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  1. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from JustHatched in We need more options for widget containers   
    Hopefully not IPB (Or whatever you are calling your software now) v6.50 then 😛
  2. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from Runar in We need more options for widget containers   
    Hopefully not IPB (Or whatever you are calling your software now) v6.50 then 😛
  3. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from Flexter73 in Donation Goals   
    Can we have an option to hide Donation Goals from the public, and/or a date range to close said donations please?
    We have seasonal donations which we like to have open for a couple of months, and the only way we can remove this from the public is to delete the donation goal. Would be good is we had a closure date to prevent people donating to that goal, or hide it from public when the goal has ended.
    Having to delete a goal removes all the information, donations and those who donated, and we like to keep that information.
  4. Haha
    TDBF got a reaction from Adam.M in MS IE warning   
    There's a difference here though, one is a collectors item and the other is a penis extension.
    I am talking about a car for every day usage here. 😛
  5. Like
    TDBF reacted to Woodsman in MS IE warning   
    Bottom line IE any version has come to EOL. END OF LIFE.
  6. Like
    TDBF reacted to Morgin in MS IE warning   
    This means they are on an OG iPad, ipad2, iPad 3rd gen, or iPad mini 1. Basically, hardware released at latest in 2012 (and possibly earlier) where Apple only supports up to iOS 9. iOS 9 has been out of security support for a few years now  
    This also means the hardware is at least 8 years old. That’s a long time for mobile/tablet device compatibility, especially given how much changed over the last decade.
    Can’t support everything forever. For the software to improve, it’s gotta look ahead. I’m sympathetic given how expensive it is to update what otherwise “works”, but also selfishly glad they are not burdening this software with legacies from the past. 
    And as @Charles alluded to, someone on iOS 9 is gonna find 90% of the web unusable, not just IPS. 
  7. Like
    TDBF reacted to DesignzShop in MS IE warning   
    That's a bad analogy right there...  😁

  8. Haha
    TDBF got a reaction from CoffeeCake in MS IE warning   
    There's a difference here though, one is a collectors item and the other is a penis extension.
    I am talking about a car for every day usage here. 😛
  9. Like
    TDBF reacted to Charles in MS IE warning   
    Aren't people who use IE11 used to most of the Internet not working correctly? I mean it's not like it's just us who have said no more to 2003 😉
    Or maybe they don't realize most things either do not work right or are otherwise not 100% on IE11? Either way: we are moving forward not looking back and it's not really our responsibility to "warn" people that they are out of date.
  10. Haha
    TDBF got a reaction from TheWorldNewsMedia.org in Ignore / Block   
    I cannot believe in 2040 that there is still not a proper solution for this! 😉😂
  11. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from rodege5389 in Ignore Improvements   
    But this isn't like real life though, isn't it, and that's not the way this should work.
    If I put you on ignore, you shouldn't see any of my content and I should see any of yours, period!
    There shouldn't even be a way for me to take a wee peek at your posts, as that just defeats the purpose of the Ignore feature.
  12. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from rodege5389 in Option "Insert external images only by HTTPS"   
    I get those error messages as well, even with a full license.
  13. Like
    TDBF reacted to CoffeeCake in Option "Insert external images only by HTTPS"   
    There seem to be a set of content only available to those with resources published in the Marketplace.
    I agree that it's an odd choice as there's no mention of it until you come across these embedded things us plebs can't see.
    But, I see the link above and have not published anything in Marketplace so not sure why you don't see it. It's in the Client Lounge forum.
  14. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from Chris59 in Advanced Footer [ Support topic ]   
    Well, I wont be using this any more.
    I am not going to pay for a product which I already bought, and then start paying an extra $6 every 6 months.
    Screw that!
  15. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from Haku2 in Localhost Downloading of marketplace apps/plugins (manually)   
    This!!!!!! 👍
  16. Like
    TDBF reacted to Dean_ in Localhost Downloading of marketplace apps/plugins (manually)   
    As recommended, I'm creating this topic to reinstate the option to download files manually from the Marketplace.
    It's bad enough you don't allow the download of apps we purchased when our licence has expired. But, to completely change the way file downloads are handle is a little much.

    Please don't get me wrong, I love the idea that we can now do it all with ACP, but you shouldn't disable/change the way that a lot of us download files for localhost setups to test our sites before going live.

    Please, please, please allow the option to download files manually like we've done for so many years!
    (Edit: Happy 600 posts to me, woo!)
  17. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from sobrenome in Truncate Via Templates   
    I would like to ask that IPs stops truncating posts/comments via the theme templates.
    At the moment, the theme function doesn't actually truncate the post but instead just hides it from view after a certain amount of characters. This will increase the amount of memory and add a further hit on page rendering which really isn't necessary.
    I would suggest truncating text long before it gets to the templating engine (from PHP) or fix the theme function to actually truncate the text properly.
  18. Like
    TDBF reacted to Black Zero in Registration verifcation by Mobile Number   
    Can possibly Registration verifcation by Mobile Number , means members register at forum put mobile number at registration form and code send to register member mobile , and many features with this like one mobile number use for one member ,any other member use this system error with already registered etc
    Login 2fa code send at Mobile 
    Password recovery with mobile number etc
    like this idea ? 
  19. Like
    TDBF reacted to Adriano Faria in Controllers defaults   
    Can you please add:
    /** * @brief Has been CSRF-protected */ public static $csrfProtected = TRUE; to the files "templates" in applications/core/data/defaults:
    ControllerBlank.txt ControllerList.txt ControllerNode.txt when the location is admin.
    Thank you.
  20. Like
    TDBF reacted to Aiwa in Automatique Ban IP   
    I don't think you fully comprehend what's going on here.... The bot is attempting to access a FILE that lives on your server.  Should that file be found, IPS would be none the wiser because your SERVER would deliver the requested file before IPS knew of the request.  The ONLY reason you're seeing these errors is because the file WAS NOT found and the IPS .htaccess rewrites are funneling the unfulfilled requests into the IPS software.  Where IPS proceeds to log the error you see.
    This has to be handled at the SERVER level.  You simply can't ask IPS to manage file access on your server for you when the only reason they are seeing the requests is because they failed in the first place.
    Being on a shared host, you're going to be at the mercy of what the hosting company will install on their servers.  This is a common thing that happens every day all day.... If you have a server with SSH open on port 22, you better believe that some bot is attempting to log into it at least once every few seconds.  fail2ban is a wonderful tool there.  What you're experiencing isn't any different.  A bot is attempting, for lack of a better term, to brute force finding files by specific names.  Any backups you take, don't put them in a web-accessible area on the server, and don't leave them there longer than necessary.
    Now, these logs are stored in the IPS DB.  You can certainly write your own CRON job that will auto-fill an .htaccess ip deny file to stop these bots at the SERVER level. Because thinking IPS can block them, should the bot guess a valid file name, is simply wrong.  It'd be an extremely false sense of security.
  21. Like
    TDBF reacted to 13. in Automatique Ban IP   
    No, it should not be in IPS. It must be implemented on different level: on your server side. fail2ban is good solution for this kind of bots.
  22. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from svit in Website Footer (Support Topic)   
    With all due respect, installing and uninstalling this plugin didn't cause this issue, and also, please show me proof that it did as so I can fix the issue. You're more than welcome to PM about this.
    This plugin uses the core code to install and uninstall, there are no uninstall script which would affect your theme, All this plugin does is add a hook to insert html into the main template. It also adds a small css style and does nothing more! Any residual code would have been left by the core uninstaller, not the plugin. To me, this looks more like a caching issue, I would suggest that you use the support tool in the admin area to see if that corrects the issue. If that doesn't fix the issue, I would contact IPS Support. Also, was the default theme affected by this? In all the time this plugin has been released, not ONE person apart from yourself has ever came to me with this issue. If this plugin did what you said, I would have had a lot more complaints regarding this issue in this topic, or in the comments section on the download page.
  23. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from Meddysong in Website Footer (Support Topic)   
    With all due respect, installing and uninstalling this plugin didn't cause this issue, and also, please show me proof that it did as so I can fix the issue. You're more than welcome to PM about this.
    This plugin uses the core code to install and uninstall, there are no uninstall script which would affect your theme, All this plugin does is add a hook to insert html into the main template. It also adds a small css style and does nothing more! Any residual code would have been left by the core uninstaller, not the plugin. To me, this looks more like a caching issue, I would suggest that you use the support tool in the admin area to see if that corrects the issue. If that doesn't fix the issue, I would contact IPS Support. Also, was the default theme affected by this? In all the time this plugin has been released, not ONE person apart from yourself has ever came to me with this issue. If this plugin did what you said, I would have had a lot more complaints regarding this issue in this topic, or in the comments section on the download page.
  24. Like
    TDBF reacted to Morrigan in Better representation of a banned user   
    I guess that's more in how you handle your moderating business. Once something is reported on any community I've ever ran or been a part of, its out of the users hands. The actions taken to fix/rectify/and or punish the user is on the staff.
    I feel like you take privacy out of banned users hands when you tell your users ANYTHING about something reported. This sort of behavior leads to really toxic and generally mean and vindictive communities that I've seen.
    I think of banning someone sort of like getting divorced. People may know that the papers have been served but no one needs to know if the papers have been signed, but if they figure it out or find out, great! But they still don't need to know what happened in the courtroom or what the judge deemed to be the results of the divorce.
    I respect that you run your communities differently and you provide that dirty information to your members but it may be something that just requires a thought and retraining your members/staff by changing how your staff and moderators deal with reports in general. Unless there is something that is required from the original reporter (IE a harassment claim) there should never be more contact with them then their original report. Its on you to read, understand and determine if action needs to be taken (sometimes there doesn't need to be any action taken).
    Everyone comments on how we need to be more like social media outlets and how people are more familiar with that mode of operation. I don't know of a social media outlet that reports back on a report of misconduct and normally the only way you know someone is banned is by logging out. Because a lot of them still let you post but hide or remove all of your content instead of dealing with the backlash of someone knowing that they are banned.
    The above is why I believe that this doesn't need to be core.
  25. Like
    TDBF reacted to Morrigan in Better representation of a banned user   
    I prefer the shadow ban status. My members don't need to know if I've banned someone. Its none of their business. I don't need them nosing in on someone elses' business either.
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