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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Marc

  1. If it's a theme you have created for yourself, its likely changes in your globalTemplate which mean its not been updated to the latest. You would need to revert that template and reapply your changes, which would likely resolve the issue. If it's one downloaded that someone else has made however, I would advise contacting them as there may be a lot of change

  2. 9 hours ago, Gabriel Torres said:

    Thanks @Adriano Faria! It worked like a charm! 🙂 I was getting confused by this very misleading message:


    You see, this message tells us to add the button in the editors. It should tell us to create stock replies FIRST, and then add the button... This is something that could be improved.

    Thank you for your feedback. Of course this is a very new feature, and Im sure there will be things which we find could be better implemented as time goes on. I will get this passed on to our developers to see if we can have this worded a little differently.

  3. 1 hour ago, CoffeeCake said:

    This is not your hosting company.

    This is intentional behavior when you have sendgrid tracking turned on and you have added a branded URL. That's what is changing the address.

    When the recipient clicks the link, sendgrid tracks the clickthrough and redirects.

    See: https://docs.sendgrid.com/ui/account-and-settings/how-to-set-up-link-branding

    Sorry, I should have stated email host there, but thats very helpful, thank you

  4. In the default, they show at the top of any forum when pinned, but not separated into their own box as mentioned. When you say "at the top of the page" could you explain what you mean? I ask as you mention you cannot see them until the subforum is open. That is correct as you cannot see any topic until you open the forum they are in. However thats with the exception of when viewing the site as a feed on the front end.

    Also, depending on your aim, you may be able to use a block. For example, I have seen on some sites, pinned topics have been put in a block on their sidebar using the topic feed.

    We cannot comment on the specific theme you are referring to there. For that you would need to contact the author

  5. Completely understand you being desperate for assistance there, but unfortunately the issues you are having there are with your mail services rather than with the software. As a self hosted customer, once the mail leaves our system, it would be for the mail system to deliver those messages. You have seen yourself, the email is getting sent.

    The most likely scenario there is that its getting caught in their spam, so it would be well worth getting that checked first of all. There are no access details on file for me to check, but also check to ensure the domain you are sending from has SPF and DKIM records in place. This can cause them to be returned by receiving email services. That again would be a hosting thing though, so if you need more assistance with that you would really need to contact them on this. Sorry we could not be of further assistance there

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