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Chris Anderson

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  1. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Matt in iPhone notifications, web app and more   
    The longest awaited iPhone feature is almost here, native iOS notifications, and we couldn't wait to ensure it is enabled for your Invision Community.
    Invision Community 4.7.9 is iPhone push notification ready for when Apple release their latest iOS update later this month. This means you'll finally get notifications on your phone, even when you do not have your browser open, to alert you of new content on followed items and more. A feature Android owners have enjoyed for a while.

    With notifications, you can have an authentic native app experience with built-in Invision Community features such as the manifest editor.
    The manifest editor allows you to edit your theme icons, colours and URL for when your members add your community to their phone's homepage. This manifest file helps mobile devices understand how to display your community site when launched from the home screen.

    Your members can add your community to their home screen with the share button. Once it has been added, it looks and feels like a native app downloaded from the App Store.
    With Apple finally allowing native notifications and Invision Community's mobile-ready UI coupled with the manifest editor, you can have a real app experience without needing a mobile app.
    iPhone PWA.mp4
    We intend to bring more functionality and ease of use to mobile devices over the coming releases.
    We hope you're looking forward to iOS native push notifications as much as we are!
    The features discussed in this announcement are available in both Invision Community and Invision Community Classic.

    View full blog entry
  2. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Adriano Faria in Member Away   
    I’ll do it. Never had this request before, that’s why it isn’t there.  👍
  3. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Nathan Explosion in (NE) Contact Us - check sender   
    Coming soon...

  4. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to LIVIO in Events: External link/button for physical events   
    As it already exists for Online Events, it would be a nice improvement to add an external link field (display as a button on Front End) in the form event creation for Physical Event.
    When organizer proposes physical events, they often have a dedicated website to register attendees (outside of Invision).
  5. Like
    Chris Anderson got a reaction from Cowboy Denny in How often cron suppose to run   
    Every minute as per the instructions above.
  6. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Brian Garcia in Courses and Lessons   
    @Charles Does this integrate with Clubs? A lot of online courses will have a special Facebook group for after taking the course. That could either be a private forum or a private club.
  7. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Brian Garcia in Courses and Lessons   
    It's probably asking for too much. But, a way to generate a certificate of some sorts could be cool. Think LinkedIn Learning, a way to share it too across social channels.
  8. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Charles in Courses and Lessons   
    Live Topics can create Events so sounds like we just need to integrate Events with Courses. 
  9. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Charles in Invision Insight: Marching into a new month   
    Thanks for letting us know you find these valuable 🙂 
  10. Like
    Chris Anderson got a reaction from Andy Millne in Connections (Support Topic)   
    @Andy MillneCould you please update this app to be compatible with 4.7.
  11. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to CodingJungle in Upgrade problem... Fatal error: Cannot use "parent" when current class scope has no parent in   
    this is one i would disagree on. the documentation states this:
    so this tells me that my hook is being extended by the compiled theme class, which looks like this:

    any developer worth their weight in salt, would come to the same conclusion that calling a parent in an overloaded method, should not be a problem. its a basic feature of OOP in php. so i would still argue that the problem is an engineering one inside the framework. 
    this is why i get extremely frustrated with IPS. its a substantial investment on my part to be apart of the third party community (renewal fees + time), then to be told that a lot of the support issues IPS faces if from third party and frankly a lot of that is on IPS hands. you give us almost no tools, no real sdk (like example or boilerplate code), IDE plugins, cli generators, etc, that a lot of free frameworks will have available.  like most of the "incompatibilities" created by third party i've ever run into in IPS could be eradicated with with included developer tools like a  proxy class generator or a way for hooks to be understood by IDE's. 
    sure i understand IPS isn't a multibillion company and doesn't have the resources to develop like a IDE plugin for its framework, but most of the other things i mentioned, i was able to create without any of that and i'm just one guy with a linux PC and a deskcat. 
    any way, i'm not even suppose to be here today!

  12. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Clover13 in [Suggestion] Events - Support for day specific time period ranges for multi-day events   
    I'm adding multi-day events but each day has varying hours.  For now I'm just listing the start of day 1 and end of the last day but it would be better to allow specifying hours for each day when applicable as these venues aren't open 24/7 and it isn't very efficient to add an Event per day to achieve this, not to mention each Event being considered unique and taking up duplicate space on your Upcoming Events block/list.
  13. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Matt in Grammarly Support   
    Yes, CKEditor claim to have resolved the issue, so we're going to allow Grammarly again and see how it goes.
  14. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Giray in Meeting Booking   
    A meting booking functionality would be great. It's basically like the current daily calendar with the ability to RSVP, but instead there would be the option to do so in a, for instance, hourly fashion.
  15. Like
    Chris Anderson got a reaction from SeNioR- in How to safely delete old database files   
    @Elliot MarxEach self-hosted customer will utilize this software in completely different ways. Very few of us use the platform "as is", we tweak this, we tweak that, we install a multitude of marketplace or custom apps and then our customers (and bad actors) abuse our sites in every conceivable way. We also tend try to run our sites on hosting platforms that aren't "really" setup to accommodate this platform, or if so, not always well.
    The IPS programmers and testers do think outside of the box but its next to impossible to guess how every site will be configured and if there might any underlying problems with a site. So, they create upgrade scripts that will work well on "healthy" default installs.  When an upgrade fails it is more likely than not to be attributable to something from the above paragraph.
    The more details you can provide IPS (and any customer who might lend a hand) about how you setup the IPS suite and your customers use it the more likely they might hit upon some workarounds to get your site up and running again and prepare you for upcoming upgrades.
    One wonders about the number of tables created and prefixes.  What led to their creation in the first place? What has been your upgrade path over the last year or so? The more clues you can provide, the better chance one can deduce what the underlying problem(s) might be. 
  16. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to SeNioR- in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    Support for CKE4 ends in 2023. I hope you are already working on migrating to CKE5.
    The FA4 framework from 2017 should also be updated or completely removed and replaced with SVG icons.
  17. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Richard Arch in RSVP reserve list   
    The latest November 2022 Release video, Charles mentioned some new features that are being planned, such as paid events and RSVP like tickets.
    With that in mind, could you add a reserve list to the RSVP when there are limited spaces?  So that when someone drops out, the next member on the reserve list takes their place and the system sends them a notification.
    My community would hugely benefit from this as members plan their own small events which have limited spaces and there are nearly always others wanting to join if someone who has said they are going but later cant make it and drop out.  It would really help with organising these events and make it fair for others.
  18. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Afrodude in [Suggestion] Profile Area   
    I believe it's time to improve the look of the profile area especially user and group names.

    Everything looks nice in the profile area but these two. I know that you guys do can better and can make an amazing improvement in here. 🙂 @Ehren
  19. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to kmk in Clubs question   
    Hi ips staff, there already so many feedbacks for clubs, would be great if you can share if some improvements coming soon. 
  20. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to opentype in Events: Overview settings   
    While you are still tweaking the Events app, please add settings for the various new sections. I’m sure they make perfect sense for Lego’s international community, but they will not work for many other communities. For example, a community for a local organization might never ever need the “events near you“ feature or location search. 
    Search section: show/hide In your area: show/hide Also: mode (overview/monthly/weekly/daily) could be a choice of options just like we can choose the view modes for forums. 
  21. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Claudia999 in Events: Events with physical address and url   
    Please let’s add hybrid events with a physical address and a link to a broadcast.
  22. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Jimi Wikman in Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic   
    @Fosters Is it possible to add additional fields to the Medals?
    I am using it to display certifications and I would need to set a date and a link...
  23. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to UncrownedGuard in Enhancement to Calendar recurring event functionality   
    I actually thought this was a bug here:
    So adding my support to get this feature added to the calendar.  Seems like a super basic calendar feature to have anymore.
  24. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Randy Calvert in Hump Day: what events would you like to participate + engage with?   
    Praise be!  My community has almost a million private messages from over 20 years.  One thing that would be handy to have is the ability to remove PMs from those who have not been active in XX time. 
  25. Like
    Chris Anderson reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: how do you handle trolls?   
    Happy Hump Day, team! Shout-out to @nodle for being a big fan of these posts. 👏 
    In today's community management hump day topic, I wanted to chat about one of the most powerful ways you can inspire kindness throughout your community. Kindness is an essential ingredient to a successful community. 😌 I know it's a little cheesy, but it's important.
    Some times you may experience negative players attempting to derail your day because, well... misery loves company. In my experience, one of the most profound ways to fight toxicity in an online community is by... not fighting at all. Instead, it’s by offering kindness to those who need it the most. That’s done through understanding, outreach and personal displays of vulnerability. 

    Like a drop of ink in a glass of water, a troll's negativity spews throughout the community (and possibly other communities) in such a profound way that it dissuades others from participating. The compounding effect of their flippant responses, snide remarks, sarcasm, arguments and attacks ultimately creates chaos. 
    Fight the ick with understanding, compassion and vulnerability. The act of opening up to an anonymous person in need not only can inspire them to change, but it opens a door towards further self-discovery. 
    Being vulnerable with your members also empowers them and you.
    Next time you notice a toxic member’s pattern regarding how they post, remember there is more that meets the eye. Hurt people hurt people, so take the opportunity to be kind, practice being vulnerable and watch your community blossom. 
    How do YOU battle toxicity in your Invision communities? Sound off in the comments below.
    As always, here is a list of changes made to the platform in the last seven days. Nicely done, team!
    PS - I have an exciting blog post on the way. Stay tuned. 🙃
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