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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. Maybe you can display a wider box at the bottom of the page instead of using the column? 🙄
  2. Most likely v5 is not included in the v4 beta check. Download the ZIP file from your client area and do a manual upgrade.
  3. It could be people clicking an old 3.3.4 bookmarked link, search engines trying to re-index old 3.3.4 links, etc. 🤷‍♂️
  4. It's only compatible with Amazon S3 rather than S3-compatible in general. I don't remember the problem right now, but I think there's some hardcoded value in the code that makes it incompatible with other S3-compatible services.
  5. After reading the replies above, proceeding should be easy as long as you know what you're doing. The hosting can only help up to a certain point if they don't know the software you're using. 🤷‍♂️
  6. It shouldn't be loading a v4 extension if it's not in the extensions.json file. However, I believe the issue is that the extension is used in the menu manager. I remember @Esther E. added some code to remove that (and other similar menu entries). Either it's not working correctly, or I remember wrong. 🤔
  7. They either don't trigger a location/action, or the user is in an area you can't view. Not all locations show a text on the online list.
  8. This happens when the setLastComment function is called on a category that doesn't have any more images/albums in it: Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Attempt to read property "album_id" on null (2) #0 \applications\gallery\sources\Category\Category.php(625): Whoops\Run->handleError(2, 'Attempt to read...', 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\d...', 625) #1 \applications\gallery\sources\Category\Category.php(580): IPS\gallery\_Category->setLastImage(NULL) #2 \system\Node\Model.php(1084): IPS\gallery\_Category->_setLastComment(NULL, NULL) The setLastComment() function in turns calls setLastImage() which contains this code: If no image is passed to the function, the code tries to load the last image in it. However, when there is no image the $image variable remains NULL and causes the error to be thrown. The code after the save() call needs a simple check to see if the variable is set before trying to load the album_id value: if( $image !== null AND $image->album_id )
  9. If re-uploading them doesn't work it's possible the files are owned by another user/group and aren't being overwritten properly. You can check yourself if you know how (SSH, etc), or ask your hosting for help.
  10. IPS updated the files but didn't release a minor/optional patch like they usually do, so you get that modified files error instead. It has caused some confusion in the last few days. More about it in this other topic:
  11. The CSS changes are still ongoing. Even us developers only have a few rough details about it so far. I don't expect a full guide until an advanced beta release is ready. If not post-final release even.
  12. This happens because IPS shows the report types only if the automatic moderation setting is enabled. Honestly, the choice doesn't make sense to me. Users should be able to select a report type even without automatic moderation. However, the code is indeed working as intended so it's not a bug but feedback. I've seen plenty of people confused by this behavior. 🤷‍♂️
  13. What browser are you using? Did it update recently perhaps? For example, I use Chrome and recently noticed it keeps re-asking me to enable push notifications on each IC forum I use after the upgrade to version 129. They probably broke something with the upgrade. 🤷‍♂️
  14. The problem is that these files have been updated at some point because they're different from the 4.7.18 ZIP file I used to update my site a few weeks ago. The files have been updated without building a new 4.7.18 version as usually happens. 🙄
  15. When you load the list, it's a widget listed under the System (core) application.
  16. Looking at the code, the ACP menu becomes visible if the support module for the admin site is visible: if( $m = \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'nexus', 'support', 'admin' ) AND $m->visible ) Here's what you can do: Run a query to make the module visible: UPDATE core_modules SET sys_module_visible=1 WHERE sys_module_application='nexus' AND sys_module_key='support' AND sys_module_area='admin'; If your tables have a prefix, be sure to adjust the table's name. Clear the caches in ACP > Support. Refresh the page and the ticket system should be visible.
  17. Fresh installs of v4 have the ticket system disabled because it's been removed for v5: https://invisioncommunity.com/deprecation-tracker/commerce-ticket-system-r6/ I guess they did it so new users don't start using a feature that has been removed after the upgrade. Existing v4 sites installed before the change still show it enabled as usual, though.
  18. Try checking in ACP > Members > STAFF > Administrators > Administrator Logs (button top-right). Is there no deleted member action logged on that page?
  19. Oh, I missed that part. If that's the case, there could indeed be an issue with the PHP version. Possibly some code is failing because it's not supported in PHP 8.2. 🤔
  20. @Michel_72 You think it works with PHP 8.2, but behind the scenes, things are not working as they should even if you don't see it. 🙄 That said, your issue is unrelated to the PHP version. I posted a bug report about images not rotating properly some time ago, it might be the same issue you're having:
  21. You can setup the option as enabled by default in ACP. Any member who has not edited their notification setting for that specific option will have it automatically enabled after your change.
  22. Here you go: In your case, if you're keeping the same server and only changing the URL, start from step #3.
  23. The problem is the comma in your CSS rule. See Jim's reply here:
  24. You must convert the tables to utf8mb4 for 4.x, so at that time everything should fix itself. 🤔
  25. I'm using phpStorm 2021.2.3, language level PHP 8.1. Maybe it's a bug in this old version of the IDE then. 🙄
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