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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. This is not something in which can be readily provided in its current state unfortunately. It may be worth looking in the marketplace as there are others who have done similar which may interest you
  2. You would need to check what is in Community>Forums>Settings within your admin CP for "Popular topics". This is what would determine what shows as hot
  3. Unfortunately, while I completely understand the frustration, we have many many users using many different languages and locales around the world. If your system is not allowing us to set this, we cannot set it. See the above explaination from my colleague.
  4. There isnt really much else we can add to the conversation here unfortunately. The issue is that your system is not recognising that locale when entered
  5. Given this is an error being thrown at server level, please can you check your server error logs for the underlying error being logged?
  6. It would be the server path relative to your installation
  7. Could i ask if you are checking this on a default unaltered language pack there? I am unable to replicate this on my own instance.
  8. Just to let you know here, we may disable customisations temporarily in order to ascertain what is causing issues on the site. Please could you confirm you understand this, as this includes the editor
  9. While we can certainly take a look at this, it nees to be advised first of all that whether your license is showing valid or not on your dashboard, it does not in any way at all affect the functionality of your platform, and the only person who would see this is a member of admin. These issues tend to occur when your server cannot contact the licensing server for some reason. With regard the message there, I would need more context as to what that says there, and where you got the message. Unfortunately as the issue is no longer present there isnt anything there to investigate. If you get messages like that at any point, please do let us know first and then we can take a look to see what the cause is for you. I did notice on logging into your site you are a few versions behind. Please update those to the latest release. Also, you should address the items in the support area under the mysql area. These can cause slowdown on your system, and cause the database to lock meaning things cannot be read or written at that time. It may well be this that is causing you other issues.
  10. Check on your system for an account with that email address. That is a dummy email address that is used for the IPS Temp Admin account when you automatically generate a support account from the admin CP
  11. Feel free to bring this up as a suggestion, however that is the reason it has been changed at present
  12. Thank you for reporting. I have now bug reported this so that we can get it resolved
  13. Please ensure the account on file has full unrestricted access. We can then take a look at that for you
  14. Thank you for informing us of this. I have added a bug report for this for you
  15. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to be able to access the issue without admin access, as has been mentioned previously. The only other thing I can think you can check there is that the user has not been moved to a group which has bypass moderation switched on.
  16. I will need to run a rebuild on the achievements system there to see if this picks up. Are you happy for me to go ahead and do that?
  17. I think the first thing we need to do is get a ticket opened for this, which I have just done. I will need details on the emails ect sharing, which is not suitable for public of course.
  18. This was an intentional change in 4.6.8 for SEO reasons, in order to remove a redirect
  19. This has been flagged up here also. Please keep your eye on that topic for an update
  20. No problem. Good luck in resolving your issue
  21. There would be no way in which to add them as attachments, unless you actively edit posts and do that yourself
  22. Securi and mod_sec are something installed on your server. cloudflare is an external service. All I can tell you for sure is that something is blocking those. Contacting your hosting company would be the best things to do if you are unsure
  23. Just to confirm, if you added items they wont work on people who have previously hit these milestones, unless you rebuild. If they are new people who have hit a milestone though, we would need an example so we can take a look for you
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