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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. We are aware of the issues, and these are being looked into at present. I will update on here once this is resolved
  2. Check you are running the latest release with all patches installed, and also disable any and all 3rd party items while you test this. If you are then still having an issue, please submit a ticket so we can take a look The same as above for this one, Anawa.
  3. Hopefully that gets them to approve it for you. I agree, the procedure on facebooks end is far from being ideal, and in addition seems to change constantly. We are essentially playing catch up with their changes at times to ensure you guys have the facebook connection.
  4. Please check your emails. I have created a ticket for you on this, so that we can get on there and take a look. From what you are describing, you appear to have done everything correctly
  5. No problem at all. Thanks for letting us know
  6. Indeed as Adriano mentioned above, you need to add this to a constants.php file. The intention of this is for circumstances where you cannot access the normal functionality of the ACP.
  7. You can try recovery mode, which you can find instructions on here. Reaching out to the author of that plugin may also help both yourself and others who may hit the same issue there.
  8. Those are more the developer related guides you are looking at there. What you need is the formatting guide here. This should help you to achieve what you are looking to
  9. Thats correct, yes. If however you are having issues as shown above, its your hosting company you would need to contact there
  10. You would need to contact your hosting company regarding this issue, as its generally an issue with the mysql configuration
  11. No problem. Glad you found what you need 🙂
  12. This is not something that would be re-added for the reason mentioned in the original post. You could create a field for the user to enter a custom title which you would then be able to include on the page if you wish, as discussed. However there is no way in which to do this by number of posts at present
  13. Any changes to existing blocks would require customisation to achieve. There is no setting to change this at present
  14. I have spoken to one of our developers who will see what is possible and respond at some point later today. As block items are subject to caching, this is something that needs thinking about
  15. Are you logged in as an administrator with full access? All these areas are indeed present on the latest release which your site is using. Do you have other admin on there who can check this also?
  16. Chrome will indeed block insecure content, so if your site is running https and you have images referencing http, they will not show. You can prevent users from doing this if needed by switching on "Allow only secure images?" In ACP->System->Settings->Posting Opentype is indeed referring to the bold topic titles there.
  17. Not within the core platform unfortunately, as blocks show on page types, rather than specific pages. So for example, if you add a block to a topic page, it will show on all topic pages. The same applies to products.
  18. If your app has been closed on facebook, you wouldnt be able to connect them. You would need to ensure your application is in developer mode if its been closed by facebook themselves, and that your test user is added as a test user in your facebook application under roles>test users
  19. Indeed as our friend above mentioned, you need to fill the details in within the following area, ensuring you select the manifest checkbox and fill in those details too. Browser cache can need clearing if you are not seeing it show up after that. AdminCP > Customization > Icons & Logos
  20. Its not a regular thing, no. But this has now been resolved, so we shouldnt see it popping up again. I'm sure our sales will appreciate the drinks 😉
  21. Thank you for reporting. I have added a bug report for this so that we can get it fixed in a future release
  22. Hello, Please submit a ticket and we can then get some information from you to see if we can track down your issues. Facebook are known to change things at times unfortunately, but Im sure we can get it figured out for you
  23. Hi there. I can see your ticket and have just responded to this for you. This does need review from another department in your case, so someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  24. Please submit a ticket and we can take a look to see whats going wrong there for you
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