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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. There isnt anything we can really investigate at present, as its working. If you do see it happen again though, let us know and I can escalate
  2. Try just removing the code on them on your test site one at a time, and see if it comes back. I suspect it will
  3. On point 1 there, I have just noticed from the users ticket to you there, they actually stated it started Sun/Mon. This was days before the issue occurred. They are not related here
  4. Sorry you are frustrated here, but we are indeed crossing each other in communication 1 - The 2 issues - One was an issue with communication between 2 items on your site (redis in this case) and the other is related to change in data on your site. I completely understand you feeling they are related, but its like saying because it was raining at the same time your data changed, it was caused by the rain. 2 - The question on the group, you are misunderstanding entirely. Im not asking what moved them out of the group you believe they should have been in. Im asking what put them in the group they should have been in firstly. Im asking this, as if this was by something that was automated, such as a purchase, a promotion, or something similar, it could be something wrong in that process that has caused it to revert.
  5. Could you please see if you can pinpoint the time it nexts happens, then leg us know that time so we can investigate accordingly? I suspect they indeed may be, but I would need that to know for sure. Please also leave the issue in place while I take a look
  6. It would be worth checking server error logs to see if you see anything happening in there too
  7. Could you provide me with the example of this? Actually, thinking on this, I am in the UK. So if you post something new now and PM me the link so I can take a look
  8. If you did a conversion, check the converter login method, which is linked to this
  9. Glad to hear you got where you need to be 🙂
  10. That is correct. Has this resolved the problem for you?
  11. You are mixing 2 things here. The issue you are having is unrelated in any way. The exception you were getting rendered your site inaccessable. It does not change data. You're also misunderstanding the question there. Im asking what put them in the group in the first place.
  12. I have tagged devs to get confirmation, but Im not sure thats something we have control over.
  13. I will bring this up internally, thank you Its not feesable
  14. Are you both using the same hosting company at all?
  15. I will take a look at that and probably get it removed. It is indeed something that just never had anything added to.
  16. Is there Something Specific that would have put them in that group in the first place? I ask as I cant see them having been in that group
  17. We appear to be unable to get to your site as we are being blocked by cloudflare. I would advise on disabling this to check if the issue is occuring too
  18. If its showing nothing to update, then you have the latest. If you want to make 100% sure, you can always upload a fresh set of files from your client area
  19. Glad to hear you appear to have resolved the issue
  20. You would then need to report this to swiftkey, as the issue itself is not an issue on the editor. We have no control over what shiftkey sends to the editor (select here, backspace here etc)
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