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Stuart Silvester

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. HI @Safelincs Can you send me a PM with the URL associated with these error logs. i.e. the page that the error occurred on. Thanks!
  2. The error message indicates that you are missing files, perhaps they didn't all upload when you added Commerce.. Go to the client area and download the zip again and upload all files to your community, making sure to overwrite all existing files.
  3. This is a problem with your third-party "Club Enhancements" application, you will either need to disable it or update it if a new version is available that fixes this issue. All of these issues are something you will need to talk to your web host about since they relate to your server configuration.
  4. That sounds like a server configuration issue, I'm not sure what could cause that though. I would recommend uploading our requirements checker to see if your PHP 8.1 build has everything required - Also, I would just like to note that you should not upload or use developer mode on a production site.
  5. Both of these should be fixed in todays beta release.
  6. This is our November maintenance release. Key changes include: New Feature: Moderating with Personal Alerts New Feature: Moderator approval queue now includes a reason why Updated: Events update includes additional streaming platforms Invision Community now requires a minimum of PHP 8.0
  7. This is an issue with the server configuration, unfortunately PHP code cannot do anything about that. There isn't a way to cancel an upgrade once it has started, but as noted your web host should be able to fix this for you.
  8. That is correct, however the links on your pages are going to http:// and then being redirected to https://. So every click and every form is going to a non-secure page first. You need to make the configuration changes above to fix this,
  9. '3MT401/10' is not an Invision Community error code which suggests that the error may be caused by one of your third-party resources. Please make sure they are disabled and then try moving the content again.
  10. Hi! You need to update your Invision Community configuration to use HTTPS, it is currently set to use HTTP. Please take a look at this guide:
  11. I can confirm that we've already fixed these for an upcoming release 👍🏻🎉
  12. Yes, this shows that your theme is out of date and needs to be updated to include template changes that were introduced in newer versions. Have a look at this guide, the second part "Comparing within the AdminCP" will be the most useful since you may not know which version your theme was originally created in.
  13. EXPLAIN statements only work with SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE and UPDATE queries, that likely explains why you're seeing an error message. My only suggestion is to try the update again with 4.7.3 and make sure that you have a working backup of your community before you start.
  14. This suggests you've got an error occurring really really early in the execution process, so early that it's before everything is set up to allow logging to work. It's possible that it may be something missing in your PHP configuration, try downloading our requirement checker and see if it shows anything missing. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/
  15. We've released a patch with some changes, you're welcome to apply it from your AdminCP. It becomes less important as we move the minimum requirement to PHP 8, if there's an issue with the code loading at that point areas of/the community won't work. The important part is scanning during the upgrade process and trying to detect issues that would cause a fatal error.
  16. I suspect this is something caused by either your custom theme or a plugin/app. I would recommend testing with a default theme and if it still occurs, disable any addons you may have.
  17. Thanks for letting us know, we'll take a look at why that's not showing up.
  18. A blank page is an error in PHP since typically you'll have "display_errors" disabled in production. Your PHP error log should have further information about the problem
  19. It's a bad idea from the view of what the code scanner does. Dependencies shipped via composer can still have bugs that would cause a site to be unusable.
  20. I see the cause of the issue, we'll make sure it gets fixed soon.
  21. Hi, Can you update the AdminCP credentials we have on file? we're unable to login to look further.
  22. Can you send me a PM and let me know the URL of the Community you're having this issue on?
  23. You might want to ask the third party author if there's an issue with their code, this suggests they may be.
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