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  1. Sad
    aia reacted to Matt in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    I've said it many times.

    Apple will never make PWA a first person citizen on its platform; this means complete with full service workers and notifications.

    They do not want a mass App Store exodus. They want that 30% in-app payment slice.


    We can definitely do more with our PWA implementation, but we decided the sensible approach was to create native apps.
  2. Like
    aia got a reaction from alexxis in Get rid of unnecessary duplication of elements   
    The interface has unnecessary duplicate elements in some places. It would be great to get rid of this duplication and thereby simplify the interface and make it more clean and readable.
    Here is some examples:

  3. Thanks
    aia got a reaction from Yamamura in Get rid of unnecessary duplication of elements   
    The interface has unnecessary duplicate elements in some places. It would be great to get rid of this duplication and thereby simplify the interface and make it more clean and readable.
    Here is some examples:

  4. Like
    aia got a reaction from sobrenome in Get rid of unnecessary duplication of elements   
    The interface has unnecessary duplicate elements in some places. It would be great to get rid of this duplication and thereby simplify the interface and make it more clean and readable.
    Here is some examples:

  5. Thanks
    aia reacted to The Old Man in Font Awesome 6   
    FA4 was rather amazingly last updated in 2016 and almost 3 years since FA5 was released, but despite multiple requests from clients, IPS didn't/wouldn't support it. Somewhat frustrated, but fortunately not in a sexual way, we chuckled cheekily that FA6 would be out by the time FA5 was integrated, but more seriously it is IMHO still a missed opportunity as there were a lot of really good features like Pro, Duotone and Light icons and of course the super useful themed Icon Packs.
    So I personally think, respectfully and sadly, that IPS 'dropped the ball' by not utilising a team member to update the outdated FA4 integration. If IPS had launched an integrated proprietary awards and badges feature (er, hello?) for members after adding the automated rule logic of member promotions, it could really have shined by supporting FA5's theme packs and new styles like the multi colour Duo Tone icons.
    Some time ago FA launched kits for FA5 with the ability to upgrade to FA5 on the fly, but the FA4 to FA5 shim although super useful, meant accepting a performance hit, especially if you use more than one style of icon. 
    So here's hoping that Font Awesome 6 once released later this year will be integrated into IPS a lot sooner.
    If you have a Pro licence for FA5, look out for the limited time discounted FA6 Pro upgrade offer.

    If you haven't already seen it, enjoy the crazy video (that probably should have been shorter!) 🤔
  6. Thanks
    aia reacted to ahc in Font Awesome 6   
    With FA6's release on the horizon (a little over a month), does Invision plan on updating the FA version anytime soon?  I've seen so many topics/posts from members asking for an update to FA5, but IPB 4.5 looks to still be using a version of FA4.
  7. Thanks
    aia reacted to McAtze in Font Awesome 6   
    This is not correct. With FA6 on free plan they "double the amount of icons, give access to the new SVG-framework, JS compoments and more.." (Video - 00:47+) 😉
  8. Like
    aia reacted to svit in Mass Prune Spammers   
    Hello, I have raised this request in the past, I would find very helpful if in ACP I could mass prune/delete validating spammers. It happened to me that the site is attached and I had to deal with manually deleting 200 spammers. Currently I don't see an option to select all records on a page and take a mass action with them. Would more members benefit from this feature?

  9. Thanks
    aia reacted to Sheffielder in Mass Prune Spammers   
    Previously on that screen/section there would be a 'select all' option on the right, with tickboxes

    You could then just go down the list, check the tickboxes and press delete

    It's something that you could also use to mass approve registrations

    I really miss it. It was so useful as a timesaver
  10. Haha
    aia reacted to Ramsesx in CKEditor 5   
  11. Thanks
    aia reacted to Jordan Miller in #Hashtags   
    I responded in another comment with the below, but figured it deserves its own dedicated topic. 🙂
    I would LOOOVE to see a hashtags feature.
    Would it be possible to re-purpose / reutilize the Tags feature?
    Members could use Tags (as hashtags) in their posts / comments. When you click on the hashtag, it links you to a search page where other members have also used that same hashtag. 
    Then, include a way to show Trending hashtags in a widget based off of usage (like the Popular Now or tag cloud widgets). 
    I would be super interested in this and I know my members would love it.
    There's a lot of #JusticeFor campaigns on social media, and that could be super powerful to tap into on my forum as well. Just food for thought 🙂
  12. Thanks
    aia reacted to Feneroin in Suggestion: Replacing text with small icons?   
    Hello, maybe you can add small icons instead "x replies" and "x views" like on WordPress 👇🏼

    and also maybe you can add a feature with an icon for showing how many times the topic is shared...
  13. Confused
    aia reacted to Joel R in hCaptcha support   
    @rebraf is as close as you will get to a Tier 3 IPS developer in the IPS Marketplace, so you can consider his files to be on par with core development.  
  14. Thanks
    aia reacted to Tarun in hCaptcha support   
    A plugin is nice and all, but it requires maintenance on both ends. Support for this being integrated into the IPS platform is more ideal.
  15. Thanks
    aia reacted to Tarun in hCaptcha support   
    Will 4.5 include support for hCaptcha?
    CloudFlare just switched to it due to growing privacy concerns with Google.
  16. Like
    aia got a reaction from sobrenome in Lazy load for video embeds (YouTube etc.)   
    I hope that lazy load will be also implemented for YouTube embeds in 4.4.
    This topic is a live illustration why this is important.

    It would be awesome to load just thumbnail instead of player and to load player only when thumbnail clicked. This significantly improves performance on pages with embedded videos.
  17. Agree
    aia got a reaction from THE_SUPERMAN in -200 error - when will this issue be resolved?   
    Well, it's your assumption. No more no less. But what about the diagnostics instead of assumptions? WIll IPS provide informative error instead of just "-200"?
    93 frames and 816kb is nothing for GIFs. Most of uploaded GIFs on my forums has a lot more frames and sizes (and a lot of them was uploaded when i used ImageMagic).

    As i already said, problem is not related to the count of frames of to the size of the GIF, it just appears with some of GIFs, not matter how large or small they are, or how much frames does they have. I've uploaded bigger GIFs with much more frames and it worked just fine. Played around with timeouts and memory limits, e.t.c. and it does not affected the error with GIFs which has lower size and less frames.
    Does not matter, the actual problem is lack of information in the error, that's it.
  18. Like
    aia got a reaction from sobrenome in Chrome's Native Lazy Loading now live   
    No, it's live in all browsers based on chromium 76+. Caniuse just didn't updated their info yet. Test it yourself, it works in latest stable chrome by default.
  19. Like
    aia got a reaction from sobrenome in Chrome's Native Lazy Loading now live   
    Well, it now supported in all popular browsers:
    all current chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Edge, Opera, Yandex, etc). the future release of Firefox (75, will be released in less than a month). These browsers are covering more than 94% of traffic on my websites, so I already implemented native lazy loading on some of them. And it works just great 
  20. Thanks
    aia reacted to ahc in Ignore Improvements   
    I think the ignore feature needs a few more features to be useful.  Right now it really serves no purpose other than to make members angry/upset when they try to use it and find out it doesn't really serve a purpose.  Most sites give you the ability to actually block someone, preventing them from seeing your content or your account.  My members have been begging me for improvements to this feature or to implement a true blocking system, but it's odd to me that previous people who have requested this are never responded to, or are basically told just use the ignore feature as is and act like an adult about it.
    The internet if filled with millions of people of all ages, and just because someone is an adult doesn't mean they'll act like one.  I don't think it's unreasonable to provide a little more in terms of someone feeling more secure about their privacy.
    User A ignores User B, so all applicable content by User B is now hidden to User A, and User B is unable to send private messages to User A.  However, User B doesn't know they are being ignored by User A and has no restrictions given to them.  The ignore system works basically as if User A is the one being blocked from User B's content which seems backwards.  User B should be aware they are blocked and have the consequence of User A basically not existing to them in any capacity.
    My members are requesting these common blocking features:
    A blocked/ignored user cannot see the content of the blocker. A blocked/ignored user cannot view the account profile of the blocker. A blocked/ignored user cannot tag/mention the blocker in any content. If there is a plugin or app that already implements these improvements, please direct me to it.  If not, I can assure anyone who creates one will receive immediate downloads/sales.
  21. Thanks
    aia reacted to TheWorldNewsMedia.org in Everybody is choosing "Night Mode" nowadays....   
    I think we need to include this functionality as well.
  22. Like
    aia got a reaction from JohnathonZemlak in Configure CKEditor to allow attributes   
    This could be achieved with super-simple hook. ... parent::_htmlPurifierModifyHtmlDefinition($def); $def->addAttribute( 'a', 'name', 'Text' ); ... Keep in mind what name attribute is deprecated and not a part of HTML5, so it would be better to use something like data- attribute and then in JS on client side make an id attributes from it's values after checking that these IDs will not conflict with existing IDs.

    I did it some time ago for my communities, here is a live example.
  23. Thanks
    aia reacted to A Zayed in Mark messages as unread.   
    This would be great if it's implemented as a core system function.
  24. Thanks
    aia reacted to cpinc in Mark messages as unread.   
    My community uses messages quite a bit, and sometimes I want to read a message right away but reply later on.
    It would great if I could mark a message as unread in this scenario so I remember to get back to it after. 
    Just like with email, basically.
  25. Agree
    aia got a reaction from Everade in Ability to report user   
    Currently we can report only content items, but sometimes it would be useful to report a user, for example in cases when user account was made is only in order to leave links in it's profile and "About me" section, like this.

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