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Stuart Silvester

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. 1/2. We do want to improve the Gallery submission process, but I'll look into whether we can add a hard limit per batch for now. 3. Our next beta should have some sorting fixes included. Do you have any logs for slow queries? We have a number of fairly large galleries on Cloud and we're not seeing any slowness currently. It may be something specific to your MySQL/MariaDB version or just the horsepower behind the server. Any slow logs would be useful though. No, this is specifically for one member submitting lots of images at once.
  2. The fix for this issue didn't make it into this beta (4.7.7 Beta 3), but we're still evaluating it.
  3. Interesting, that column was added about two years ago and we checked the table structures in 4.6. If you run the following, does it complete without error and add the missing column? \IPS\cms\Databases::checkandFixDatabaseSchema( 1 );
  4. You can also upload the requirements checker to your server, load it in a web browser and it'll tell you if there's anything missing from your PHP configuration. Make sure you delete it after using it.
  5. Hi Jamie, We'll take a look at this via a ticket, keep an look out for an email from us.
  6. I'm able to access your AdminCP login page without issue (We can't log in because we don't have any credentials on file). The best solution however is to get upgraded to the latest version, the document I linked to has the instructions to manually upgrade. Additionally, you can use this file to confirm your server is ready to upgrade to the newest release. Upload it to your community folder and visit it in your web browser.
  7. Yes, I think we should be able to do that. It feels like more of an oversight than a feature.
  8. It looks like you're still using 4.1, but that's a front-end error. You may be able to access the AdminCP by going to <you-community-url>/admin You will still need to upgrade to the latest version however.
  9. This bulletin is for versions older than 4.7.0, it should self-dismiss soon since you've recently upgraded.
  10. This issue has been fixed in our 4.7.7 Beta. Please test it with that version and let us know if you still have an issue.
  11. This is our February maintenance release. Key changes include: New Feature: Gallery refresh GraphQL support has been expanded. Blog and Documentation are now available.
  12. When you upgrade from a version older than 4.5, you'll get prompted to complete a Marketplace set up process. You should see an AdminCP notification for that, follow the instructions to match up your existing third party resources.
  13. You'll also get an AdminCP notification if you're using less than the recommended version.
  14. @dutchsnowden Try it now, you shouldn't see the warning page now. You will still need to run a manual query during the upgrade though.
  15. Yes, it looks like Chatbox is hardcoded to use the old CDN. text = (text = (text = self._parseForContent(text)).replace(this.lmn11, function(callback) { return 0 > self.lmn12.indexOf(callback) ? "twemoji" != ips.getSetting("emoji_style") ? "<span class='chatboxEmoji'>" + callback + "</span>" : "<img class='chatboxEmoji' src='" + ("https://twemoji.maxcdn.com/2/72x72/" + self._emojiUnicode(callback) + ".png") + "'>" : callback; })).replace("!", "&#33;");
  16. Hello! You're doing it the right way, merging accounts can be a resource intensive process since it may need to update content in various locations. When you do the merge, Invision Community creates some background processes that may take some time to complete. You can monitor the progress of these from your AdminCP dashboard.
  17. SMTP is slow, we see it time and time again. You could then use the SES app on the Marketplace to send your email via HTTP requests instead, which is much much faster. You could, at your own risk - create a backup etc... remove the queue items with the following query (you may need to add your table prefix if you use one) DELETE FROM `core_queue` WHERE `app`='core' AND `key`='Follow'; But please try and get upgraded as soon as you can, we no longer support the version you're using.
  18. I would need to look back to an old version to confirm (you should really find some time to upgrade to the latest release!) but I believe the notification task from back then does both emails and inline notifications. Using SMTP is naturally going to cause these kinds of tasks to be slow (it's really not a fast protocol). You may be able to temporary switch to PHP processing to let them clear up.
  19. The datastore folder is completely unrelated to the UTF8 converter, but since it's working now that's good. After deleting the table you would have needed to restart the UTF8 conversion.
  20. Have a look in the 'datastore' folder, the upgrader may have already generated some caches. If you see any PHP files in there, delete them and then try again.
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