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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. In the feedback area here 🙂 https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feedback/
  2. Glad to see this is now working correctly for you 🙂
  3. Im not sure what the bug would be there, to be honest. Its stating there it could be presented with more features, but as there isnt really an author, thats not the case
  4. Marc

    V5 image sizes

    Thats not something we have available at present. Once we have a working version for you to look at, you will of course then be able to see those areas. Its worth nothing however, as with v4, there is no "ideal" size, as its responsive in nature
  5. Are you ensuring you check the "security" section? If so, I would need the example member to check on your site
  6. Marc

    IC5: Theme Tools

    We will of course blog about this once we are ready 🙂
  7. Thank you for providing your feedback there, it is always very much appreciated as we always want to make these experiences as smooth as possible. Very happy to have got you over 🙂 A couple of notes on the items you mention there On the uploader, I had at one point offered to pull this from your server. However, this may have been better offered earlier in the process so I will note that for future 🙂 On the communication on migration, I think the confusion here is in that you had purchased cloud and we have no way to really know if you want to migrate unless you let us know of this. I do concede however, that we could maybe make it clear that if you do want to migrate to us, to make contact.
  8. Im not sure what photos you would be expecting to show up there. If the gallery was not previously installed, users have not uploaded any. Im assuming you are referring to attachments they may have uploaded in forums etc. If so then no. The only items that will show in the gallery are items that are uploaded in the gallery. I think your confusion here is in thinking the gallery will somehow grab any image that has been uploaded anywhere, and that is not the case. It's a separate item from attachments in the community
  9. If you take a look at the guide here, it shows where you update details Note, if you are looking for the details as you mention, you will not get the password as its not shown
  10. Also please check you have nothing showing up in the support section of your admin CP.
  11. Should this need escalating, we will need those details. I have taken a look at that user, and while they do indeed have a few email addresses showing, all of those have been used in the last 30 days, so would not be deleted under the rules you have set up
  12. 5 will be available to all our cloud customers, yes. In terms of pages, it would be worth seeing what those changes are once we announce them before migrating entirely. After all, even if the changes were huge, it would still involve change no matter where you move them to
  13. There would be no way in which to do this without customisation, unfortunately
  14. We do not offer an upgrade service for classic self hosted customers, unfortunately. It may be worth looking at the provider directory if you do want to employ someone for that purpose. You can find those here https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/ Is this an upgrade from 3.4?
  15. Im a little lost there. According to our records you appear to be on 4.7.15?
  16. We can assist with blocks created by invision, but not custom written blocks unfortunately. You would need a developer to see where the issue is in your block code there
  17. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  18. While I understand what you are saying about not having updated any addons, you have updated our software. So if something is no longer compatible with the latest release, of course it could cause issues. So our advice would still be to disable all 3rd party items, including theme while you are testing
  19. You would ask on here. There is no way to directly post a ticket. If we needed to create a ticket from it for some reason, we would. If you can let us know what problem you are having, we can then advise for you
  20. If you look at the source of the page itself, the code you added is actually being added to the footer. So its what you are adding that is the issue
  21. Glad to hear it was solved 🙂
  22. No. It just means its not worth releasing a patch for people generally. It would not be reverted once there is a new release, as the fix will be in that release
  23. The issue we know at this point is when people are using the swiftkey keyboard
  24. You would need to check your code. It is indeed in the source
  25. You would need to look at your code to ensure its compatible with the latest release. We would not be able to assist with custom written pages. It may be worth removing blocks one at a time to see if its one specific one causing you issues though.
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