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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Before we continue, could I ask about the "Temporary" part here? Is this on a renewal basis? For example, if they purchase that 30 days, could they then purchase another 30 once it expired?
  2. Assuming you are referring to them not being able to renew anything after that period, then its not currently possible as mentioned. However if you are doing this in terms of trial periods that would be a different matter. It really depends on what you are trying to achieve
  3. You would need to email all members to let them know if they use facebook login, they need to reset. There is no way in which to specifically target users with facebook login at present
  4. You can set up any mail that uses SMTP by adding the relevant details into the email settings area. You can see how to do this here if needed
  5. As mentioned above, you would not click to download the full package. You need to download the individual plugins you wish to use, and upload those. This is described in the documentation here, however if you have any further questions, please let us know
  6. Im not sure what it is you are looking for there. The link to register already exists under the menu, as does the sign in button
  7. I can see this happening with MOV files here and opened a bug report on this. It appears it is happening with any device that cannot natively play them. Not only can you not show the video (expected) but you cannot download it (not expected)
  8. ^ that would indeed be the very first thing you should do. Failing that, I would suggest first of all asking your hosting company what is causing your hosting to crash. If they can provide you with a query that is running for example, we may have a better understanding of what is causing you problems
  9. There is not such a feature built in as such, however you can add group formatting in html, so you could add whatever you needed in there. To do this you would edit your gropu, then select "Use HTML" next to the group formatting item, and add your code as needed Note you may also then want to go to Members->Member Settings->Profiles->Profile settings, and switch to 'Global' for the Group formatting setting there.
  10. The only items you can order by at present are the items shown in the "Default sort order" list. There is no way in which to order by a custom field at present. As you are still asking if someone else may have other ideas, I have moved this to the community support forum. If you would like to see sort orders for custom fields added, please feel free to post this as a suggestion within our feature suggestions forum.
  11. The progress bar is unrelated to these. Thats a visual bug. When you get -200 this means the server itself is throwing an error at some point during the upload process. Usually this will be that its hitting something like upload_max_filesize, memory_limit, or some other limit on the PHP setup
  12. As at present this is actually working as it was intended, I have moved this to our suggestions area for consideration.
  13. Excellent find! I will get some more information on that my end now, and see if we can get this confirmed, then logged as a bug
  14. You would find what is being referred to above in Commerce->Payments->Settings->Tax Rates within your ACP (Admin CP). You can choose from either a single rate per country, Separate consumer and business rates, or European VAT rates where there is a differentiation between VAT-registered and none VAT-Registered companies
  15. No problem. If you are happy with the resolution there, all good.
  16. Sorry to see you are having issues there. With this one, it will need to be looked at by one of our developers for you. I have gone ahead and created a ticket for this, and someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  17. I have created a ticket for you on this. Its impossible to say without investigation why this may have happened.
  18. If the same member is awarded the same item on 2 occasions, it would indeed get awarded twice. Say for example, 2 separate posts for being helpful. So on the profile it would actually show twice, with 2 links to the items in question. For example, 'Mr Test' here has 2 badges for being helpful
  19. It can only really be cache external to the software if theme updates arent showing after clearing cache. I would suggest contacting your hosting company on that issue
  20. Ive opened up a ticket for you on that, so we can get in and take a look for you to see what is happening.
  21. No problem. Glad its now working for you in any case
  22. Redis would be the only external caching method we have available to set in the ACP now, and is what we use ourselves. We do always say to ensure you are sure you need it, and to ensure that it is actually providing you with a benefit first of all however. Used when it isn't needed can actually be counterproductive.
  23. Just an update. I have sent this up to our tier 2 developers to take a look at this and see whats happening.
  24. There is currently no facility for this within the software, unfortunately. Im not aware of any plugin for this at the present time, but someone else may of course correct me on this
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