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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. As the user is on Cloud, we have resolved this for them via the ticket they submitted. The plugin wasn't compatible with the release so we uninstalled it.
  2. There would be a cookie which stores your time zone so you will want to reset that if you recently changed settings or something.
  3. You will want to check your browser/os to ensure you’re in the time zone you expect to see. Unfortunately, we don’t provide desktop support 😉.
  4. We record the date/time in UTC in the database and then based on the browser/os change that to your time zone on the UI.
  5. Never said your license wouldn’t be able to be upgraded to the new license terms. Just there will be new license terms 😉. More info will come closer to V5 in the announcement.
  6. Would recommend reading our guides and asking questions. There's a wealth of knowledge within our community 🙂
  7. I'm afraid, as per our support standards, we are unable to support test installations. If it is a software error, we would only apply this to your production installation. .htaccess credentials are invalid at this time.
  8. We would only be able to analyze/support this on your production installation. Please ensure all credentials are up to date. Currently, the .htaccess credentials are invalid.
  9. Are you able to provide your current notification settings or access to an account which we can review these?
  10. The date/time displayed there would be to what your computer/device is set to, not your server. When testing this myself on your community, it is working correctly as I am in EDT:
  11. We will make announcements on what this will look like as we get closer to version 5 being available to the public. Right now, our new Classic license would be required but the path to upgrade an existing self-hosted license is not something we have released yet. Version 5 is still in development so no need to worry about that just yet. Additionally, version 4, will be supported for some time after version 5 is released. We don't want our customers feeling panicked about this new version.
  12. Our software can resize images to a certain height/width, which would decrease their file size a tad but there is no way to automatically say "all images must meet size x or resize them to that." Our Team and higher plans include video encoding, which would very much provide an experience like Facebook, where the user can upload a video and we encode it to a common format so that all users can see it. For instance, if a user uploaded a WAV, we would convert that to MP4 so all browsers can view it. Outside of that, the process is very much like Facebook for images. The only restrictor would be what you allow them to upload. Which if you connect to your own Amazon S3 bucket, the sky is the limit on size (So long as you are comfortable with the cost).
  13. Glad to hear things are working 🙂
  14. To confirm, have you followed the instructions below to setup your Stripe payment method? While the screenshots have changed, the overall process should be the same:
  15. You would need to use the language system to modify the name of the Registration Terms if you wish to do that. Please see this guide: Adding anything to the footer which is not there would require a theme modification or plugin to do so.
  16. There likely are 9+ replies while you were on the page and 7 posts would fit on the page. The "Show first 7 new replies" would load the replies but not take you to them. Whereas, the "Go to first new post" would take you to it. This is for example, if for some reason you wanted to finish reading the post your on or jump to the top, you're not taken outside of your normal flow but the new posts that fit on the page have been loaded.
  17. We don't close topics here but it is marked solved now. Glad to hear the author improved the application 🙂
  18. Sorry to hear that we could not meet your needs. As explained in your ticket, unfortunately, there's a good deal of labor/technology involved in a conversion on the Cloud because the data/files are not there from the environment you're converting from and thus, we have to build that environment ourselves to convert your application.
  19. Been a few discussions from Charles and Matt here on the community stating there really won't be any huge new features for the 4.x line. However, we still will have monthly releases for at least the foreseeable future. Like now, there may be slower months than others, as the last three months of the year are typically a slower pace due to holidays and other items going on but there has not been an official end to the monthly release schedule.
  20. That would be up to you. Remove renewals would keep the purchase active for the remainder of the term. Cancelling would kill it instantly.
  21. Scheduling topics for a future date should give the topic the date that they were scheduled for. Is this what you're talking about that you're seeing the date/time you posted on rather than the date/time you scheduled for? Replying to a topic, this is not possible for though.
  22. I'm afraid, there isn't a perfect solution at this point due to the juncture which you are at. You would need to review each purchase of an expired subscription and cancel it so that the user won't be able to renew. The alternative, you can delete the existing subscription and then create a new subscription. However, that has it's own challenges as you have active subscribers which you would need to manually bring over. You would simply go to the invoice and click the cancel button. It will allow you to refund the user to their payment method or account credit. You will want to ensure that the Subscription Purchase is cancelled as well so they do not renew.
  23. Invoice 116 expired due to the amount of days have elapsed that you allow in the settings so that individual invoice cannot be paid unless you reissue. Invoice 735 was issued today because you allow users to renew their subscription. As you did not opt to cancel existing subscriptions when updating the price, they renewed the subscription at the price they were grandfathered into.
  24. This would depend on what you chose to do with existing purchases when you changed your pricing. If you opted to allow them to remain at the previous price, this would be correct.
  25. I am not a developer, but as Stuart mentioned above, this is likely contained in one of the JavaScript libraries which we heavily rely on (such as jQuery) and can't rip out for version 4. With that said, our software is very fast and at it's core, meets Google PageSpeed as satisfactory. Remember page speed or arbitrary scores alone will not cause your site to not be ranked, it may be the deciding factor between 2 sites but not altogether. Version 5 will have some major changes to JavaScript coming to it though. You will want to watch that information as more and more information about version 5 becomes available.
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