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  1. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Pete T in Who Was Online   
    It works for 4.5 I do need to update the version tag I sort this over weekend so be ready for downloading in the new admin cp.
  2. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from sobrenome in 4.5 is now released.   
    Yeah, I updated to 4.5 in my hastiness because I purchased Commerce so I had to update the rest of the site. There a few random things happening but I'm raising support tickets with the major things. Fingers crossed there shouldn't be many large issues 🤞
  3. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to The Jimmo in [JIMMO] Top Posters Plus   
    The current release should be compatible with 4.5. However, sometime soon I will be releasing an updated version with some new features/fixes.
  4. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to aXenDev in [Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support   
    In the "Personalization" tab.
  5. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to aXenDev in [Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support   
    @GazzaGarratt As of IPS 4.5, the theme doesn't affect the AdminCP.
  6. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to bfarber in 4.5 is now released.   
    This is a support issue and I would recommend submitting a ticket. Specifically, it sounds like some of your javascript is not loading correctly or is causing an error. Running the support tool in the AdminCP may resolve the issue for you.
  7. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Matt in 4.5 is now released.   
    Yep! This is a soft launch to a smaller number of customers so we can iron out any issues we find (and we have found some 🤣)
  8. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Rhett in [Question] What is the right balance of Plugins installed?   
    The pros to plugins and apps are they add some functionality
    The con is you are adding queries, overhead, more ram usage, creating upgrade issues and slowing the site more with each one you add.
    The key items to be aware of when using third party items, are as follows.
    1. Do you have to have it?  If not, less is more in terms of your time dealing with them. 
    2. It's a good idea to do some homework on the author of the item, as all third party items are supported by the author only.
    3. Each time you upgrade, you first need to ensure that your third party items will work with the newest version you are upgrading too. (see #1)
    4. How busy is your site? compared to how many items you are adding, there is a balance on performance when you are adding many third party items, as each one will likely increase the resources needed to maintain proper performance. It's a balance based on your site, your third party items, and how busy your site is.
    5. A simple plugin can be fine on a normal traffic site, but put that on a site with 500-1500 online and it kills it, not many developers have a site with heavy traffic to test and optimize on, so this is a common issue on busy sites. 
    6. There really is no one size fits all answer to these questions, it would be based on many factors, your hosting performance, your traffic, and how many third party items you are using.
    From a support perspective, when I see a site with 20+ plugins and 20+ apps, we tend to get to know those people very well, as they spend half there time chasing down issues with third party items.  
    My opinion, keep it clean, keep it fast, and keep it simple, more is not always better in most cases. 
  9. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to GTServices in [GT] Members | Group Enhancements   
    It's actually possible but you will have to edit your postContainer template.

  10. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to bfarber in Utilising the Calendar more effectively   
    You take this link and in any calendar application go to the area where you can import a feed and provide the URL you copied. For example in Google Calendar on the left click the + icon next to "Other Calendars" and choose "From URL".
  11. Thanks
  12. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Maxxius in Why not offer push notifications solution   
    I say leave Apple and it's iPhones in the dust. Why must everybody wait for some company which may end up NEVER doing that? I sincerely believe that you should go with Android which has a HUGE userbase. That would benefit IPS users NOW bring more profit NOW. I honestly can't think why you haven't done this yet. It's not like Apple has 98% of the users and 2% are Android ones..
  13. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to opentype in Why not offer push notifications solution   
    It’s instant and on the system level. You don’t need to open the site manually or check your emails. You get a notification on your mobile device. Whatever you do, wherever you are. It’s how the big players like Facebook and Twitter get people to open their app over and over again. 
  14. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to marklcfc in Why not offer push notifications solution   
    But those that wanted to, would. All it needs is an easy 'download our app' in the footer and the option is then available to everyone. I can only see activity decreasing over coming years unless forums get on board with it, every app you download has notifications these days
  15. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to TAMAN in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    can not do that with a theme. but there is News ticker plugin available which you can add/edit tickers without going to ACP 🙂 
    This does not happen here
    What browser do you use and what is your screen resolution?
    Also, do you have a link so i can check it out?
    Sorry, the menu style designed to be on top only. 🙂 
  16. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from kmk in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Ouch. Toes are a nightmare. Why do they always want to hit the corners of sofas?
    Appreciate the update and apologies for chasing you down. Its only because I'm eager as hell to try it out and start talking about it (plus i said I was doing it throughout June, my bad 🙈) Looking forward to updating across the weekend then.
    LOLZ. I do see a need for it. Maybe what I see more though with individuals is the need for Leaderboards on specific activities that you could then link into a larger overall Leaderboard. If there was stuff like this for speed runs, time trials, etc. the possibilities could be great for individual competitive fun.
  17. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from SerialNoob in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Ouch. Toes are a nightmare. Why do they always want to hit the corners of sofas?
    Appreciate the update and apologies for chasing you down. Its only because I'm eager as hell to try it out and start talking about it (plus i said I was doing it throughout June, my bad 🙈) Looking forward to updating across the weekend then.
    LOLZ. I do see a need for it. Maybe what I see more though with individuals is the need for Leaderboards on specific activities that you could then link into a larger overall Leaderboard. If there was stuff like this for speed runs, time trials, etc. the possibilities could be great for individual competitive fun.
  18. Haha
    GazzaGarratt reacted to SerialNoob in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Yes, one on one, one on many, 3 some... I mean joining tournament without being part of a team 
  19. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to TheJackal84 in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Yeah I got quite a few updates going on at the minute, I been working on this one all week, it is not just the new tournament etc, there is a few new features added and also better coding for other parts, I am hoping to release it at some time tomorrow ( don't help that I broke my toe this morning, 2nd time in about a year looool ) so today I done nothing really, but there is only minor bits left for me to do on it so I will crack on tomorrow as I will be chilling on my sofa 😀
  20. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to TheJackal84 in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    honestly couldn't say mate, could take an hour could take a week etc it will all depend how to code will be, but I will look into it this week, I will be releasing a update in a couple of days so it probably won't be in that as it is a little one with just a couple things extra in there ( I am currently doing 5 updates in total atm just mixing through them bit by bit ) and don't want to hold it off incase that could take a while

  21. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to TheJackal84 in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Yes I will do this for a update, I am working through updates this week so if all goes OK should be this week some point it gets released
  22. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from SerialNoob in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Just bought the app and excited to use it. Hoping to give it a proper use very soon and some feedback @TheJackal84 🙂
    Unfortunately come across a major sticking point at the first hurdle which someone asked quite a while back and you mentioned you'd be adding it but not sure when. I run and organise tournaments and grouping up, but in order to create a tournament I have to be in a team before I can create one. Created a test team with me in it to start creating one and its asking for me as a team to enter it?
    I geniunely believe I won't be on my own with this, as a lot of people like to organise tourneys for their community rather than being in a team. Yes, i'll hopefully play in some but clearly not in all of them and the only way to get people involved is to create the tournament firstso it can be promoted.
    Really hope an update can be done soon on this as its a dealbreaker for me and i'd expect future backers too. Apologies it feels slightly negative as I've not had chance to use any of the features yet. rest assured i'll be updating it with a review when I can get everyone to use this.
    I've noticed you're a damn good developer so fingers crossed its an easy update to make.
  23. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to TheJackal84 in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Currently working on round robin tournaments

    it will more than likely have a league table with it and the ability to add points per win / draw etc and it will calculate them all to display in order of most points the league table can go in another tab
    The team page has had a makeover too to make it more nicer to look at ( with a tab for the teams match history )

    I am also thinking of changing the original tournament view to have tabs in

    with the tabs it will be a lot easier and nicer on the eyes for more teams to be entered in tournaments we can have them split into tabs if there is say 8 - 16 rounds etc it can be 2 - 4 tabs of 4 rows etc
  24. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to mrbowers in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    So we have ideas great but we need to support this project by buy his app. I only see few people wanting to buy it until later. I saw a lot of support days ago now only few buy the current app.  So let's get the word out a bit more and show support by buying this app. It only took him few days work to make this.. We wanted something like this for years now we have it. The dev is willing to do more upgrades to this app.... but unless more show support I really don't see this going anywere more. 
  25. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Iwooo in Custom Notifications - Supporttopic   
    @Fosters Hi, do you have ETA for OneSignal implementation available?  I would buy it right away with that function! 
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