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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. Presumably so, or licensed by IPS. You can choose to commission similar reactions, create them yourself, or as Morrigan suggested, replace them all with a style that is uniform so that they all look consistent. Look for emoji art. It will range from free (twemoji, openmoji) to some cost.
  2. IPS isn't for every endeavor, and there are many alternatives to choose from. Many are available as open source projects that have no licensing costs associated. While IPS has a built-in Marketplace with inherent disadvantages, a critical feature for us is the ability to be able to install and maintain third-party extensions outside of that ecosystem. Today that is a feature in the product, is essential to us, and is what keeps us on the platform in spite of the Marketplace changes you referenced that really are for the benefit of those folks who can't or don't want to maintain complex software lifecycles. They just need something that works now. You can take advantage of the mechanism to use your own resources as well, by creating those modifications yourself or hiring others to do it for you. I'd encourage you to make lists of the things that are important to you and work to identify the solutions that tick off as many of those boxes as you can. At that point, you can decide if the costs required (as measured in fees, outside resources, and knowledge gaps) are justifiable to reach your goals.
  3. Hi! You should open a support request, though regrettably there is reduced support. Are you getting some specific error message, and are you using the account you use for the site in question via the Client Area?
  4. This would be entirely speculative. When you purchase something today from the IPS Marketplace, you get something according to IPS and third-party terms for an install today. How things might work in 10 years from today is something we can't know. Let's hope IPS would provide adequate notice to customers for any changes that might impact the ability to use a resource in the future. If you're concerned about maintaining an off-site copy of your purchased extensions, your best course would be to maintain regular backups. The purchases you made today are for your use today, as you see fit to make them, and can be retrieved so long as you renew your licenses for the resources and for IPS proper. Alternatively, you can hire some of the wonderful developers here to create third-party applications and plugins that can be installed outside of the IPS Marketplace. I'd strongly advise you against purchasing software 10 years prior to your expected use. It's very likely that there are bugs and vulnerabilities that will be patched between now and then, as there are in vBulletin 3, not to mention dramatic improvements that will undoubtedly be made in that timespan. In all of these scenarios however, your license and purchase are for a single licensed host. This software is simply sold differently than you might be used to. If not having these terms is what's most important to you, there are other vendors out there and open-sourced solutions that may be a better fit.
  5. I'm not sure I follow your logic. If you're wanting to assure yourself that you'll be able to use Marketplace purchases into the future, should IPS go defunct, you'd be able to do this within the current 4.5 framework. You simply need a backup of your database and the filesystem. In the scenarios you've described, you'd not be extracting resources from one installation and placing them into another, which is what I thought you were asking about. If you want to remove something you've purchased, use the "disable" option in the ACP. Then, in your scenario, enable it in 20 years when you've decided to use it again. The model here is typically that a resource is purchased for one licensed install and one licensed install only. If you wanted to use those resources on another licensed install, you'd have to purchase it a second time. And you completely lost me with the linux thing.
  6. Yes, you can get to this by editing permissions for the member group on a per-forum basis. Look at the first screenshot here:
  7. If you've made edits to the actual IPS files (the .php files on the server), you should not do that. Instead, look into how to extend IPS via applications and plugins: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers If you mean you've configured the software up the way you'd like, without making changes to the actual files themselves, those changes should be retained and you can simply overwrite the files on your web server's filesystem after unzipping the .zip file you get from the client area. Be sure and make a backup of your filesystem and database before hand so you can revert back if something goes wrong. Then go to ACP > System > Applications and install Pages (and anything else you've added) as shown on the screen. Pay special attention to file permissions when overwriting things. You need to make sure that the directories that need to be writable to IPS remain so.
  8. What are you trying to do exactly? Can you help explain why you'd install a resource on one site via Marketplace, and then try and transfer that installation to another site using a mechanism other than Marketplace?
  9. This is happening because in your theme, the class ipsList_reset is applying that background color. Removing the background color property either for that ad space would address the issue. You may want to reach out to whomever made your theme for assistance. .ipsList_reset { background-color: rgb(255,255,255, .75); }
  10. Click the little globe icon to "translate" -- you'll want to translate the phrase you're seeing (search for "guidelines," assuming you're using English) to be whatever word or phrase you'd like instead.
  11. A better approach may be to use basic authentication to access the development site in addition to (or instead of) the IP address restrictions you have in place. See: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_authz_core.html You might search for htpasswd + apache for quick how tos.
  12. The Interactive Advertising Bureau defines standards for sizes and other properties related to internet advertising. See: https://www.iab.com/guidelines/iab-new-ad-portfolio/
  13. Have you checked your SMTP logs on your mail server to see what's reported there?
  14. The error message suggests you are missing a necessary php extension (php_xsl).
  15. That 404 error in your screenshot is just for a favicon.ico call. You can ignore that. Presumably you don't have a favicon.ico in the root of your domain, which is only used for an icon when saving as a bookmark, etc. That would not impact the editor from loading. Now the undefined method two lines above on commonEmbedHandler.js might be something else.
  16. The screenshot you provided seems to be a configuration sort of thing for php extensions. It looks like you selected the php extension for redis. As others remarked, you'll likely need to restart php-fpm and/or your web server process (i.e. apache/nginx/whatever it is you're using--probably apache). You will also need to also install redis server. This is a separate install. The php-redis extension simply enables php to talk to redis, but doesn't put redis on your server. That's another step. The way the text on the web page that you included in your screenshot is written is confusing. I had to read it a few times before realizing it didn't say it was also installing redis server. I would understand if you thought otherwise.
  17. I apologize. It was not my intention to be insulting. There's a difference between having committed dedicated resources for your site and self-managing servers. You mentioned contacting your hosting provider with software installation. That's an atypical expectation, in my experience, without paying a premium for a fully managed solution. I think @Matt's remarks were in line with thinking, on the basis of what you've shared in this thread, that you're asking your host to install something for you. I've never encountered that in any hosting setup where you're not on a shared hosting platform. Have you started here? https://redis.io/topics/quickstart What distro is your dedicated server? Have you tried "install redis <name of distro>" as a search term? For us, on debian, it was a simple as: $ sudo apt install redis-server Following that, reading through the .conf file, making appropriate changes, reading up on security considerations, and ensuring that the daemon was setup as a service that would launch on boot. If you're not comfortable with taking the time to go through the documentation and startup guides on readily available resources that are a quick search engine's journey away, and are expecting someone to do this for you, or list out exactly what you need to do, a bit of grace might go a longer way. Absent all that, consider hiring someone to do it for you that has the time, skillset, and/or desire to learn to do so.
  18. Nathan's post above shows you the options you have to control it (Criteria). Number of pages is at least X or always show
  19. Does this work on your iOS 9 iPad? https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-4/demo/
  20. We don't expose groups to search. Consider the following screenshot from my dev environment. Three distinct groups that appear as "Members" in the front end, yet have different permissions and settings associated: I don't think the group ID is presently exposed in the theme out of the box, but may be wrong on that. Yes, the name of the group is, yet the names do not need to be unique. Is it crazy that someone would do this? Maybe to you and I? Maybe to a community finding creative ways to handle challenges surrounding the provisioning of their membership the answer is no. It's helpful to consider how others may use the software in ways different than our own frame of reference, and I'm just wanting to add on a note that what sounds like a great idea for many (maybe even most!) may have unintended consequences for others. In general, I think it's a good idea to be mindful of that and to introduce new behaviors and features as opt-in, and off by default.
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