Everything posted by Marc
Can't login in Admin CP and Front End
It is indeed. If you go to the support page on your admin CP, it will show you what that hook number is attached to if you click on the button provided for this
Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance...
Haveyou just switched over to PHP 8 and upgraded? If so, I would suggest first of all disabling all 3rd party items. It may be that you have a 3rd party item there that is causing issues on your hosting, and your hosting is then throwing a service unavailable at you. As you are on 4.7.5, switching to PHP 7 is not only a bad recommendation from your host, but also not an option. The minimum requirement is PHP 8. Your hosting company needs to tell you the reason that your hosting is showing service unavailable. That is not a message from the software. It's a message from your hosting environment
New Topic Pending Moderation and comments free of moderation
This is correct, of course 🙂
Cannot upgrade automatically due to "There are some problems with your database."
Could I please confirm you have nothing showing within the support area under the mysql section that needs addressing, other than those queries?
Maintenance Tasks Not Running
If its now disappeared, it is indeed running 🙂
user cannot to login
This means the user has been caught by a filter such as the ban filter or (more likely) the spam service. If you are testing over and over yourself, then you would get that eventually as the service will think you are spam. If the user who is trying to register is known to be a valid user, you can white list if needed. Please see the following guide on this
scheduled topic appears as unread for the user that schedules it
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
Embed HEIC Images?
There is no function for that at the present time unfortunately, no.
How to add gift card as a supported payment option
This is actually quite a normal process, as this is a gift card, not a discount code. For example, if you get a gift card from amazon, you have to redeem it in the same manner
Report system (again!) not working properly - no notifications send
Unfortunately this is simply not how development works. You will not find any software that does not accidentally introduce bugs on changes. Its simply not possible. Microsoft, apple, google and more, all release hundreds of fixes every release. As a prime example, the last release of windows, my taskbar had all icons pushed to the left. These have thousands of testers, and millions of people testing the beta. Its simple nature of the game, and we fix important issues like these as quickly as possible
2S119/1 Sorry, you do not have permission for that!
If your server was forcing https and it was set http in your configuration, that would indeed cause you problems. I must admit, Im surprised you were ever able to log in. In any case, glad you got the issue sorted
Where should I add my custom JS files
You arent. There is no built in feature to do this other than the area mentioned by my colleague. Other than that, creating an application for that purpose would be the other way to go
Calendar does not always translate dates across time zones
I see it. I have created a ticket for you on this, so we can get things sorted for you
Refused to frame google.com
Glad to hear you found an answer to your issue
Mobile menu is missing
Glad to hear it helped 🙂
Blog Error
It looks like you have something there that isnt compatible with PHP 8
I need help, plugins are not working
You would need to contact the author of that plugin for assistance, if its causing you issues with the block manager. We would not be able to assist with 3rd party applications unfortunately
Showing Topics on the HomePage like Blog?
If you are referring to adding these to forum home, you can do this with the above, as mentioned. If you wish to create a new home page with blocks like this only, you would need the pages application in order to achieve this
2S119/1 Sorry, you do not have permission for that!
No problem. Please let us know how you get on
2S119/1 Sorry, you do not have permission for that!
Please disable that cache entirely while we are taking a look at this. Especially as cached items seem to be having an impact
"Cache page output for guests" Feature missing
Sorry to hear you feel that way. This has been discussed at length below https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/469586-feature-deprecations/
2S119/1 Sorry, you do not have permission for that!
Are you using any caching on the server at all? Also, we would need to know who
2S119/1 Sorry, you do not have permission for that!
No problem. Glad you are in 🙂
2S119/1 Sorry, you do not have permission for that!
A little confused there. That is indeed what I just asked LOL. Im not sure anyone asked for any details at all above other than to know your display name so we could check permissions 😄 Never send credentials any other way than in the secure client area 🙂 I would suggest clearing your browser cache, and ensuring you are only visiting /admin/ (ensure you dont have anything after that stored in a bookmark for example). I am logged in as yourself with no issues at all.
Reporting processes multiple times
Ive not seen this happening on my end. Have you tested to see if you can actively reproduce this first of all? Also, have you applied all patches in the support area, as some of these relate to reports