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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. All templates would be set in your Database's settings or Category settings if you have allowed for them to be different from the original. If there is an example where you have set this correctly but are not seeing it, please let us know the Database and, if applicable, Category.
  2. I opened a ticket for you to get more information. Please check your email for further correspondence. To open a ticket in the future for Cloud issues, you can go to Client Area -> Manage Purchases -> click your Cloud package -> Support.
  3. Seems like an attempt might have been made to upgrade to latest from information we have on the site. I would check what @Adriano Faria mentioned with the PHP compatibility test first. Then move on to ensure everything is functioning as it should. If all is good, try going to /admin/upgrade afterwards to see if there is an upgrade available.
  4. Just a heads up this topic is from March. Hope the OP got somewhere 🙂
  5. It is not. More information will be provided when it is.
  6. Glad to hear that template issue has been resolved.
  7. Have all background tasks completed in ACP > System > Dashboard? The BBcode would be done in a build process post conversion.
  8. There would be no cache for logged in users. We actually tell the browser this (no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-maxage=0). What you are stating about using the back button is different than loading a completely new browser session and the browser does not open a previous session. Keep in mind that if you're using a block to display new topics, they have their own internal cache and would not update frequently. As opentype mentioned.
  9. Providers directory is located here: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/ If you do not find someone you're looking for, have you contacted them? May just be they haven't finsihed setting up their website yet.
  10. There's a background task which runs every 4 hours to update iCalender feeds.
  11. As you're using a third party WordPress SSO plugin, you would need to contact the author of the plugin with these questions related to it.
  12. These should automatically refresh via the system. Is there a reason why you're attempting to do this?
  13. From the screenshot, I cannot tell but did you Publish your new menu? If so, does the user you're viewing as have permission to the other items in the menu? Is there caching on your server?
  14. What is the issue that you’re having? If it is a software issue, we can assist you. If it’s a hosting issue or requires hosting intervention, that would need to be handled by you, your hosting provider, or a third party provider. If moving files and hosting actions are not something you like or know how to do, have you considered our Cloud platform?
  15. Please see the following guide on how to allow a member group to import an RSS feed: Then as a user, you would go to your Blog, click Manage -> Atom/RSS Import:
  16. First off, what application are you using for your "blog system." Is this in the Blog application itself or are you using Pages, Forums, or something else?
  17. Please feel free to provide any suggestion in our Feedback forum 🙂
  18. Your Test URL is logged on your license. You can only have 1 Test URL. You will need to install at the same exact URL in order to re-install.
  19. You will want to check your email settings in ACP -> System -> Email Settings. First ensure there are not errors in the Email Error Logs.
  20. Nothing on our end which should be causing that. I have been on our community here and other clients the whole day and have not noticed anything slow. What are you noticing as slow? Is this with a certain activity? Just browsing around your site, things seem pretty peppy.
  21. While I was able to access it, I did get another odd 500 Internal Server Error when re-enabling third party applications, plugins, and themes via the Support Tool. Please check that all your third party applications and plugins are enabled as you expect. This was the URL if it helps you investigate: ?app=core&module=support&controller=support&do=thirdparty&enable=1&type=all However, I did not get any errors during cache clear but still can't figure out why your popular now block does not meet your settings so I will need to turn this into a ticket to investigate further. Please watch your email for further correspondence.
  22. The install folder should redirect to the upgrade and the upgrade folder will be password protected if there is anything of concern which an individual can do there. You could, of course, limit access to this directory through your hosting provider's firewall should you feel uneasy about it.
  23. This is due to you are utilizing the REST API which is indeed requires password. If you have needs to pass information back/forth, you can explore webhooks with OAuth so that the data gets passed back. Alternatively, you could build a custom SSO application which does this within our ecosystem so you can use our Cloud. There are overall ways to achieve what you're doing without manual database edits, is all I am trying to get across here. As mentioned several times now, this is not something we recommend so would not advise further on it. If you would like to see this changed in the software, please leave your comment in the Feedback topic you copied earlier on in this topic.
  24. The account would be created for the user on first login through the OAuth platform, it would not be created ahead of time. You would want to disable the standard login handler if you do not wish to set the password. That way everyone simply logs in via your OAuth. I'm afraid, this is not something we would entertain from a support perspective. We do not aid with customizations of our software. However, if you want to see primary keys in the future, you would want to comment in the Feedback topic which you linked in your original post.
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