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  1. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from SeNioR- in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  2. Like
    Charles reacted to Marc Stridgen in Don't mark a topic as "Solution" when it's not yet "Solved"   
    Just wanted to follow up on this one. We have been working to find better ways to provide information to you regarding items which may not yet be solves, but are awaiting being solved. When there are items such as this, you will now see prefixes are added to the topic to state they are known issues, or they are fixed in a future release.
    You can see an example of this here, as we have now started using them

    This is in addition to other items we have for use internally to follow up on items. So we can internally add to our own records to follow up on an issue, and come back to keep you guys updated when we can. 🙂 
  3. Like
    Charles reacted to Adriano Faria in iframe with pages   
    HTML page:
    <iframe src="https://g1.globo.com/" title="description" height="800" width="100%"></iframe>
  4. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from Tripp★ in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  5. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from TAMAN in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  6. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  7. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  8. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from count1 in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  9. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from abobader in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  10. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from aXenDev in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  11. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  12. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from Matt Finger in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  13. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from Andy Millne in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  14. Thanks
    Charles got a reaction from Aethes in Large database updates   
    This means that our software will prompt you to manually run some update queries once you get to that step in the upgrade process. You could do it via phpMyadmin or similar. The big thing to keep in mind here is that, depending on your server setup, this could take a long time or cause unforeseen problems. It’s important to be able to manage your server if you are self-hosted.
  15. Like
    Charles got a reaction from AlexWebsites in Translate posts on worldwide forum   
    We are working on native translation in a future update 🙂
  16. Like
    Charles got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Yes, you need both. Browsers have bookmarks. Much like cookie-consent banners, things like this are best left to your browser. Every topic is that 🙂  
  17. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Phil K. in Migration from vBulletin, Missing Last 10 Months of Forum   
    @Phillip Kocher Were you able to see what is going on? The vBulletin 4 converter is well-tested and used quite often so it should work well.
  18. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Ibai in Badges leaderboard?   
    As our new achievements system matures and grows, we do plan to rework the leaderboard to better integrate the features. 
  19. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Kacperrr_ in Badges leaderboard?   
    As our new achievements system matures and grows, we do plan to rework the leaderboard to better integrate the features. 
  20. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Askancy in Solved counter in all forums   
    That's a good point. I am going to check if this is intended or something we just didn't think about. But I agree with you 🙂
    I'll follow up soon!
  21. Like
    Charles got a reaction from S. Rose in Badges leaderboard?   
    As our new achievements system matures and grows, we do plan to rework the leaderboard to better integrate the features. 
  22. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Can't figure out why new posts are being held for moderation   
    As a follow up: a reason for a content item being put on approval hold will be included in a near-future release.
  23. Haha
    Charles got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Optimizing IPS for Mobile Pagespeed Insights?   
    I lost 😞 I had under 15 minutes for Adlago to post in this topic.
  24. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Markus Jung in What happened to the plans ?   
    We have not yet sent an email to clients on our platform as nothing really changed for them. We will send something soon to clarify but in the mean time your old plan stays the same. 
  25. Like
    Charles got a reaction from TDBF in What happened to the plans ?   
    Yes I understand confusion but we weren’t in a rush as there’s no real impact to anyone on the platform. Of course new plan purchases are different. 
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