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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Glad to hear you found the issue here. Odd that it was cookie related. If you were getting a different error, I might have thought it came from an AWS cookie.
  2. This is likely something local to your computer as I am not having an issue on or off our company VPN. I'd advise checking that you do not have any extensions/plugins installed on the browser, have networking devices like proxies or VPNs turned off, etc... Something seems to be routing weird for your device here.
  3. I'm afraid, that Pages does not build breadcrumbs in this manner. If you wish to this, you can of course create a topic in our Feedback section for future development.
  4. How did you switch off Authy? From the administrator options or did you remove Authy from your user? If 2FA is not required for your member group and/or action you're performing, you would not see it, no. You can always opt-in and setup Google Authenticator by going to, on the front-end, Account Settings -> Security & Privacy.
  5. The core_groups table would house this information about the formatting prefix and suffix. I'm afraid, we do not provide information on how to do manual queries. Please be sure to take a backup prior to attempting anything manual in the database.
  6. Then next question would be if you have a CDN or other proxy which is interrupting/redirecting this. Otherwise, we would be back to what my colleague asked and did you or someone else change the group formatting recently as this can execute HTML (potentially Javascript).
  7. If you have any custom redirects/rewrites on your server, you’d want to remove those for testing.
  8. For feature requests, please create a topic in our Feedback forum. This forum is more for general questions and feature suggestions will be overlooked.
  9. I am getting mixed responses throughout your community. Some 403s, 503s, etc... You will want to review this with your hosting provider. This could also be related to what you're seeing. Your server through a 403 when attempting to re-enable third party applications/plugins so you will want to review those.
  10. I would advise testing this on an unmodified theme and third-party applications/plugins disabled. Unfortunately, I am not able to reproduce this on the latest release on a base test instance.
  11. First step would be to disable any third-party applications/plugins to ensure that these are not impacting you. Likely, with the number you have installed, there may be some incompatibilities or bugs there.
  12. Sometimes, an error like this can be generated with a connectivity issue with the database.
  13. You may wish to contact CloudFlare for any issues of their platform.
  14. Keep in mind this is best practice for most web servers, however, if you have a more customized setup, that could be different. Always best to ask your hosting provider if you do not know.
  15. I would suggest reading our guide on Activity Streams to see how you can customize them:
  16. You would extract the zip and upload the contents of the “ips_****” folder to your server where our software is installed on your server. I’m afraid, we cannot tell you where you installed our software on your server. You would want to ask your server administrator.
  17. You would need to perform a manual upgrade. From your screenshot, you have not uploaded the files yet or you didn’t upload them to the correct location on your server
  18. You would need to do the upgrade on your new VPS as the minimum PHP requirement is PHP 8 for the latest release. You do not need the software in working order and frankly, I don't think you will be able to because you're in this mismatch zone of your old VPS being too old for the new version of our software and your new VPS being too new for the old version of our software that you're currently running. So it will just be a jump where you move your files/database over, then perform the manual upgrade on that.
  19. Invision Community 4.2 would not work on MySQL 8 and PHP 8. You would need to upgrade to the latest release by performing a manual upgrade on your community to get it to work on your new VPS.
  20. That would be correct. We would not be able to populate a best answer for you. That would need to be decided by the original poster or a staff member. If the key point of switching to Q&A is to get "best answer" on topics, it may be helpful to switch on "Solutions" in your discussion forum. This allows replies to a topic to be marked as a "Solution" which is then highlighted at the top of the topic. It will still look like your previous topics don't have a "solution" but it's not as in your face as Q&A forums are. Just something to think about.
  21. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  22. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  23. As you are on our cloud, I have moved this to a ticket so we can assist you with this. Please watch your email for a reply from me.
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