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Stuart Silvester

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. You're right: https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4/issues/2207. Since you did the leg work on this one, you're welcome to bump that issue and let them know it's causing an issue on a current device. (let me know if you would prefer us to report it) Adjusting the regex does allow the editor to work with that UA.
  2. We're deploying a patch tomorrow morning to address this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  3. It does mention test mode, but that last part of the URL you've left unredacted does not match something that would notify Invision Community.
  4. We use jQuery 3.5.1, which hasn't changed for a few years. I'm not at my desk right now, but it's likely in one of the other libraries we use, such as history.
  5. Email addresses must be unique in Invision Community, if you're converting a member account where the email address already exists, they will be merged together and retain the original accounts avatar, profile field data etc.
  6. Conversions copy data from your source dataset, it does not change it in anyway. So yes, make sure you've got enough disk space!
  7. Whilst many OS's do support HEIC/HEIF, none of the browsers that you use to view them do. https://caniuse.com/?search=heif
  8. No, you must use your own storage handler if you're uploading files. A plugin using another storage handler for files would cause it to be rejected if it were submitted to the Marketplace.
  9. Your server is still caching these error responses, so even after setting the constant you're still seeing the cached error.
  10. It should be good now, if you want to try again.
  11. It's the same thing, we're deploying a fix for this so it should be working momentarily
  12. We're still working on this intermittent issue; you shouldn't see it as much now that I have replaced our 'fix'
  13. Your issue was fixed, and your community was working earlier today. You were also getting a lot of errors logged from a plethora of third-party things, likely some of them need updating. Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Required parameter $table follows optional parameter $columns in This is a third party issue. As noted, the reason it took us longer than usual to identify the issue was due to a server-side cache (that still appears to be active) that's caching all error responses, so even after the underlying error goes away, the error is still displayed to the end-user. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method IPS\Lang::recordWord() This suggests a hook file is missing or not being loaded, you could disable and re-enable the Pages application to rewrite the hooks file and see if that fixes it. It does look like you've switched to PHP 8.1 after the above issue occurred (not sure why), I would suggest switching back to PHP 8.0 and then toggling the application to rewrite the hooks.
  14. Hello, We've released a patch that should result this. If you go to the support area of your AdminCP you will see optional patches available to apply in the top left box. Any upgrades to 4.7.5 from now on with include this patch
  15. You can also use the background image template plugin for this. style='{backgroundimage="\IPS\File::get( 'cms_Records', $record->_record_image_thumb )->url"}'
  16. Hi, I just tried the upgrade on your community, and it went through without any issues (you're now on 4.7.5).
  17. 4.7.4+ requires PHP 8, it will not work with PHP 7. This includes the upgrade process
  18. The change will also apply to that issue and allow the page to load
  19. Just a heads up, this issue where there's missing meta data has been fixed in 4.7.5 Beta 1.
  20. This is our December maintenance release. During the holiday period, our focus is on providing bug fixes and improving stability.
  21. The 'board_start' variable in your conf_global.php file may be a string (inside single quotes) instead of an int.
  22. We released a patch for 4.7.4 and when you manually downloaded and uploaded those files you uploaded the changed files (which technically are a different version). Since you didn't go through the proper patching process, you can go to <community>/admin/upgrade and complete the process and it'll update the versions.
  23. We've disabled logging in the compatibility scanner in 4.7.4 (it's now a debug log instead of a normal log)
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