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Marc Stridgen

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Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. No problem. Let us know if you do need any further assistance
  2. ACP initially. It seems we have a username there, but your site has only email login
  3. If you are getting an internal server error, I would suggest first of all checking your server error logs to see what error is being produced
  4. You would be looking on your email, not in the client area.
  5. Depending on the location you are seeing those, it may not be a locale setting you are looking for. Take a look at the guide here
  6. Please could you review your access details? At present they appear to be incorrect
  7. Ah, its showing you the ones which have most recently been updated. As I have just updated the pages ones, I know that to be correct there
  8. Could you give me the link to your stream? I can take a look and see whats happening for you
  9. There is no such leaderboard as such, but its certainly an interesting idea. I will move this over to our suggestions forum for future consideration
  10. As mentioned above, what you are describing is what you would see when a member is not allowed to use attachments for some reason. This may be permission to attached at all, or that they are over limits, meaning they also cannot attach anymore.
  11. I would expect that to be the case, as its showing "my picks" there, and thats where you have an issue. We can work through this with you, but we are awaiting response from yourself on your ticket
  12. I've moved this over to our suggestions area, but I just wanted to comment here to say your feedback is appreciated and welcomed. As this is a new way of working, we will indeed find better ways of working with people to ensure we provide you with the best possible service.
  13. Incidentally, and just to add to my colleagues comments above, we do actually follow up these tickets also. They are internally marked so that we can come back to them and let people know once it is resolved. The feedback though is very much appreciated 🙂
  14. Could you let me know on which site this is for? Just the first letter will do if you dont want to give the full name
  15. @jay5r could I just check you found what was causing you the issue there?
  16. Got your ticket and we can work through this in there for you
  17. That is indeed certainly worth a shot. (pun intended)
  18. My apologies. I had indeed missed that. I cannot however replicate this in any way on my test instance. Without being able to replicate this, I am unable to report this as a bug. I can certainly take a look at it on your own site if you would like for me to do this. I would need an example user, forum, and item you are trying to edit.
  19. You would need to contact your hosting company on that. Please forward me one of the emails you cannot see the images on. I have just messaged you my email
  20. Please set this up on your site and ensure we have a valid login. I can then take a look at this to see if I can see the issue
  21. I'm still unable to replicate the issue here in any way. Are you using the latest release of the platform there?
  22. There should be no problem with updating to the latest release, and we would recommend doing this
  23. You would really need to contact sendgrid on this. The message there is being returned from them, rather than us, and would seem to indicate you are hitting some kind of limit. With the emails missing images, is this always when you are getting those messages?
  24. Glad to see the issue is now resolved for you. Please let us know if you have any further issues
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