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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. The first thing you should really do here is create a new theme and test it on that theme. This way you know there cant be anything altered on there. As mentioned by Nathan though, you should use the revert button rather than pasting in saved code
  2. The first question there would be what are those blocks? Are those perhaps 3rd party blocks that are running?
  3. The only way you may be able to do it is from Statistics>Activity>Tag Usage . You could then enter a large enough date range that would get you a list
  4. I would need more information on what exactly they have added. If you can get the dates they entered, we can certainly take a look for you
  5. Is this something that is causing you an issue on the page itself, or something that is just showing in console only?
  6. Unfortunately, we are unable to assist with 3rd party items. Only the author would be able to assist with that
  7. ^ what Randy said. Using something like Authy would be your option there
  8. The above is correct. You or your host would need to convert those which already exist
  9. Have you recently upgraded and moved to PHP 8? If so, have you ensured you have moved your cron to be running PHP 8 also?
  10. The details you have there appear still to be incorrect. Please could you check those?
  11. There is no built in limit, no
  12. There are only the blocks you mention there. Each of those blocks you can filter to show a specific calendars events, but there is no way in which to show the whole calendar in a block
  13. Before we continue, please upgrade to the latest release of the software, and test this again. If you are then still seeingythe same issues, let us know and we can take a closer look for you.
  14. Again this is something either blocking you, or your server blocking them. As its in more than one location, its very very likely that the issue is your server itself. You would need to contact your hosting company on this
  15. Hi Michelle, Sorry to hear you have had an extended wait there. Our sales department is quite busy at present, and would take longer to go through than support. With items such as these, there wil be times where questions need to be posed to development staff to see what is involved in the work, in order to then come back to you. So by nature, that it itself can take more time. I assure you someone is dealing with your queries, and will be in touch as soon as possible.
  16. Yes, you can switch on tags from within the database settings on the options tab
  17. No problem. Good luck with the theme update
  18. Please could you update to the latest release and see if that is still happening? I havent seen that happen elsewhere
  19. Ive created a ticket on this for you, so that we can discuss further
  20. When using the WYSIWYG block, it acts in the same manner as the editor, so would respect maximum width etc. You would need to create your own html block from the admin CP with that image in, and code the CSS according to what you wish it to do. Or add this into your theme accordingly. There is nothing that would make it the full width of the size on every device, unless you code that in somewhere
  21. Please update your site to the latest release, and we can then get this ticketed for you, to look into further
  22. I have taken a look, and there is nothing i can see as being an issue there. You simply have a lot of members who havent reponded to validation as of yet. It may well be it's a spammer that is putting them in. I noticed some of those are similar names, and same IPs
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