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Robert Angle

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  1. Agree
    Robert Angle reacted to Marc in Pasted text background color using themes   
    I'll certainly mention this internally, however its worth pointing out here this would be an addition to the software rather than a fix as such, as its actually showing what was pasted.
  2. Haha
    Robert Angle reacted to Charles in [Suggestion] v5 and Dead Space   
    You might want to wait until v5 exists before giving feedback on it 😉 
  3. Agree
    Robert Angle reacted to Randy Calvert in Marketplace Closure   
    You might want to re-read earlier in this thread...  as per Marc earlier:
    Given that IPS never did vulnerability scanning, you are not actually losing anything on that front other than the perception that it was being done when it was not.  🙂 
  4. Haha
    These theme updates are making me extremely horny, not gonna lie. 😍
  5. Like
    V5 has me excited. Can't wait for 2024 to get here now 🙂
  6. Like
    V5 has me excited. Can't wait for 2024 to get here now 🙂
  7. Like
    V5 has me excited. Can't wait for 2024 to get here now 🙂
  8. Haha
  9. Like
    Which is perfectly normal. Maintaining security and stability in a forum is crucial, and a 24-month renewal policy helps ensure that. So, it encourages users to stay up to date with the latest upgrades and security enhancements, and thus creating a safer and more reliable environment for community members.
    Also from a business perspective, it also makes sense for Invision Community to implement such a policy. Think  platform's sustainability, allowing them to continue providing valuable services and support for us. So, while it might seem strict, it's a necessary step to secure your community and ensure Invision Community's future success.
  10. Like
    Robert Angle reacted to Joel R in A (very) brief look at Invision Community 5   
    Surprise leaks from the video:
    Change in location to Mark site read Easier access to Subscriptions Iconography for +Create and Report Not yet identified features related to Helpful Check out my in-depth commentary (with screenshots!) on Invisioneer.org, where I break down what clients can expect not just in the upcoming release but potentially as a larger theme on v5 (hint: start making suggestions about Subscriptions!):
  11. Like
    Not really a fix but workaround. The new member always receives an email regardless of which setting previously.
  12. Thanks
    Robert Angle got a reaction from TCWT in After migrating hosts, unable to access ACP   
    Support for self-hosted clients is provided right here in this forum. It's currently after hours. While someone at Invision might happen to read this tonight, they usually aren't actively monitoring until they open in the morning.
    At least it's running on the front end. I don't think it's going to be easy to upgrade from 3.3 to the latest release. You're gonna have to jump through some hoops.
  13. Agree
    Robert Angle got a reaction from Joel R in Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5   
    This is true on my well-established, long running board. I've spoke to a lot of members who visit and go straight to the Unread Content section of the Activity Feed, bypassing everything else.
  14. Like
    In addition to Matt’s post, each of your members (where a new group permission allows) can also choose their own preference out of the views. So if you’d prefer to use the traditional table view for the forum index and the traditional column view for topics (even if the admin has assigned other layouts), that’s of course possible. We’re absolutely not forcing change, just offering more options than before 🙂 
  15. Like
    Robert Angle reacted to stoo2000 in Register/Login not going to the right pages   
    Carole had a support ticket open for this on my site too. The two issues are related to the configuration on the WordPress side. The registration page Carole wanted to use wasn't properly registered as the registration page via `wp_registration_url()`. And unfortunately, the replacement login page isn't acting quite right. It's instantly redirecting requests back to the community instead of asking the end-user to sign in first.
    @Robert Angle That's a good work around for the registration issue though!
  16. Like
    Robert Angle got a reaction from Leogui2k3 in Auto Welcome Support   
    BUG: If you have a forum where a Guest is allowed to post, then when the Guest submits his post the Auto-Welcome script will try to send an email to Welcome the Guest. The only problem here is that the Guest's don't provide email addresses, so the Email will returned as Failed: Missing recipient address.
  17. Like
    Robert Angle reacted to EmpireKicking in Auto Welcome Support   
    So you going to have this file elsewhere on another site now?
    I mean https://www.devfuse.com/forums/files/file/386-auto-welcome/  Not even updated version
  18. Like
    This works perfectly. Thank you.
    Yes, that is what I see too.
  19. Like
    Robert Angle reacted to Adriano Faria in Copying Topic Reply to Pages Database   

  20. Like
    I think this inordinate fear of Invision abandoning self-hosted clients is way overblown. This is probably due in part to truly evil companies like Quickbooks who literally forced the majority of their desktop users to the cloud. 
    The difference is Intuit/Quickbooks have proven themselves to be greedy bastards. The Invision staff on the other hand have proven themselves to be reasonable and accommodating.
  21. Like
    Robert Angle reacted to Marc in Community Hive Block - Where the heck can it go?   
    I would certainly mention that within the ticket, in case this is indeed related.
  22. Like
    Some clarification here. We can certainly understand why people would feel like that, but that is incorrect.  Indeed we have actually made changes to our classic self-hosted licensing specifically to ensure it remains viable. 
  23. Like
    Yes, I read their reply at their other topic. In that case the OP is in very good hands. The Ips staff will sort this out for them. 
  24. Like
    It loads right up for me 🙂
  25. Like
    I could load this last night. But I cannot this morning
    This link works for me. You seem to have a lot of members posting just fine.
    I was also able to access your AdminCP's login screen.