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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. 1.4 GBs is not that large of a database this day in age. It is worth mentioning that your system log has quite a lot of errors in it as of recently. Today alone there were 115 logs. I would advise setting this log to purge every 30 days as you currently set it to never purge. I am also seeing: The table 'ibf_core_follow_count_cache' is full There are also a lot of errors where gallery images are missing so that should be investigate on your file system with your hosting provider.
  2. You would need to investigate what is happening here or why Gmail is not replying back with an error message when they do not accept the message. I'm afraid, as a software vendor, this is outside our scope of support.
  3. As mentioned in the blue bar, the search index is rebuilding. You can check this status by going to ACP -> System -> Dashboard -> Background Processes.
  4. You'll need to work with your email provider. As the error says, your email server did not accept the message but provided no error message.
  5. Unfortunately, I am not seeing this issue using Google Chrome on your community. If you click on the field does anything happen? What browser are you trying on?
  6. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  7. You do have a number of third party applications/plugins and a custom theme. You may wish to give yourself a base line to rule out these items. Looking in your system log, I am seeing a lot of write errors which may be related to the I/O limits and slow down which your host mentioned. I do not see anything that sticks out here as it may just be a limits issue.
  8. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  9. SVG is not supported yet for a theme logo. Some of the icons, depending on the manifest specification from the provider, allow it but others do not so we only allow it where that is possible. There's a feature suggestion here that you're welcome to add on to with your comments: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/461372-svg-for-logos-and-icons-and-webp-for-images/
  10. The most common issue here is that your server is unable to write (or overwrite) to the files in your directory. This can be a case of permissions being wrong or the user/group ownership is incorrect for your web server. There are also some wonky issues that hosting providers have found in the past where transferring the file from /tmp to the directory was not working. Ultimately, what I am telling you here is that the issue is on the hosting side and you'll want to contact your hosting provider to properly investigate this and resolve the issue.
  11. This would really be based on your own server and what is available to you. Many individuals like the ease of a solutin like SendGrid as it takes email management off their plate or host's plate if they have had issues. Do you have the "IN_DEV" constant enabled in your constants.php file?
  12. You could certainly use image URLs in the meta tag manager. There is nothing stopping you. However, any new feature suggestions, please post those in the corresponding forum.
  13. Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the scope of our technical support. 👩‍💻 Our technical support is happy to help you with the Invision Community platform, but we're unable to help with things like server management, theme questions and modifications. I've moved this to our Community Support area where other Invision Community owners will see it and help where they can.
  14. Default in the software, you can set the social share icon, this will set the same icon for all pages when shared on social media. To set this, go to ACP -> Customization -> Icons & Logos -> Default share images There are alternatives, like this third party plugin which allows you to set the share image based on an image in a forum topic: (Please note that third party add-ons are supported by the author only and not Invision Community)
  15. Could you please update the credentials on file in the Client Area so I can access your community and also let me know the URL (if not your homepage) which the who's online widget is placed?
  16. Sorry, I am unsure what you mean by this part of your reply. Could you please elaborate? With that said, I'm afraid, if our software is successfully handing the email off to your email server, as is evident here by the lack of an error, that is where our responsibility ends. Your email provider would need to investigate why the email is being successfully handed but either not delivered or your email inbox is rejecting the email.
  17. Does it not show up at any time or like Andriano is stating that is only doing this sometimes? If not at all, is the language pack up to date? Are there any modifications which are causing errors?
  18. With a self-hosted license, you are entitled to 1 Live URL and 1 Test URL (the Test URL cannot be public facing). You can use your Test URL to test your upgrade process at a different URL than your Live URL. As the Test URL, by policy, can only be reset when the Live URL's domain is reset, I would recommend making this test upgrade instance a sub-domain on your Live URL's domain. E.g. if your Live URL's domain is example.com then I would recommend making your Test URL's sub-domain test.example.com (or similar). This way, you do not need to reset anything and once you are ready to go live, you can point your Live URL to where your upgrade is and move forward. Then moving forward, should you need the Test URL, it is available at test.example.com (or whatever sub-domain you chose).
  19. Nice! Glad to see this progressing for you.
  20. This is due to you have modified that file. As mentioned, it would be better to downgrade MySQL to 5.6/5.7 where this reserved word is not present so you are not modifying the software.
  21. Is there any issues otherwise with prepared queries on your MySQL instance? Are you able to try on 5.6 or 5.7? Just to confirm, when attempting the upgrade from 3.1.x to 3.4.9, this was done on PHP 5.6 and MySQL 5.5, right?
  22. OK, no worries. Just saw too this is a 3.x upgrade. I was going to confirm your server requirements which you can do using the following: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/ Could you confirm the MySQL version which you are using here? As my colleague said, you are upgrading from a version which is no longer supported. Have you tried upgrading your 3.1 instance to 3.4 before trying the version 4 upgrade?
  23. Could you please update the access information on file and we can certainly take a look!
  24. Please be advised I have transferred this odd issue to a ticket so that we can investigate it further. Please check your emails moving forward for any follow up information.
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