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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. You're really going to have no choice but to disable these one at a time until you find the cause here. Unfortunatel, while I know you dont want to do this, I dont see much other option if you want to get to the bottom of the issue.
  2. Yes, that would be correct. Also if you dismiss the notification, it shouldnt return
  3. I have created a ticket for you on that, and someone will be in contact as soon as possible
  4. I have moved this to our developer forum, which is a better place for you to get an answer on this. PS: If I did a 1:39 Im pretty sure I would die 😄
  5. It is indeed. However this is an account issue rather than a support issue. For this you would contact accounts and billing. There isnt anything more I can add to this on a support basis. This has been stated in the EULA and been policy for quite a long time now.
  6. Ive created a ticket for you on this, and someone will be in contact as soon as possible
  7. @opentype would actually be a good person to answer that question, as he mentioned above he has done this
  8. Please ensure the access on file has ACP access. It has no accesss at present unfortunately
  9. Unfortuanetly your site is just sitting on "Checking if the site connection is secure" and not allowing us past that point. Please could you disable this while we are checking the issue. Note however, this is not related to "Questions" forums. Its related to the ability to mark items solved, which is separate to that which you show on your screenshot
  10. Please could you provide me with more information on this? Which topic was this for?
  11. Glad to hear it. The one remaining one is just the vobose logging we have in place. That will be reduced in the next upcoming release
  12. Please ensure you report the issue to the author if this was a plugin /application 😊
  13. Please feel free to post this up as a suggestion if you wish to see something like this in a future release
  14. This would indeed need doing with a cnames record. (2 in fact). We cannot do this via A record unfortunately. If you would like us to go ahead with this, I can get a ticket created for you in order to get details for your site specifically?
  15. You would need to try the above first and foremost. If you are unsure on how to do this, your hosting company should be able to assist you with creating the file.
  16. Please try using recovery mode, and also checking your server error logs to see what is showing up there https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/getting-support-r292/#recoverymode
  17. Everyones gotta have a hobby I guess LOL
  18. I have created a ticket for you on this so we can take a closer look
  19. Please use recovery mode to disable all 3rd party items. Its very likely one of those is not compatible with your site https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/getting-support-r292/#recoverymode
  20. The ticket system works over email. Please check your email on your client account. This was sent on 22nd
  21. Not unless you have issues on your server with PHP8, no. Check you dont have anything which is throwing constant errors on your system by looking at the system logs in your System logs.
  22. The reality is, it's the same site you are loading, from the same source, in both instances. The only difference here is the medium you are using to connect. The issue unfortunately can only really be on the phone side of things
  23. You would need a developer to help you achieve that. There is no simple answer to achieve this unfortunately
  24. These appear to have all been removed, so unfortunately there is no way for me to tell what that was logging
  25. Please upload a fresh set of files from your client area, then run the upgrade from /admin/upgrade . Let us know if this works for you and if not let us know here right away and we can get it sorted for you
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