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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. In terms of this, it is something that shouldnt really be coming up. It was added as a 'just in case', but really your users shouldnt be seeing it unless they are doing something very odd. So it would be a case of us having a look at the rules to prevent the issue, rather than prettifying the problem, so to speak
  2. I can bring up that internally. Just ensuring the issue of of it showing all the time is resolved first of all.
  3. No, its not the look of it. Its more the fact its present. You really shouldnt see it very often at all. Most of your users probably wouldnt ever see it
  4. You mentioned above you are using cisco connect
  5. Please check this again now. We have made some changed. Any issues, please let us know
  6. Please check this again now. We have made some changed. Any issues, please let us know
  7. We are of course constantly working to improve items on our cloud network. The issue being experienced here, is unfortunately the result of an attack on the network which we are actively fine tuning to mitigate. At point point we were blocking 80 million requests, to put in context of the level we have been dealing with.
  8. We are aware of an issue there, and this has been reported internally.
  9. Please have a read of the following, which shows what this is and why it is important We have however reported internally that people are being shown repeatedly
  10. The short answer to the first question is "It will break". Dont do it. If you connect both to the same database, its simply not a developer forum, as anything you amend/change will affect both instances. You could end up with files being saved to one location, when they should be saved to another, anything cached on disk will be saved to 2 different locations. And these are just the things I can think of from the top of my head.
  11. Please could you check to see if you have any errors showing in console?
  12. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  13. But there was more than one! 😄 jk. Reported it as a bug internally for you
  14. The intention of a patch is that it is shown only in the support area, which is where you should go if there is an issue on your site. Anything outside of what is a patch would tend to be a release, which indeed you are notified of. Not everyone will need the patch, and we dont want to alert everyone for that reason.
  15. This should now be working. Please let us know if you have any further issues.
  16. Either permissions are not actually correct or you have a path within a constants.php file which is incorrect there.
  17. I have created a ticket on this one, and someone will be in contact
  18. Expand the commerce section, and you can click the lock icon at the side of the store. You can deselect for guests, so they wouldnt see the store at all
  19. Im interested to hear what part of these you believe you cant already do in some way, other than the leaderboard? Points - This is the bases of the current achievements system Score - Every user has an amount of points, so that would be your score Virtual Gift - Essentially, if they are virtual in nature, you could use badges for this Points are of course already awarded based on rules as you have suggested there.
  20. How would you see this working? I ask as you could simply set up a product for this at the moment. What would it 'do' on the calendar once purchased?
  21. This is something you would need to ask the author of that custom application. We are unable to provide any guarantee on 3rd party applications.
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