beyond the abilities or intentions of whomever created and sold us the thing. We need to own the technical debt. In one instance, a developer unexpectedly passed away, and we depend on the solution that he built. Who provides updates as IPS iterates on the core software? Who prepares to transition the data within that solution to something else if we need to iterate upon what we started with? We need to take that responsibility on now of either finding another resource that can do it for us, or develop it ourselves. We need to make sure that the thing, while probably working just peachy keen on a small install, will scale to the size of our environment. This was the primary issue we found in testing modifications from 4.4 Marketplace. We still have dependencies from 4.4 that continued working where the developers have yet to provide a fix to take things out of core_members, for example. Altering core_members to append a column with a million members is not happy fun times. In 4.4 days, we'd look at the install and upgrade segments of the code, and plan for these changes and run them directly on our SQL environment, as trying to do it via the web installer was an exercise in futility. We need to make sure that there aren't decisions the developer made that introduce vulnerabilities or public information disclosures to the extent that we're able to double check that (one plugin we've used had an upgrade that introduced a front-facing URL that allows unauthenticated users to view proprietary, confidential data by simply visiting a specially crafted furl--we found it in a code review). We have a responsibility that we take seriously to our stakeholders who entrust us with their data to do our due diligence in our efforts to protect that data. Marketplace is great for what it is, but it should not be confused for what it is not. It's comforting that IPS is looking at third-party resources with a careful eye now. But it's disingenuous to suggest that "ability to pirate plugins" is anywhere on the top 10 list of reasons why access to source and development files is important. Edit: And we're just fine with having to maintain an active license to use Marketplace. You should not be running IPS in a self-hosted environment without an active license to ensure you continue getting security updates.
  19. Your test install cannot be open to the whole internet by license agreement (using the -TESTINSTALL key), so you'd need to do something like HTTP auth (though you may have to turn this off temporarily when completing the Marketplace login). Once your environment is online, it creates a token that expires after some time. You do not need a persistent two-way internet connection, however you will need to login again once the token expires. Your URL will need to be something different from your production environment, or you'll get complaints when trying to activate the license. Perhaps something like test.example.com instead of www.example.com.
  20. He stated he used rsync, and identical file paths. It's entirely possible that the filepaths are the same (we've had the same file paths across moves on many different servers, but this is an intentional decision we make in provisioning new hardware). Something is loading, so at least some of the files are there. I wonder if some of the files are not there, and if some of the files did not fully copy. Here's interesting discussion on verifying that the files came over intact: https://techblog.jeppson.org/2014/10/verify-backup-integrity-with-rsync-sed-cat-and-tee/ Great news!
  21. Ensure your php files are not corrupted somehow in the event things did not work as planned with rsync. Back everything up, and replace the files from a fresh copy downloaded from the client area. If php can't connect to your mysql server, then you may need to engage the help of your hosting provider.
  22. It doesn't seem that way. I think you're getting meaningful messages. It may not tell you exactly what you need to do, but there are a lot of hints here. Connecting to the database is a challenge. You should verify you're using the correct connection information in conf_global.php and verify that mysqli is enabled by taking a look at the output of phpinfo. Create a file on your web server, calling it something like test.php, and make the contents of the file: <?php phpinfo(); Visit that page and confirm that the mysqli extension is enabled and installed. Separately, ensure you can connect via SSH from your server to your database server using the username, host, and password from your conf_global.php file. If you're in an environment where you have sandboxed accounts that you are purchasing from a hosting company, it's entirely possible that your php configuration is separately maintained from that of another account on the same physical server. Verify everything you're assuming to be true, until you get to the place where you've narrowed down things. I'd also verify that your rsync commands preserved permissions and that the ownership of files and directories is correct with what your new server is expecting. The IPS4 testing script you used should tell you if there are issues with directory permissions.
  23. Is the mysql extension enabled/installed in php?
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