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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. This however would be something in which you wish to have as a suggestion rather than a bug, unfortunately. What you are seeing at present is working as intended
  2. Please check the access details on file. At present these appear to be incorrect
  3. When you add the value to the purchase price, it is not a renewal. It is the purchase price. So this is actually correct and as per design. The intention of this is that if the purchase options are different and you want the initial purchase price to also be different.
  4. You can also add text to the client area on purchase of an item. You would add this in the client area section of the product you create
  5. Sorry, that was actually my fault. I meant the topic (this topic). As you sent via PM and I wasnt online, it meant you were left waiting for a response
  6. Any suggestions regarding spam prevention, please post up within our suggestions area
  7. Sendgrid is what we have direct integration with these days, if you are looking for a new service. Once set up, you would add your sendgrid details in System->Site Features->Integrations
  8. I Believe the feed showing there is all activity, which cannot be edited in that manner unfortunately. All other streams can, as mentioned by Randy above, but the 'All activity' one would indeed show them all. You can only remove items such as it showing hen a member follows, reacts etc.
  9. As mentioned, this is a connection issue somewhere between yourself and their server at those points in time. While I understand your hosting company has checked this, if its intermittent, they may indeed see it working. Given its different services though, I would say the issue is more likely on your server side than anywhere else. The software itself cannot cause a timeout.
  10. The order in which you do this should also be Move the site files Update your conf_global.php and constants.php Make any changes to custom URLs you have set in file storage settings (if you are unsure, its unlikely you have any) Change your licensed URL (go to your client area, select your license, then 'change URL') Do your redirects Its important the redirects are done last, otherwise you will have problems changing the URL on your license
  11. We can take a look at the calendar issue, but I would suggest posting that here as a separate problem with full details as to what exactly is not working. Clicking the calendar it opens up no problem. With the issue on advertisements, we would not provide assistance with customisations, so I have moved your topic to our community support area, where this may well be picked up by people who would like to take on such work.
  12. Looking at that members settings, they are Receiving a daily digest only for 5 forums, not 6. The 6th is set to weekly digest so would be in a different email. One thing I noted from your messages above is "topics/posts". You would get notifications only for new topics, not new posts. Which may be what is causing confusion there. If there were only topics for 3, then thats all they would see. Please could you check this first of all?
  13. The only thing I had to add there was if the members are seeing it also, then it has to be server side that is losing the connection. Sounds like you found the issue there though
  14. In the first instance, please go to Support in the top right of your admin CP and address any items that are showing there. If there are old tables that need to be removed, this will tell you. Secondly, you need to ensure you are logging only errors that are needed. As mentioned above, this would usually be logging only level 3 and above. Another item to check would be to go to your system logs within the support area, and ensure you dont have any system errors being logged over and over, which may be causing tables to fill up. If all else fails, please update your access details on file, and I can take a look to see if there is anything causing you obvious issues there that I can see. You can see how to update your access details here Https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/welcome/getting-support-r292/#access
  15. On a stock installation, you could likely do that yes. We cannot advise on database changes however. The reality here is its very likely resetting the timer due to entering an incorrect password again
  16. I see you managed to get that resolved by uploading fresh files. Glad to see things are now working for you
  17. Please check that these users have not registered through tapatalk. I suspect given they can register using that method, this may well be what is causing the problem.
  18. Please ensure you correspond via the ticket. This way anyone can pick up where needed. Thank you for updating your access details. Please could you let me know the name of the user?
  19. This being the case, you need to ensure you have all the files, as this is what will be causing you the problem
  20. I would need a couple of examples so I can take a look at this for you. There should indeed only be one check
  21. I'm a little confused as to what you believe to be incorrect there. Its generating what you have your software installed under. Your root URL is not our software
  22. Unfortunately this is another where I would need an example, as I cannot replicate this on my own instance
  23. I can, however as we can no longer replicate it on our end, we would need to see what is different. If you could, that would certainly be helpful 🙂
  24. There is no way in which to do that within the default platform, unfortunately
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