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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. No, not at all. I do enough for that for us all 😄
  2. You cant disable it,as it's the default reaction, but you could change it to anything that you wish. You would just edit the item, and change the name and icon. Of course you can switch off reputation altogether by toggling 'Reputation enabled?' in Members->Member Settings->Reputation & Reactions
  3. Thank you for reporting that. I have just taken a look and can replicate this myself. I've added a bug report so that this can be resolved in a future release
  4. Just as a quick update to this, while you are now of course a customer, your experience with demo conversion has given us some ideas on how to make this conversion process easier for new customers going forward. So thank you for your feedback
  5. I have just resolved those items for you, so you should be good to go
  6. Not a problem. Glad you got what you needed
  7. Hello, You would change the email logo within 'ACP->System>Settings->Email Settings->Email logo'
  8. Hi Nigel. What issue was it you were having trying to use folders?
  9. This has now been sorted out for you, and I have gone ahead and sorted the domain requested also. Please feel free to respond to the ticket should you have any further issues
  10. Have you ever been able to replicate it yourself?
  11. Could I confirm you are on the latest release first of all? Also, check within Support (top right of ACP) to ensure that there is nothing showing up there. Specifically that its not showing files missing. If you're still not seeing any resolve, please submit a ticket and we can take a look to see what is happening
  12. I have created a ticket on this for you, so we can try and get to the bottom of your issue. I will respond to this shortly
  13. I believe I have tracked down a demo that you were using to create a site, and it seems you have inadvertently created a new account, rather than clicking to purchase your demo. We can certainly get that sorted out for you, and I have responded to your ticket on this. If you can take a look at my response and confirm, we can get that done straight away for you
  14. What my colleague is saying there, is that writing a plugin would be the only way in which to do this. I'm not aware of any personally that do this, but it would be worth checking in the marketplace.
  15. I suspect its quite possible this is the case. Either with ghostly or adblock
  16. Incidentally, I just tested with ghostery myself to see what I could find out, and it doesnt seem to cause any issues here. Of course it may be user specific
  17. @Kjell Iver Johansen and @tigerhome de . Please could you check with the users who are having this issue the following, so we can see if we can get to the bottom of the issue for you guys. What version of firefox is being used in cases where this is happening? What browser plugins are being used on those versions Also ask specifically if they are using "Ghostery", as this has been mentioned above by @Simarilius as a possible cause, so it would be good to rule this out. As much information as you can get from the users as possible would be helpful.
  18. Glad to see you managed to get it working 🙂 Happy testing
  19. Generally the only explanation there would be that you are indeed not installing at the exact same location, or that you are not using the test key. Looking at what you have on your licensed test URL, could I confirm you are including the www? This is the most common mistake there. If not please let us know and we can continue via ticket
  20. There isn't any way in which to really do what you are asking directly there. As mentioned above, you would be much better to have a database which is built specifically for that purpose
  21. As mentioned above, it sounds like you may be using "with traffic" for running your tasks. In some sites that may be fine, however if you have a site where there are quieter periods, it will result in your tasks being run less frequently than they should be. Please switch to cron if this is the case, and let us know the result.
  22. No problem. Glad we could get to the bottom of the issue for you
  23. Not a problem. As suspected by my colleague there, the issue is that the moderator group has restricted moderator permissions on the "forums" tab of moderator permissions. In this case it was the permission "Can set best answer/solved for questions and topics?". Therefore the user was not actually a moderator in that respect
  24. Fully appreciate that. Unfortunately on this occasion it was an issue on AWS side. It should be resolved now, but of course please feel free to let us know if you see any further issues
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