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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. I see that was sorted for you by my colleague. Please let us know if you have any further issues.
  2. There is actually a key there. That link is specific to the user in which has requested the file. So there is no way in which to get that link without authentication. Only a link to it would be returned in any API. It's the application that calls it that would download it. So it your case you would be using WebClient to do this. So something like this (please note, this is outside the scope of support, so any issues would be for yourself to resolve using (var myWebClient = new WebClient()) { myWebClient.DownloadFile("theURLHere", "destinationFileNameHere.gz"); } With regard the extension, could I please ensure you are using the latest release of the platform? I have seen that issue on the front end which was resolved
  3. You are going to struggle to achieve that really. I would ask, do you really need multiple databases? If they are all the same, are they not just different categories?
  4. That would be the merging of those 2, yes
  5. There is no way in which to exclude specific pages, unless you specifically add code for that
  6. Please disable all 3rd party items and test this on a default unaltered theme in the first instance. If you are then still having any issues, please let us know and we can take a closer look
  7. You would add the bottom 3 lines of that top file, just below the "RewriteEngine on" part in the bottom if you wish to merge them. Note, we would not advise on any issues this may cause. We can assist only with the stock version, so this would be at your own risk.
  8. This would indicate that there is an issue with the server config, as mentioned in the message there. Please check folders are still writable, and that you aren't having any issues such as disk space issues in the first instance
  9. That isn't a standard one, no. You can get a standard htaccess from your admin CP by visiting System->Site Promotion->Search Engine Optimisation. You will see "Download this file" on that page
  10. Thats how you would do it if you want to use cross referencing, yes. In all honesty, what you are trying to do isnt really the purpose of cross referencing. I would suggestion just creating that field on each of your databases as a select field unless you do wish for people to be able to click to a state and see a state record
  11. The destinations database would have to be accessible on the front end somewhere. So you would have a page for a destination for example. Thats how cross linking works. So lets say you had articles on 20 locations, you could add a cross link on your street racing articles which would cross link to the article for the locations they are in
  12. These are sent to your email. There is no link I can give. You wouldnt lose any contents no
  13. Unless your site has been requested to be in the EU region, then it will be in the US region at present. I have created a ticket for you so we can sort this for you. Please also ensure you check your spam email, as you have had responses on this previously it seems
  14. Please check the admin CP access as these are incorrect. We will also need the ftp details populating completely
  15. Also are you using any caching on your server at all? This may be worth checking. Things such as template disk cache could cause this too if things are not being written efficiently
  16. You would need to speak to the author of that item for assistance there
  17. Its not something that would happen automatically. There has been instructions on how you can if you wish to remove them in the past, but its never really been nessesary. To be honest, Im not sure why that would actually be causing your site to crash, but if that is what your hosting company is coming back with, something is clearly connecting to them for some reason
  18. November releases would be released in November. With regard when the last moment will be for you to upgrade to the latest, the answer to that is whenever you wish to do so. There is nothing forcing you to upgrade. Just be aware by not doing so, we would be able to offer limited support (the answer at times may be to upgrade), and that you are knowingly running a PHP version that will not be patched if there are security issues found.
  19. It does need to be noted here that the real impact may be that if you have an issue, you are actually causing yourself more of a problem by having not updated. The warning is given in order to prompt action to find out if your 3rd party items are ready and to obtain updates if they arent. You could end up in a situation where you have an issue and find yourself having to upgrade to gain support, while not having prepared yourself. Or worse, find yourself in a situation where you end up compromised because of a security flaw that is found in PHP that isn't patched. Of course this is up to yourself. Nobody can force you to upgrade. However, the above is the real impact.
  20. Having read through the response from cpanel there, it seems issues are being caused by items outside of our control. None of those are Invision Community 4 files/folders. initdata.php is from version 3.4 and can be removed. the /content/ folder may well also be from 3.4 unless you know differently. Back up that folder and then delete it
  21. If they can do that, they must be set up as a moderator, so would check that first of all. Only moderators can do this
  22. Please disable community map which looks to be extending calendar there. It looks like this may be what is causing you issues
  23. Please do also check your server error logs at the time its happening as mentioned above
  24. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
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