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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by CoffeeCake

  1. Usually, that means that the image being uploaded is larger than the max image allowed to be uploaded. Look at your web server configuration for post size limits, your PHP upload size limits, and the settings you have in ACP. I thought there was an effort to improve this error message though, and that this changed in 4.5. Here you go:
  2. This is a nice idea. It would also be nice to give users the ability to set a personal preference, as well as a community default.
  3. Well, they've been relegated to the bowels of 404 then. Thank you. 🙂 We've been on the receiving end of a coordinated attack for the past few days, whose efforts are seemingly trying to cause SQL injections by submitting bad parameters to all sorts of things. They have been pulling these URLs as part of their attack. We've handled the evildoers through our firewalls, but good reminder to think about what needs to be exposed and what doesn't.
  4. The news section here is done with Pages, not Blogs.
  5. Almost there! Add "open threads with permission to reply only" as an option and boom! Success!
  6. And now we have a need for this, you carrot danglers.
  7. Your best course of action is to develop (or have developed for you) a plugin or application that does precisely what you want it to do. The plugin you're referring too has long been abandoned, and you'd be in a far better security and maintainability posture by moving that logic into a proper extension and getting on 4.5. Alternatively, I think there may be some classified type applications in the Marketplace to consider. You might take a look at one of those.
  8. This is probably one of those things where a hotfix would be warranted. There may be liabilities for some surrounding spam here. Unless of course, your planning on releasing 4.6 tomorrow...
  9. https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/
  10. Do any of the json and xml files need to be accessible? I'm thinking we just blanket block any requests for those files.
  11. You'll need to work with them to sort that out, I'm afraid. You may run into issues if the row format is not dynamic.
  12. Yes please, and search. As a design rule, anywhere you can see content you should be able to moderate it. Also, for bonus points in entering the 21st century, selecting items across pages (for example, multiple threads across multiple pages of threads), and the option to deselect everything already selected in the present context (you have four posts selected in a 56 page thread, good luck finding them). Please, please, and thank you please.
  13. Here's the MySQL documentation: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/converting-tables-to-innodb.html Backup everything, and select DYNAMIC row format.
  14. I'd recommend considering migrating everything to InnoDB, assuming you are running 4.4 or higher. There is a greater risk of data loss with MyISAM and MySQL as well as new IPS installs now default to InnoDB.
  15. We have experienced no issues with CloudFlare, Stripe, and RocketLoader enabled (at least that we're aware of).
  16. The error suggests that there's issues writing to your file storage. You may want to create a support request if you haven't already, but also double check and confirm that your directory and file permissions and ownership (owner & group) are what they should be based on the account your web server is using. If you're certain that's correct, then check your filesystem quota/storage status to see if you've run out of space on your hard disk, and check that your hard disk is not corrupt. You may need to engage the support of your hosting provider as well.
  17. This reminded me that I've seen others use alternatives to Amazon. Here's a link to how to use Backblaze:
  18. Is this one of the features of this plugin? It should be. "You asked for support the wrong way; try again." 😂
  19. What are your htaccess rules? Yes, you can choose the location of where specific types of files are stored. Create a storage configuration at the path you want your avatars to be stored (and be exempt from hotlink protection): Then, attribute avatars to that storage configuration you created. IPS will move the files for you in batches if you'd like, or you can move them in advance of switching the configuration:
  20. Where have you activated hotlink protection? Typically, hotlinking looks at the referrer that a web browser sends as part of its request and ensures that it matches some rule before returning the file. If a person is looking at an e-mail that references your web site's address for the avatar picture, it's going to hit your web server as a request from mail.google.com or similar, which will probably kick in the hotlinking protection through whatever mechanism you've enabled it. I don't recall a hotlink setting in IPS, so I'm guessing this is a web server configuration or perhaps CDN? If you want to allow certain images to be served and bypass the hotlinking rules, you'd have to work with whatever is providing that service to find out how to define exceptions. With Cloudflare as an example, you can place images in special paths that indicate they're okay to be hotlinked, while other images that you don't want hotlinked aren't okay. You could achieve this with IPS by defining a file storage location for the image types you'd like to allow to be hotlinked, that matches the special path rules they use. If you want to embed the images in the e-mail, I don't think that's an out of the box feature, but perhaps some custom development could achieve that. Alternatively, you could set some exceptions perhaps (again, depending on the service) to allow some popular mail providers to get past the hotlinking rule, yet that might be a challenge and would not address the issue with thick client e-mail programs that may still get a broken image (again, depending on how you're blocking them).
  21. I want to like this plugin so badly, but it's lacking on the execution. What would be great would be something that returns respondable threads to the person looking at it. Exclude locked threads and threads that have been archived. Seems that support for excluding archived stuff has been added. It makes a lot of sense to add it into the existing sort options as the opposite of most replies.
  22. Holup. Are you saying that if someone adds an attachment to a thread that only certain user groups have access to, the url to the attachment is not restricted via a link that checks for permissions on accessing? Is this really only security through obscurity?
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