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    Marc reacted to Thomas P in Best caching method for BIG board   
    just use (i.e. upgrade to) Redis:
    Second try elasticsearch (ES) instead of plain MySQL based Search, you can use it on the same server(s) or offload ES to an external service:
    There are more tidbits in the a.m. article 😉
    Works well for us, good luck,
  2. Like
    Marc reacted to Davyc in Firefox Problems   
    Thanks Marc, I've been corresponding with you - top notch support as always, and hopefully we can figure out a resolution to this issue.  Personally, I never use FF and would not have known about this had a member not reported it to me.  It's strange why this is happening with FF, but then this is the Internet lol.  Thanks again Marc 🙂
  3. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from Davyc in Firefox Problems   
    I have seen your ticket on this, and will do some back and forth with you on there to see if we can get to the bottom of what is causing the problem for you
  4. Like
    Marc reacted to Mark H in Date format in Calendar date picker   
    If I've understood correctly what you asked, check the Calendar Settings in the ACP here:

    The date format can be adjusted in the "Date format for events" setting.
  5. Like
    Marc reacted to nodle in Conversion XenForo 2.2 to Invision Community 4.5 or 4.6   
    @anon2020 I spoke to @Charles the other day and he mentioned that they have a converter coming out that should be released in a week or two. I just renewed myself and am anxiously awaiting the converter as well, so that I can convert and come back to the Invision platform for Xenforo 2.2.6. Hopefully it will be done soon. I know there are quite a few of us on the Xenforo side looking to jump ship over here. I'll be watching the release notes and chomping at the bit in the meantime. 🙂
  6. Like
    Marc reacted to opentype in Online Users doesn't always show correctly   
    Haven’t checked the code, but I would except it to use this ACP setting:

  7. Like
    Marc reacted to Jim M in Download progress bar doesn't always show   
    Thank you for reporting this issue. I was able to reproduce this in Clubs as well as normally and I have reported it internally for our developers to further review. If we have further questions, we'll reach back out. Otherwise, a fix should become available in a future maintenance release. Thanks again for reporting!
  8. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from Ody Mandrell in How to restore the old counter format?   
    You would be removing the format="short" part mentioned above, but within the forums->widgets>forumstatistics template for that. 

    Please note, we do not provide official support for customisation, so please ensure you back that template up before you do so.
  9. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Kinzer in Import Users Email Template   
    This would indeed be under Customizatino->Appearance->Emails . The over all look would be "Email Wrapper". You would be best to take a look at the following guide which explains how emails are built up within the system.
  10. Like
    Marc reacted to Steph40 in How to download invision community from Manage Purchases   
    It is in the client area, not the download area:

  11. Like
    Marc reacted to hpcrazy in Automatic Newsletter Subscription   
    Hey guys,
    I am sure I not the first asking this question but is there a feature that members get opted in automaticly to the newsletter - with the option to deactivate it during the registration.
    Thanks for your help in forward.
    Oh found it - sorry. It's already activated by default. 🙂
  12. Like
    Marc reacted to Matt in I don't know where to post a problem with this forum...   
    I have removed the text so it no longer looks odd.
  13. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from usmf in Notifications slow or slap dash - Are my settings wrong?   
    Got that and will see what we can find out for you.
  14. Like
    Marc reacted to usmf in Notifications slow or slap dash - Are my settings wrong?   
    I'll open a ticket then. We tried posting responses to threads of various ages and sizes.
  15. Like
    Marc got a reaction from usmf in Notifications slow or slap dash - Are my settings wrong?   
    We would need specific examples of these on that larger site, and we would likely need to log in to see if we can see what is happening there, so a ticket may be more helpful on this occasion, yes. On a larger site however, you would likely have more people following items. So when items are followed by a lot of people, its added to a queue task. When they arent, its sent instantly. This is likely why the smaller site you are seeing them straight away.
  16. Like
    Marc reacted to Kinzer in How to get a Custom Profile Field value in template?   
    $member_fields = $member->profileFields();
  17. Like
    Marc reacted to Philip Krasilnikov in Who was online block   
    Thank you guys!
  18. Like
    Marc reacted to Davyc in How can customers reactivate their products when cancelled?   
    Sorted - thanks to @Stuart Silvester for a speedy response - top notch support as always 🙂
  19. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Ibai in Anyone else have issues with date fields for Pages?   
    Thank you for reporting that. I have just taken a look and can replicate this myself. I've added a bug report so that this can be resolved in a future release 
  20. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from Meddysong in Here we go again.. Facebook action required   
    Yeah, what its saying there is that there is an issue with your integration, and giving you the developer instructions on how you should integrate (this is what we use). We have done that in the software. The reason you got the message is because there was an issue
  21. Like
    Marc reacted to DawPi in Images as a gallery   
    ACP - Posting - Maximum image dimensions to display
  22. Like
    Marc got a reaction from High-End in license Help   
    This has now been sorted out for you, and I have gone ahead and sorted the domain requested also. Please feel free to respond to the ticket should you have any further issues
  23. Like
    Marc got a reaction from High-End in license Help   
    Just as a quick update to this, while you are now of course a customer, your experience with demo conversion has given us some ideas on how to make this conversion process easier for new customers going forward. So thank you for your feedback
  24. Like
    Marc reacted to AlexWebsites in New notification when content is approved in 4.6   
    This issue has been confirmed by IPS through a support ticket and the good news is they are working on a fix. The workaround is to re-save the content notification setting either by logging in as the user or through the ACP. One you re-save, the email notification is sent after content is approved. I've tested and used this workaround multiple times and has worked for me. For now its an extra few steps but hopefully there will be a patch or fix soon. This is important for some of my sites as it triggers the content poster to come back.
  25. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Matt in Reactions - Why have both Like and Upvote/Downvote?   
    You cant disable it,as it's the default reaction, but you could change it to anything that you wish. You would just edit the item, and change the name and icon. Of course you can switch off reputation altogether by toggling 'Reputation enabled?' in Members->Member Settings->Reputation & Reactions
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