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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Did you upgrade PHP recently too? If so, check that the PHP module is still installed/working/compatible. If you are unsure, contact your hosting provider for assistance.
  2. This sounds more like a bad theme rather than an issue with the installation itself. I would uninstall the theme and any incompatible third party applications/plugins rather than performing a migration. You should never perform a conversion with two Invision Community instances, unless you need to combine two instances.
  3. Let's start from the beginning. Could you please clarify why you're using the converter to move data from an old install to a new one? It is not meant to do this. What was wrong with the installation to begin with which warranted this?
  4. AdSense code typically is applied in your theme's header. You can also place this in the Google Analytics code spot which gets applied in the head in ACP -> System -> Integrations -> Google Analytics. Ads.txt file, you can follow this guide: For meta tags, you can see this guide:
  5. Think you meant me, since that's who you quoted 🙂, but you can manage the requirements for 2FA in ACP -> System -> Two Factor Authentication.
  6. Please remove the requirement for our account to utilize 2FA or ensure that security questions are enabled. However, looking at your meta tags which the page is outputting, everything is working as intended with the first post being mentioned in the description tags.
  7. This is not correct. The Approval Queue functions that a moderator has to approve the post in order for it show up in general.
  8. Display name and email are unique in our system so if there are found existing users with those items, they will be skipped.
  9. When you say they're leveraging the same DB, do you mean both applications are in the same database, or they are on the same database server? The former would be very bad without proper prefixes and even still, not recommended. Outside of the above, would ensure that the database host you're connecting to in the conf_global.php is correct. The database was restored correctly on your new server.
  10. If there is anything you would like to see, please create a topic in our Feedback forum 🙂 .
  11. PHP 8.2 is not supported yet. You will need to downgrade to PHP 8.0 or 8.1. What is the error you get when running ips4.php compatibility checker?
  12. Would also check if you overwrote the current release with patched files. If so, you'll want to go to /admin/upgrade to run the upgrade for the patches.
  13. While I understand you overwrote the files, it may be that there is an issue preventing them from being overwritten so checking the file update date would verify. Additionally, there has been a patch in this area so want to ensure that you have the latest files which the system is expecting. If users copy/pasted the previous URLs of images or items, this would lead to those images to be hardcoded and thus wouldn't be changed with a storage change. However, without knowing more details, I would be unable to shed light on what's happening.
  14. Please provide URLs to those topics they are referring to. Please note that following a forum will not mean that the user is following the topic. If they are expecting notifications for replies to a topic and not following it, they will need to follow the topic.
  15. Would check that those files mentioned there were indeed updated, as they are either outdated or modified as they do not match the current release. Regarding your files, you would want to check ACP -> System -> Files -> Storage -> Configuration settings. Likely, there is still a configuration for your AWS storage.
  16. While I understand there may be previous requests by different users, we are trying to ascertain the OP's request. If they are the same, we will merge this into that topic as one standing request. Please keep in mind while we read every suggestion, it does not mean they will be implemented in full or at all as they were requested.
  17. I moved this to Feedback but we would require more information about what you're looking for. Saying exactly like "Facebook" is not really that detailed as it currently sits, it does function like that. If it is missing something that you're looking for, we would need more information.
  18. I have created a separate topic for you as this is slightly different. Do you have an example user and content item that the user is expecting to get a notification for? We can then research what is happening as it could be a multitude of things 🙂
  19. It is worth mentioning that what was described there in the topic you linked, is now a feature. Categories can have fluid mode enabled for their sub-forums. However, this is not available in Clubs because there isn't really that concept of sub-forums here thus, I am a little confused on what you're seeing and trying to accomplish. As mentioned by my colleague, we need an example and step-by-step to how to get there.
  20. Cache = Datastore as well. Therefore, it looks like there was an issue writing or reading from your database at some point. The warning is not in real time so may be delayed in going away.
  21. Things seem to be loading now. It looks like you do have some plugin upgrades which you can perform which would be recommended to ensure these items are compatible with the release you're on.
  22. To confirm, are you talking about push notifications as the OP was or are you talking about email or inline notifications? Email notifications would not send if the user is online.
  23. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  24. Would try going to ACP -> System -> Advertisement to see if you have access to the Advertisement module. There should not be any prior configuration needed to setup an Advertisement product but you do need access.
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