I see this was sorted out for you in your ticket, so will mark this as resolved. As mentioned by my colleague, its very likely the issue was related to the server move there, but should you see it happen in future, of course let us know.
That is not the same issue. If your system requires different permissions you would need to change the permission of that folder. You can add a constants.php file with the relevant permissions if required also.
Also have those users clear their browser cache, and check from the theme link at the bottom to see what they are seeing as the selected theme. I am seeing a dark theme on my end
Taking a look at what you have there, it looks like you are using the Twitter API v2, which is not shown in our docs. YOu need to be clicking "Create App" and not "New Project" on there. I will take a look at the docs and make that clearer, as V2 did not exist when the documentation was created
Of course, anything you add to the site outside of our normal functions has the potential to break things I suspect there that it's the static width you have set on that iframe, but would not be able to tell you for certain. It would be for you to take up with the ad provider. You can disable it for mobile using code as shown here
You are correct. In the same way, if you have it on light and you specifically select white, you also would not be able to see it. If you select no colour manually, it will show black on a light theme, and white on the dark theme