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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. A will still see a message similar to "You are ignoring posts from this user. Click here to read it" while B will not know he's on the ignore list at all. That said, even if the member is on the ignore list, A should still be able to see B's profile, search for them in the search page, etc. The only option would be to login as them from ACP and go to their ignored users page.
  2. Oh, whoops, I meant to fill in the title with more details yesterday, but it ended up as only "[BUG 4.7.17]". I've updated it. 😋
  3. Yeah, I figured it wouldn't change for v4 at this point. I'm good as long as it's easier to implement it in v5. 👍
  4. Sending unapproved notifications for moderators without the required causes an undefined array key error: Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Undefined array key "can_view_hidden_MODPERMKEY_MYITEMTITLE"" Stacktrace: #9 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in \system\Content\Content.php:2635 #8 Whoops\Run:handleError in \system\Content\Content.php:2635 #7 IPS\_Content:sendUnapprovedNotification in \system\Content\Item.php:526 #6 IPS\Content\_Item:createFromForm in \system\Content\Item.php:150 #5 IPS\Content\_Item:create in \applications\MYAPP\sources\MYITEM\MYITEM.php:728 #4 IPS\MYAPP\_MYITEM:create in \applications\MYAPP\modules\front\MYMODULE\index.php:93 #3 IPS\MYAPP\modules\front\MYMODULE\_index:new in \system\Dispatcher\Controller.php:107 #2 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in \applications\MYAPP\modules\front\MYMODULE\index.php:39 #1 IPS\MYAPP\modules\front\MYMODULE\_index:execute in \system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php:153 #0 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in \init.php:940 The issue is in the \IPS\Content:sendUnapprovedNotification() function when it checks the individual item permissions (lines 2616-2641): try { $container = ( $this instanceof \IPS\Content\Comment ) ? $this->item()->container() : $this->container(); $containerClass = \get_class( $container ); $title = static::$title; if ( isset( $containerClass::$modPerm ) and ( $perms[ $containerClass::$modPerm ] === -1 or ( \is_array( $perms[ $containerClass::$modPerm ] ) and \in_array( $container->_id, $perms[ $containerClass::$modPerm ] ) ) ) and $perms["{$modPermKey}{$title}"] ) { $$varKey = TRUE; } } catch ( \BadMethodCallException $e ) { } The IF check uses $perms["{$modPermKey}{$title}"] directly without first doing an isset() check (like it does for $containerClass::$modPerm ). This happened after I added the content item class to my development board and old moderators set up before it are checked and don't have the field/value set.
  5. There's also the option of hiring a 3rd party Provider if you don't want to do it alone: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/ With the marketplace closure, I've often helped with this kind of situation. This is a common problem for a lot of site owners. I recently helped upgrade a site with dozens of modifications. I searched for the updated version of everything on the developers' sites. Some were unavailable and I updated them to be compatible with 4.7 myself.
  6. Ok, utf8mb3 is the new alias for utf8 in recent MySQL versions. You have to convert your database to utf8mb4 with the tool in the ACP before upgrading to the latest version. There should be a link to the tool on the ACP > Support page. Click the link and start the conversion from there. Alternatively, there is also a tool you can run from SSH if your database is big (GBs of data).
  7. That's the server collation, not the tables collation. Open the database used by the forum and check the Collation column for all tables on that page.
  8. There shouldn't be any table with that name. 🤔 Is your database using utf8mb4 or a different charset? The utf8mb4 database check is about the only function I can remember that creates that kind of _new suffix.
  9. So, it seems that \IPS\Content\Item::processCommentForm() does not save any values/changes you make to it unless you call save() yourself. That's another difference compared to how the Content Item itself is handled. 🤷‍♂️
  10. I'm adding some custom fields to a comment form in an application, however, adding them is a nightmare, unlike the normal form for the item itself. I had to alter the commentTemplate form template to place the fields in the correct position above the editor. Without the template edit, the fields were added at the bottom inline with the submit button, and the whole look was messed up. There is no easy way to only overload the comment template. I had to copy both commentContainer and comment to use my custom comment template. The \IPS\Content\Controller::_edit() class that loads the edit code/form doesn't use \IPS\Content\Item::commentFormElements() to load the fields, so I had to overload the whole function and add my own field code in there since there is no usable hook point/extension that can be used. The same also applies to \IPS\Content\Item::processCommentForm() since it's not called when editing a comment. Overall the whole process of adding fields to a comment form is a mess. And I assume the same applies to the review form. I expected it to work as it does for items with formElements() and processForm().
  11. I have an application with 2 separate Content Item classes setup. The first one is okay with the normal permissions, but for the second one, I had to add a ContentModeratorPermissions extension to implement some custom permissions. What happens is that the custom permissions are also being shown for the first Content Item class which doesn't need them. The extension needs a way to check the content item class being passed to check if it should return or not the custom permissions.
  12. It's possible to upgrade even if you can't login into the ACP, however, you need to: Manually upload all the files for the latest version. Switch the PHP version to 8.1. Go to /admin/upgrade and login with a known working ACP account. Once the upgrade is complete, you should be able to login again. If not, IPS support (or whoever you hire to do the upgrade for you) will be able to help at that point. Randy's suggestion is probably the best solution given the whole back and forth on this topic. 🤷‍♂️
  13. Based on the error you posted, some files are missing from your server. Or they are there, but with the wrong permissions, and the server can't read/access them. Re-upload all the files from the ZIP file in your client area again and double-check the permissions. From the error, you are at least missing this file => \applications\core\extensions\core\AdminNotifications\PiiDataRequest.php And if it's there, with the correct contents, then the permissions are wrong.
  14. Yeah, based on what you said, the upgrade can be tricky. Especially if you don't upgrade often. 🙃 If you send me a PM with more details (number of posts, DB size, modifications installed, etc.) I can take a look tomorrow if it's not urgent. 👍 I'm replying from my phone right now so I can't exactly do much from it.
  15. Right. I was thinking about that one but wrote about the global one instead. Ignore me. 😅 In any case, if they don't want to allow members to lock/unlock their content, the only solution remains a custom modification. 😋
  16. The only way would be with a custom modification. There is no way to do what you're asking otherwise. You could give members the moderator permission to lock/unlock content, but then they'd be able to lock/unlock anything not just their content.
  17. Based on the error in your screenshot, it seems your conf_global.php file contains an HTTP URL instead of HTTPS, but your server redirects to HTTPS automatically and breaks the login form. Try following this guide before using recovery mode:
  18. Have you already tried clearing the system cache in ACP > Support? If clearing the cache didn't work, have you translated language strings in ACP? Those FontAwesome icons are actually loaded from language strings. If you edited them, the translation broke the correct name.
  19. Another issue I found with the same application is that the widget throws an error about the allocated memory not being sufficient because the code assumes all applications have an updated column and defaults to it when the widget is not setup yet (lines 479-487):: $items = iterator_to_array( $class::getItemsWithPermission( $where, /* Where clause */ ( isset( $this->configuration['widget_feed_sort_on'] ) and isset( $this->configuration['widget_feed_sort_dir'] ) ) ? ( ( $this->configuration['widget_feed_sort_on'] == '_rand' ) ? $this->configuration['widget_feed_sort_on'] : ( $class::$databaseTable . '.' . $class::$databasePrefix . $this->configuration['widget_feed_sort_on'] . ' ' . $this->configuration['widget_feed_sort_dir'] ) ) : ( $class::$databaseTable . '.' . $class::$databasePrefix . $class::$databaseColumnMap['updated'] . ' DESC' ), /* Order */ ( isset( $this->configuration['widget_feed_show'] ) AND $this->configuration['widget_feed_show'] ) ? $this->configuration['widget_feed_show'] : 5, /* Limit */ ( $skipPerms ) ? NULL : 'read', /* Permission key to check against */ $hidden, /* Whether or not to include hidden items */ $class::SELECT_IDS_FIRST ) ); The problem is this code: ( $class::$databaseTable . '.' . $class::$databasePrefix . $class::$databaseColumnMap['updated'] . ' DESC' ) if no updated column is present in the map, everything stops working. Debugging widgets is not exactly easy with that memory errors being thrown everywhere and anywhere. I managed to track it down in the end, and I fixed the issue in my application by manually setting a default value when none is present: # If we don't have a default sort order set one, the code falls back to the updated column which is not available in this application if ( !isset($this->configuration['widget_feed_sort_on']) ) { $this->configuration['widget_feed_sort_on'] = 'added'; } if ( !isset($this->configuration['widget_feed_sort_dir']) ) { $this->configuration['widget_feed_sort_dir'] = 'DESC'; }
  20. I have a widget that extends the \IPS\Content\Widget class, and while my Content Item class doesn't implement/support tags, the widget option is still showing the field. The issue is this code in /system/Content/Widget.php on lines 224-242: /* Tags */ if( \IPS\Settings::i()->tags_enabled ) { if ( \IPS\Settings::i()->tags_force_lower ) { $options['autocomplete']['forceLower'] = TRUE; } if ( \IPS\Settings::i()->tags_clean ) { $options['autocomplete']['filterProfanity'] = TRUE; } $options['autocomplete']['prefix'] = FALSE; $options['autocomplete']['minimized'] = FALSE; $return['tags'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'widget_feed_tags', ( isset( $this->configuration['widget_feed_tags'] ) ? $this->configuration['widget_feed_tags'] : array( 'tags' => NULL ) ), FALSE, $options ); } For tags, the only check done is if the tags system is enabled. Other fields instead check properly also if the class implements the proper interface. This is the check for hiding content for example: if ( \in_array( 'IPS\Content\Hideable', class_implements( $class ) ) ) Before adding the field, the code must also check if the \IPS\Content\Tags class is implemented.
  21. Unfortunately, the only other solutions available are the ones I mentioned in my post above: If you're interested send me a PM and I can try looking at your database and see if there's anything else going on other than that missing column. Depending on what I find the last resort could still be restoring a backup, though.
  22. If app_directory is the only column you're missing, it's possible to fix it somehow by re-adding the column in the database and manually inserting the values. If more columns are missing, it gets much more complicated, though. I don't think IPS's support covers this kind of situation. You can try fixing the database yourself as long as you know what you're doing, but if you have no idea you'd need to hire a 3rd party Provider to check/fix the issue for you. However, as mentioned above, it also depends on how many columns/data are missing from the database. If it's that single column, it shouldn't be an issue, if there are more... no idea. 🤷‍♂️
  23. That shouldn't be the case. If that column is missing nothing else should be loading. Unless it's using the built cache and the code works because of it. If that's the case, it will break next time the cache is rebuilt, though. Most likely you're getting that error trying to login into the ACP because the task doesn't use cached data but runs a query directly on the table (with the missing column). 🤔
  24. If you weren't doing any upgrades or anything else in the database, then you have a problem. A big one. The core_applications.app_directory is a required column for the software, if it's missing something went wrong somewhere. You'll most likely need to restore the last working backup you have.
  25. Rather than checking the permissions, look at the text at the top. It's saying that some files might not have been uploaded correctly. The upgrader checks if the files are all for the version you're upgrading to before letting you start the process. It's possible your FTP program didn't properly upload/overwrite some files.
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