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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. attach_filesize on core_attachments is int 10 by default so it should hold 2GB in bytes no problem. Would suggest checking to ensure that your database tables align with the default and this is not from a third party application/plugin.
  2. I'm not quite sure what you mean here as I do provide support to our Cloud, as well. We would only provide software support for our Classic (self-hosted) licensed individuals. Supplying PHP configurations, like you are asking for, would be outside of that support as it is supporting servers, rather than software. Outside of the information already provided, working with your hosting provider on why you are having issues here would be the best method of support as they should be able to capture the error which is happening here while the upload is being processed on the server and help you troubleshoot it.
  3. We have countless clients who run communities on our Cloud and self hosted which are able to. I’m afraid, you would need to continue to troubleshoot this with your hosting provider.
  4. You would need to wait for that change to impact your DNS. Unfortunately, again though, any hosting side conflicts or errors would need to be investigated by your hosting provider or server administrator. If you continue to have issues, perhaps simplifying your configuration may help you find those more easily.
  5. How did you disable it? If your domain is still passing through the service, it would still be impacted by their restrictions.
  6. You would need to diagnose this at a server-level, I'm afraid. As it is a server error, we cannot tell you what and why this is happening. If you use a WAF, like CloudFlare, ensure you're not exceeding any pre-set limits inherent in that service either.
  7. To move these, you can reorder the applications in ACP -> System -> Applications. However, Members is the one item which cannot be moved. It would require some form of customization to do so.
  8. -200 would mean that there is a server error when processing the upload. I'm afraid, you will want to work with your hosting provider or server administrator to further troubleshoot the issue. It is worth mentioning that our software does support chunked uploading so having your PHP configuration set super high may actually be hurting it.
  9. If the links do work for you, it may be a permission thing or something of that nature so keep in mind, that your site would not have special permissions and would access as a "guest" to all assets.
  10. Would recommend disabling all third party applications/plugins and switching to an unmodified theme to just rule these items out. There should be an error which pops up at some juncture to warn the user the upload failed. If you are refreshing prior to that happening, I would just sit and await that to happen.
  11. There have been quite a few bugs coming from Firefox lately which are from the browser themselves. Would recommend disabling any browser plugins and try again. They have a few recent loading issues in their bug log as well so sounds like this is related to Firefox.
  12. Would advise working with your hosting provider or server administrator to see if your WAF or mod_security blocking these. This is not a software error, per say, happening here but rather you're exceeding a limit on your WAF or server causing the request to be blocked.
  13. That would likely be an issue with your server timing out. It looks like this is a local installation on your computer so you would want to review everything that is happening there.
  14. This has nothing to do with permissions on the site but everything to do with the Twitter feeds, images, etc... on the page which are overwhelming the mobile browser. Hope that helps 😉
  15. Looks like there are some large images there and also some Twitter embeds in the content and side bar. You may wish to simplify the page by removing the sidebar Twitter embeds to see if that helps. More than likely it is something around an embed or image here that the mobile browser just can't handle, unfortunately.
  16. Looks like the browser there is having an issue displaying what is on the page. This can be anything from lots of images/videos to social media embeds. Just depends what is on the page and what is happening. If you want to post the URL, we can try to assist you in determining that.
  17. Would be very careful about doing something like this. Don't want to be overzealous in doing so or you may accidentally block legitimate traffic. Maybe that's a legitimate user using a VPN or a third party service you're running which runs in a datacenter or something else entirely.
  18. Please keep in mind, here in support, I can only guide you on what is available in the software today. This is not a feature as it stands and if you would like to see it as one, placing this in the Feedback section is the way to go. We recently added new spam prevention features to help with Geolocation on registration so that may assist you if you’re seeing a specific location of spam registrants.
  19. That would likely indicate that it is too easy to google or an answer that bots can calculate. It is not something you just set a question/answer. You have to test many and balance the results with spammers that get through and humans struggling to answer it. In my personal experience, the right question/answer challenge removes a great deal of spammers. However, no spam prevention is absolute.
  20. I have converted it to a ticket for you. You should receive an email shortly which you can provide the display name or user ID.
  21. What were you changing in the ACP prior to the error here? Did your host upgrade PHP?
  22. Do you have an example user ID or display name which we can take a look at here?
  23. Looking at your community, you may wish to enact the Question/Answer challenge as well. CAPTCHA alone will not stop all spam but will help. Enacting the correct question/answer challenge, which is easy for your users but hard for bots/human spammers, will also greatly assist.
  24. You will need to contact the author for more info on how they will be moving forward with purchases/downloads.
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