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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Glad you found what you need there 🙂
  2. I have created a ticket for you on this one, so we can take a closer look
  3. You cannot make the compatibility scanner avoid the folder. If its not compatible, the application must be made to be compatible. If the application is breaking your software you need to contact the author of that item to correct the issue.
  4. The area you have screenshot there you should be entering your site admin CP details, not your client area details. This is likely why you are having issues
  5. Check with the author if you know it to be a 3rd party items that is causing you the issues there
  6. Just noted here, have you checked to see what version of PHP you are on. I noted this in the original message "php5.external"
  7. Please could you try removing the contents of your datastore folder (apart from the index file) and see if that corrects the problem
  8. No problem. Please let us know if you have any other questions of course
  9. Glad to hear that was sorted out for you 🙂
  10. Generally then, the folders would be 777. This is however a generalisation of course, as we dont host your site
  11. There is no function for this at present within the core platform. I will move this over to community support, as there may be others who have worked around this
  12. This is not something you would be able to do with the software by default. You would require customisation in order to achieve this
  13. Please update all ftp details also. We will need access to this in order to assist
  14. I have created a ticket for you on this so we can look into the issue further. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible
  15. This depends on your hosting, and isnt a question we can directly answer. Usually those folder (not files) would be 777, however if using suPHP/suExec they would be 755 and will actually break using 777.
  16. It may well be. The following need to be writable (fully) applications datastore plugins uploads and all subfolders When its 503, as that comes from the server, you need to find out what exactly is causing it to show that. What exactly on the server errors or is waiting.
  17. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  18. You would need to speak to your hosting company on this. Clearing cache in ACP is very likely coincidence here. Its likely the site is going down for quite a short period, so when you are doing this, its simply come backup. But a 503 message is a service unavailable, which is from your hosting.
  19. Please could you provide more information as to what you were doing at the time this was shown? Is this only happening when in_dev?
  20. This is not something that is an option at present. It may be worth looking at something that replicates rather than trying to get the software to do something it isnt really designed for
  21. I have created a ticket for you on this, and someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  22. Please do not restore. You need to report this with the issue in place, in order for us to take a look at the problem. As soon as it breaks, do nothing else with the site other than report it to ourselves. We can then get the problem resolved for you
  23. I would also inform them of the errors that are being returned from the email server, which are those numbers showing in the email error logs
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