Everything posted by teraßyte
The embedded content message in the editor is not reset after submitting the content
Post a topic, comments, etc with embedded content. I tested with an external image in this case: The message should disappear when the content is successfully submitted. === I also noticed a related issue on mobile with this message. When the editor is not focused/selected all is good: However, when you are inside the editor, the bottom bar disappears to let you type, but the embedded content message remains sticky at the same height:
Names in mentions are not centered in the badge
Here you go:
Names in mentions are not centered in the badge
Just look at a mention and it’s not aligned properly vertically, it has more space above and less below the name: @Ehren At least that’s what I see using Chrome v132 on Windows 10. Let me know if you want a screenshot.
IPS 5 Beta 12 - topic edit - error
Based on the stack trace, it looks like a problem with a 3rd party UIItem extension. 👀
[4.7.20 B5][API] Cannot create Item if there is no $item::$commentClass set
The issue is in the file /system/Content/Api/ItemController.php inside the function _createOrUpdate() on line 369: /* Update first comment if required, and it's not a new item */ $field = isset( $item::$databaseColumnMap['first_comment_id'] ) ? $item::$databaseColumnMap['first_comment_id'] : NULL; $commentClass = $item::$commentClass; $contentField = $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['content']; if ( $item::$firstCommentRequired AND isset( $item->$field ) AND isset( \IPS\Request::i()->$contentField ) AND $type == 'edit' ) { [...]When no $commentClass is set, the next line tries to load a non-existent class/array field and throws an error: $contentField = $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['content'];Error thrown with message "Class name must be a valid object or a string" The whole code block must be wrapped inside an IF check: $commentClass = $item::$commentClass; if ( $commentClass !== NULL ) { $contentField = $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['content']; if ( $item::$firstCommentRequired AND isset( $item->$field ) AND isset( \IPS\Request::i()->$contentField ) AND $type == 'edit' ) { $content = \IPS\Request::i()->$contentField; if ( $this->member ) { $content = \IPS\Text\Parser::parseStatic( $content, TRUE, NULL, $this->member, $item::$application . '_' . mb_ucfirst( $item::$module ) ); } try { $comment = $commentClass::load( $item->$field ); } catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e ) { throw new \IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_FIRST_POST', '1S377/1', 400 ); } $comment->$contentField = $content; $comment->save(); /* Update Search Index of the first item */ if ( $item instanceof \IPS\Content\Searchable ) { \IPS\Content\Search\Index::i()->index( $comment ); } } }The same issue affects also v5.0.0.
Canceling quick edit reloads the page
Try editing edit a post and then click the Cancel button. It will reload the whole page instead of simply hiding the editor and restoring the post’s HTML content.
Fix for Unread/Mark Read
v5 takes a lot more clicks to do things we could do instantly before. That’s a fact. 🤷♂️ The editor is especially frustrating with all the most used options hidden in menus you have to click to open (code box, lists, quote, text align, font size, etc). It might make sense from a development/logic point of view, but users don’t care a bit about that, they want to be able to access things quickly. I’ve asked from the start to move the codebox as a button on the toolbar instead of hiding it in a menu. Same for quote. 😔
Having an issue creating new groups
Looks like uninstalling it didn’t remove the column(s) added to the core_groups table. If you have access to phpMyAdmin or another tool to access the MySQL database, you can drop the column yourself. If you’re unsure of how to do it, you can try asking your hosting for help (some do help with this kind of thing), or you can hire a 3rd party Provider to help you clean up the database. In any case, always do a backup before editing the database directly!
Embedded site links are not responsive on mobile
I’ve also seen the same issue with embeds (and code boxes) in email notifications.
Moderate in Selective Forums Only
When adding a new moderator in ACP: Select the Restricted radio option Click Uncheck All to remove all permissions Click on the Forums tab Click Check All under it to give all moderator permissions only inside the forums apps Select in which Forums the moderator can use these permissions. In the example image below I selected only the forum A Test Forum.
Beta 12 is now available.
Yes, there is still lag, but it’s better than before at least. It’s definitely a step in the right direction, but it needs more improvements. 😔
Beta 12 is now available.
I’ll let you know about the laggy editor. I still see some lag, but it seems better than before at least. So that’s a step in the right direction at least. 🙃
[Messenger] Selecting all rows (checkboxes) takes a long time the more messages are listed
Great. I’ll test for a while and report back! 🙃
[11.1] Icons added to categories
Yep. I can confirm, too.
upgrade stuck during the beginning of process
As far as I recall: Version 4.4 doesn’t support PHP 8, which is why you need 7.4. However, support for PHP 7.4 was added in version 4.4.10, if you have a previous version, you might need an even older PHP version: https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/4410-r93/ 4.4.10 Release Notes Added support for PHP 7.4 PHP 8 was supported starting with version 4.6. Only version 4.7 supports PHP 8.1 PHP 8.2+ is not supported by version 4, but only by the new 5.0.0 version. While it’s deprecated, if you want to restore your 4.4 version backup, you need to use 7.4 (or an earlier version if you’re not on 4.4.10). 🙄
New public bug tracker
The description of this club’s forum:
New public bug tracker
Nope. I still see the description pointing to the wrong URL: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/539-beta-discussion/ The tracker word is still linked to https://invisioncommunity.com/ic5bugs/bugs/ rather than https://invisioncommunity.com/invision-community-5-bug-tracker/
upgrade stuck during the beginning of process
Switch back to PHP 7.4 for version 4.4.0.
Custom member photos from FileStorage extension are overwritten by letter photos when enabled
For now, as a workaround, I made the client disable letter photos and added a visible warning when the setting is enabled.
Custom member photos from FileStorage extension are overwritten by letter photos when enabled
I have an application that sets a member’s profile photo to an image uploaded in a different FileStorage extension. I’m talking about this code in the \IPS\Member::photoUrl() function: /* We have an uploaded or synced photo */ if ( $memberData['pp_main_photo'] and ( mb_substr( $memberData['pp_photo_type'], 0, 5 ) === 'sync-' or $memberData['pp_photo_type'] === 'custom' ) ) { try { $photoUrl = File::get( 'core_Profile', ( $thumb and $memberData['pp_thumb_photo'] ) ? $memberData['pp_thumb_photo'] : $memberData['pp_main_photo'] )->url; } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e ) { } } /* Letter photos are enabled and we do not have a photo set, but only if this isn't for email */ elseif( Settings::i()->letter_photos == 'letters' AND $email === FALSE and isset( $memberData['name'] ) ) { if( $photo = static::generateLetterPhoto($memberData) ) { $photoUrl = $photo; } } /* Other - This allows an app (such as Gallery) to set the pp_photo_type to a storage container to support custom images without duplicating them */ elseif( $memberData['pp_photo_type'] and $memberData['pp_photo_type'] != 'none' and mb_strpos( $memberData['pp_photo_type'], '_' ) !== FALSE ) { try { $photoUrl = File::get( $memberData['pp_photo_type'], $memberData['pp_main_photo'] )->url; } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e ) { /* If there was an exception, clear these values out - most likely the image or storage container is no longer valid */ $member = Member::load( $memberData['member_id'] ); $member->pp_photo_type = NULL; $member->pp_main_photo = NULL; $member->save(); } } I am talking about the second/last elseif check in the code above: /* Other - This allows an app (such as Gallery) to set the pp_photo_type to a storage container to support custom images without duplicating them */ elseif( $memberData['pp_photo_type'] and $memberData['pp_photo_type'] != 'none' and mb_strpos( $memberData['pp_photo_type'], '_' ) !== FALSE ) { try { $photoUrl = File::get( $memberData['pp_photo_type'], $memberData['pp_main_photo'] )->url; } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e ) { /* If there was an exception, clear these values out - most likely the image or storage container is no longer valid */ $member = Member::load( $memberData['member_id'] ); $member->pp_photo_type = NULL; $member->pp_main_photo = NULL; $member->save(); } }The problem is that when letter photos are enabled the first elseif check before this one takes precedence and overwrites the custom image. The code must be changed to check/generate letter photos as the last step only if no custom image with a FileStorage container is specified.
[Messenger] Selecting all rows (checkboxes) takes a long time the more messages are listed
Any way you can add that specific fix to this site? I’d love to test it asap. 🤞 Since the upgrade using the editor here has been extremely frustrating. It would also help confirm if the fix is indeed working or not.
Devfuse Collections on v5
It won’t work without updates. The PHP class names changed, the HTML too is completely different, etc. I recently finished remaking one of his applications for a client (Profile Photos & Covers), and I have requests for several of his other apps. However, rather than updating Mike’s code, I am coding my apps from scratch and including some code to convert any Devfuse data (if detected). That way I can resell the modifications in my store. The one I just mentioned, (TB) Default Profile Photos & Covers, will be available to everyone soon.
Invision Community 5 Open Beta Testing
And if you have modifications installed, be sure to check there is already a compatible version available.
Having an issue creating new groups
The g_fcontent_excludeFGroup column is not a default one. Based on the name, did you install a Featured Content application at some point? 🤔
[BUG 4.7.18] Undefined array key "club_node_public" when editing a blog in a club
Fixed in 4.7.19.