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Joel R

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  1. Like
    Joel R reacted to Pavel Chernitsky in Thread title to first unread - in "popular now" block   
    WHAT?! I read all your guys' posts about the 4.5 release (Also being so very much excited about it. when do we get it? when? WHEN?!?! I NEED IT!!!). how the mighty F did I miss that?!
    Thanks! Going to read up on that. Keep up the incredible work, you beautiful, beautiful, people you. ❤️ (<-totally platonic heart emoji)
  2. Like
    Joel R reacted to Meddysong in Commerce Support Tab   
    You remove the Support menu item using the Menu Manager in the ACP. There are a couple of in-built tools for editing language strings. The easiest is the Visual Language Editor:
  3. Like
    Joel R reacted to BomAle in Set search to bring content ONLY with multiple tags?   
    currently tags are defined into where clause with "IN" operator
    //system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php:865 $tagWhere = array( $itemsOnlyTagSearch . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'index_item_index_id', $tagIds ) ); I think this issue should be exposed into feedback forum for improve search filtering for future release
  4. Like
    Joel R reacted to DawPi in How do to get cookies notice ?   
    ACP - System - Settings - Terms & Privacy Policy -- Guest Options (at the end of the page)
  5. Like
    Joel R reacted to bfarber in [PAGES] Remove comment tab header   
    body[data-pagecontroller="page"] [data-controller="core.front.core.commentsWrapper"] .ipsTabs { padding: 0px; } that should do it, but play around with the inspector in your browser to get an idea of whether that gets you what you want or not
  6. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Phil Këvin in Home Page with basic information   
    There are enhancements coming in Invision Community 4.5 that can help you design a homepage.  You will need the Pages application:
  7. Like
    Joel R reacted to IP-Gamers in It's possible to IPS add this feature?   
    /* Фоны для форумов */ .cForumRow [data-forumid="26"] { background: url(https://l4d2noob.ru/imgnoobstyle/Cisco-1.jpg) no-repeat !important; box-shadow:0 0 0 128px rgba(0, 0, 0.99, 0.50) inset; } [data-forumid="3"] { background: url(https://i.playground.ru/i/pix/1055072/image.jpg) no-repeat !important; box-shadow:0 0 0 128px rgba(0, 0, 0.99, 0.50) inset; } [data-forumid="21"] { background: url(https://l4d2noob.ru/imgnoobstyle/DryYksoWoAAvS0B.jpg) no-repeat !important; box-shadow:0 0 0 128px rgba(0, 0, 0.99, 0.50) inset; } [data-forumid="38"] { background: url(https://l4d2noob.ru/imgnoobstyle/1582088815_threme-theme-dark-2_4.jpg) no-repeat !important; box-shadow:0 0 0 128px rgba(0, 0, 0.99, 0.50) inset; } [data-forumid="17"] { background: url(https://l4d2noob.ru/imgnoobstyle/computer.jpg) no-repeat !important; box-shadow:0 0 0 128px rgba(0, 0, 0.99, 0.50) inset; } [data-forumid="10"] { background: url(https://l4d2noob.ru/imgnoobstyle/games-counter-strike-global-offensive-15025.jpg) no-repeat !important; box-shadow:0 0 0 128px rgba(0, 0, 0.99, 0.50) inset; } [data-forumid="46"] { background: url(https://l4d2noob.ru/imgnoobstyle/b982643080c32bd3fb9c8d956007acae.jpg) no-repeat !important; box-shadow:0 0 0 128px rgba(0, 0, 0.99, 0.50) inset; }  
  8. Thanks
    Joel R got a reaction from David Stringer in "buying" trophies from my members   
    Please ask in the support topic of the Marketplace app.  
    This is definitely not core, any trophies or awards are going to be a third-party app.  
  9. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from SJ77 in Grips about IPS from members of my community.   
    1.  You can advise your members to follow the content nodes (eg. Download Categories) and not the user.  
    2.  You can check out Follow Specific User Content from the Marketplace
  10. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Dean_ in Grips about IPS from members of my community.   
    1.  You can advise your members to follow the content nodes (eg. Download Categories) and not the user.  
    2.  You can check out Follow Specific User Content from the Marketplace
  11. Thanks
    Joel R got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Grips about IPS from members of my community.   
    1.  You can advise your members to follow the content nodes (eg. Download Categories) and not the user.  
    2.  You can check out Follow Specific User Content from the Marketplace
  12. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from CSSlife in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    Wasabi is a storage provider.  It's really only necessary if you've outgrown the storage on your server, and meant for the storage of several hundred gigabytes (or terabytes) worth of forum attachments, media files, images, etc.  
  13. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from DawPi in (DP44) Custom Links   
    Recommending to @crmarks 
  14. Thanks
    Joel R got a reaction from crmarks in (DP44) Custom Links   
    Recommending to @crmarks 
  15. Thanks
    Joel R got a reaction from SammyS in Connections (Support Topic)   
    Core ideas for member discovery:
    When a new member joins, all registered members within X distance get a notification.   After you give X (positive) reactions to the same member, you get a trigger to follow the user.   Notification every X week to recommend new people to follow.  Hovercard add follow button.    App ideas for member discovery
    If user starts a private or shared Album and Blog, suggest his strongest connections On Club index or Club member page, suggest clubs or highlight followers who joined the club Topic Summary add a note that says something like "This post is popular with people you follow like Dwight, Pam, and Jim."  OR "This post is popular with people who follow you like Angela, Andy, and Toby."  That would dramatically enrich the value of the topic.  
  16. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Semenedar in Connections (Support Topic)   
    Core ideas for member discovery:
    When a new member joins, all registered members within X distance get a notification.   After you give X (positive) reactions to the same member, you get a trigger to follow the user.   Notification every X week to recommend new people to follow.  Hovercard add follow button.    App ideas for member discovery
    If user starts a private or shared Album and Blog, suggest his strongest connections On Club index or Club member page, suggest clubs or highlight followers who joined the club Topic Summary add a note that says something like "This post is popular with people you follow like Dwight, Pam, and Jim."  OR "This post is popular with people who follow you like Angela, Andy, and Toby."  That would dramatically enrich the value of the topic.  
  17. Thanks
    Joel R got a reaction from Maxxius in Connections (Support Topic)   
    Core ideas for member discovery:
    When a new member joins, all registered members within X distance get a notification.   After you give X (positive) reactions to the same member, you get a trigger to follow the user.   Notification every X week to recommend new people to follow.  Hovercard add follow button.    App ideas for member discovery
    If user starts a private or shared Album and Blog, suggest his strongest connections On Club index or Club member page, suggest clubs or highlight followers who joined the club Topic Summary add a note that says something like "This post is popular with people you follow like Dwight, Pam, and Jim."  OR "This post is popular with people who follow you like Angela, Andy, and Toby."  That would dramatically enrich the value of the topic.  
  18. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Maxxius in Connections (Support Topic)   
    I've played around with the new release of Connections and, like others above, I would rather be more aggressive on the location-sharingto have it auto-suggested and auto-enabled by default.  
    Some thoughts:
    Location sharing only becomes useful if a critical mass of users enable the future since it depends on network effects.  Right now, it is opt-in, tucked away in a sub-menu of the app, tucked away in the Connections app, tucked away in its own menu item, almost no one is going to enable it.  You really need everyone to have it turned on by default, which is why I think there should be an ACP option to have location sharing enabled by default as a choice for Admins.  If location sharing is enabled in the ACP, I do believe there should be warning message to Admins they have the responsibility to disclose the extent and type of location sharing in their Terms of Use.  I can definitely see some retail boards turning it on and accidentally exposing everyone's location on accident.   There are different levels of location sharing you can consider: none, enabled with anonymous location, enabled with disclosed location.  I believe 'anonymized' location sharing would be an appropriate default, since it still allows users to see who is nearby without disclosing the actual, specific locations on the front-end.  
  19. Thanks
    Joel R got a reaction from Semenedar in Connections (Support Topic)   
    I've played around with the new release of Connections and, like others above, I would rather be more aggressive on the location-sharingto have it auto-suggested and auto-enabled by default.  
    Some thoughts:
    Location sharing only becomes useful if a critical mass of users enable the future since it depends on network effects.  Right now, it is opt-in, tucked away in a sub-menu of the app, tucked away in the Connections app, tucked away in its own menu item, almost no one is going to enable it.  You really need everyone to have it turned on by default, which is why I think there should be an ACP option to have location sharing enabled by default as a choice for Admins.  If location sharing is enabled in the ACP, I do believe there should be warning message to Admins they have the responsibility to disclose the extent and type of location sharing in their Terms of Use.  I can definitely see some retail boards turning it on and accidentally exposing everyone's location on accident.   There are different levels of location sharing you can consider: none, enabled with anonymous location, enabled with disclosed location.  I believe 'anonymized' location sharing would be an appropriate default, since it still allows users to see who is nearby without disclosing the actual, specific locations on the front-end.  
  20. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from crmarks in Connections (Support Topic)   
    Core ideas for member discovery:
    When a new member joins, all registered members within X distance get a notification.   After you give X (positive) reactions to the same member, you get a trigger to follow the user.   Notification every X week to recommend new people to follow.  Hovercard add follow button.    App ideas for member discovery
    If user starts a private or shared Album and Blog, suggest his strongest connections On Club index or Club member page, suggest clubs or highlight followers who joined the club Topic Summary add a note that says something like "This post is popular with people you follow like Dwight, Pam, and Jim."  OR "This post is popular with people who follow you like Angela, Andy, and Toby."  That would dramatically enrich the value of the topic.  
  21. Thanks
    Joel R got a reaction from Andy Millne in Connections (Support Topic)   
    Core ideas for member discovery:
    When a new member joins, all registered members within X distance get a notification.   After you give X (positive) reactions to the same member, you get a trigger to follow the user.   Notification every X week to recommend new people to follow.  Hovercard add follow button.    App ideas for member discovery
    If user starts a private or shared Album and Blog, suggest his strongest connections On Club index or Club member page, suggest clubs or highlight followers who joined the club Topic Summary add a note that says something like "This post is popular with people you follow like Dwight, Pam, and Jim."  OR "This post is popular with people who follow you like Angela, Andy, and Toby."  That would dramatically enrich the value of the topic.  
  22. Like
    Joel R reacted to SJ77 in Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic   
    Would love to use this to encourage users to leave file reviews in downloads app. Consider adding award for 
    - user has left x number of file reviews 
    Thank you
  23. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from Andy Millne in Connections (Support Topic)   
    I've played around with the new release of Connections and, like others above, I would rather be more aggressive on the location-sharingto have it auto-suggested and auto-enabled by default.  
    Some thoughts:
    Location sharing only becomes useful if a critical mass of users enable the future since it depends on network effects.  Right now, it is opt-in, tucked away in a sub-menu of the app, tucked away in the Connections app, tucked away in its own menu item, almost no one is going to enable it.  You really need everyone to have it turned on by default, which is why I think there should be an ACP option to have location sharing enabled by default as a choice for Admins.  If location sharing is enabled in the ACP, I do believe there should be warning message to Admins they have the responsibility to disclose the extent and type of location sharing in their Terms of Use.  I can definitely see some retail boards turning it on and accidentally exposing everyone's location on accident.   There are different levels of location sharing you can consider: none, enabled with anonymous location, enabled with disclosed location.  I believe 'anonymized' location sharing would be an appropriate default, since it still allows users to see who is nearby without disclosing the actual, specific locations on the front-end.  
  24. Like
    Joel R got a reaction from OptimusBain in Drip Campaigns Support   
    Hi, I followed this file when it was first posted but forgot about it (my excuse is a global toilet paper shortage), and I'm revisiting it now.  It looks like a great app
    Can you add triggers for: 
    - start first album
    - start first blog
    - start new club
    - expire purchase
  25. Like
    Joel R reacted to BenCurry in Tips for increasing users?   
    I've been looking at our site stats and it seems we have been pretty flat for the last year.  

    What are people doing to increase viewers?  
    Any tips?  
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